Landing Forums General Discussion soul's energy configuration

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Topic: soul's energy configuration - Sundar Naga Started 9 years ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Spiritual partners,

In the current quote displayed on the Life School website, the term ‘configuration of the soul’ attracted my attention: “The personality emerges as a natural force from the soul. It is an energy tool that the soul adapts to function within the physical world. Each personality is unique because the configuration of the soul that formed it is unique.”

I started to wonder what exactly this term means. First I found out that the above quote is on p. 37 of the Seat of the Soul. It is a part of the following paragraph on this page:
“The soul is. It has no beginning and no end but flows toward wholeness. The personality emerges as a natural force from the soul. It is an energy tool that the soul adapts to function within the physical world. Each personality is unique because the configuration of energy of the soul that formed it is unique. It is the persona of the soul, so to speak, that interacts with physical matter. It is a product that is formed from the vibrational aspect of your name, the vibrational aspect of your relationship to planets at the time of your incarnation, and vibrational aspects of your energy environment, as well as from the splintered aspects of your soul that need to interact in physical matter in order to be brought into wholeness.”

I notice that I didn’t write any comments in the past on this page (other than the meanings of two different words). And now also the depth of this paragraph is not clear to me: unique configuration of energy of the soul, vibrational aspect of the name of the personality, vibrational aspect of the personality’s relationship to planets at the time of its incarnation and vibrational aspects of its energy environment.

The only part that is clear to me is, “the personality is a product formed from the splintered aspects of its soul that need to interact in physical matter in order to be brought into wholeness”, the reference here being to the fp’s.

As I really like to understand the depth of this paragraph, I request those who have analyzed it and understood its implications to share their thoughts. I would very much appreciate it.

Thank you in advance.

With love and trust,

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