Landing Forums General Discussion sp's, fp's, lp's, fsp and msp

General Discussion

Topic: sp's, fp's, lp's, fsp and msp - Sundar Naga Started 8 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 8 years ago

The community board appears to be too quiet. Maybe to break the silence, I like to present the following hypothetical, namely imagined, scenario and raise certain questions, trusting that beneficial discussions of substance would ensue.

But first a clarification: The acronyms in the topic title stand for the following:
sp – spiritual partner
fp – frightened part
lp – loving part
fsp – five-sensory perception
msp – multisensory perception

The following is based on what actually happened a long time ago, but as I don’t remember all the details and might not have correctly understood everything, I like to consider it in all fairness a hypothetical scenario. Of course, what is important for discussion purposes is the fundamental context represented by that actual situation, which I try to present here.

Let us say that some sp’s, J, K, L, M, N, O, etc., happen to get together and discuss the various ideas shared by Gary. At one point during the discussion J raises a question. He first indicates that the wife of one of his friends passed away a couple of weeks earlier and he plans to visit that grieving friend that evening. So, he wants to know something like how he should console that friend, what he should tell him, etc.

Immediately K asks J whether he is coming from an fp. K asks what physical sensations J feels in his body in areas such as the chest, solar plexus and throat. L agrees with K, and he also reiterates the same. Given that two sp’s are making such a suggestion, J probably thought that that might be the actual issue and agrees to figure out whether he came from an fp when he decided to visit that grieving friend.

N asks K and L the following. By assuming that J actually came from an lp instead of an fp, what would be the suggestion to J? He says that it is always possible that J actually came from an lp instead of an fp, but he might be ignorant of what to do in such a situation and might want to know how to apply the various ideas shared by Gary in that context. He asks why J should be shut up by being pointed to the possibility of an fp in action, instead of being provided with possible answers by assuming that an lp might be in action.

The above probably makes L think further and he says that the grieving family might not be able to take care of themselves, and for example, they might have ignored the garbage for a while. So, J could take their garbage out in a loving intention.

K asks N whether he would be open to the possibility that he was coming from an fp. N says that he is completely open and that he is fine and clear that he is not coming from an fp.

J further clarifies that he is not sure whether his friend would understand Gary’s ideas and wanted to know how he should approach it in such a situation. N suggests that J could avoid the technical terms in Gary’s lingo and share just the ideas themselves using common parlance such that the grieving friend could understand and apply those ideas.

J says that he is going to the gym to do exercise and there he will think about whether he came from an fp, etc. The conversations end there and the sp’s leave.

My questions in this context are as follows.

Are Gary’s ideas limited only to fp’s and lp’s all the time? What about fsp and msp? Is it not that the latter concepts are also an important, integral part of Gray’s framework of ideas? And, what does perception have to do with? Does it have to do with chest, solar plexus and throat? Does it not have to do with intellect and thinking process? Is it not that the wise and compassionate Universe offers us opportunities to challenge the fsp and cultivate the msp, and thereby offers us opportunities to challenge the fp’s and cultivate the lp’s? Is it correct to assume that only fp’s come into picture all the time? Is it not possible that sheer ignorance (of msp) comes into play in a given context? Should we not help others to address that ignorance and develop msp and thereby help them cultivate lp’s instead of simply assuming that fp’s are active in them and leave it at that? Is it not what Gary and Linda are doing? Are they not helping us all the time to replace fsp with msp and thereby help us challenge fp’s and cultivate lp’s? What am I missing?

I totally appreciate knowledgeable sp’s, especially those who have attended a sequence of Gary’s events and been benefited a lot, helping me understand. Thank you so much in advance.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

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