Landing Forums Emotional Awareness Staying Present with Attachment to the Outcome

Emotional Awareness

Topic: Staying Present with Attachment to the Outcome - Started 9 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 10 years ago

I’m noticing that I was very attached to being able to attend this year’s Journey to the Soul event. It appears that the only thing that could “stand in my way” would be my school schedule for the summer. I had been hoping that I could take mostly online classes and attend the event without missing important material. And while it’s still possible that this could be the case, based on last summer’s available courses, it seems it’s unlikely.

I’m noticing a heaviness in my abdomen, even a feeling of hunger, and a fluttery feeling in my solar plexus. And thoughts about wanting to be included, be part of the group, and that my inclusion is contingent on being at the event. Maybe my intentions for wanting to be at the event were more fear based.

Staying with the sensations in my body was very challenging as I received the information about summer term. I wanted to shut down and withdraw. I’m still staying with it.

I’m now noticing thoughts of appreciation that this came up! The Universe is giving me an opportunity to examine my current intentions, which revolve mostly around a need to feel included. I love that I get to look at this part of myself that believes I’m separate if I don’t attend. Wow!!

After some time just being in my body and feeling the sensations, I notice I don’t have to believe that I’m separate, even if I’m not included in the sense that I won’t physically be there. And my joy doesn’t have to depend on going. I’m free to enjoy myself in either case.

Feeling my heart rate go down, my abdomen open, and my shoulders loosen.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Sara, Thank you for your sharing. I have fp’s that want me to “give up” when I meet an obstacle. What I have learned is that the old saying “when one door closes, another one opens” is so true when I challenge that fear and open myself to the support of the Universe, a Universe that offers me opportunities to see how powerfully I am able to create. When I see my life thru love, it’s amazing what becomes possible. Things my fp’s will never want me to experience and see. Thanks again. It’s wonderful to share with you. Blessings, Pam

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Pam,

That is beautiful! Thank you for this! I experience a frightened part of my personality like that too. I’m starting to recognize how supported I am by the Universe in this situation. I feel so thankful that Life always knows exactly what I need help with! Wow. What a gift to see with love like you described. Wonderful to connect with you!


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