Landing Forums General Discussion Social Commitments – Isolating Myself

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Topic: Social Commitments – Isolating Myself - rheaabramson Started 12 years, 5 months ago

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
Posted 12 years ago

Since returning from the Journey I have become more aware of how I have been isolating myself from social engagements. And actually engaging on the forum just this afternoon, one of my spiritual partners opened my eyes to the fact that it has really been some of my frightened parts that have been isolating me from social situations. With this new found awareness, i am realizing that I have been isolating even more since returning from the Journey bc new FP’s fear being in situations where it is more diffifult for me to create authentic power. FP’s find it easier to avoid situations all together rather than being present and choosing responsibly.

Right now, I have frightened parts of my personality feeling very angry that I have a work function tonight. It is something I have been putting off for a few weeks that I cannot put off any longer – seeing my bosses new apartment with another co-worker. FP’s of my personality feel put upon, angry, in scarcity of how little time I can dedicate to me, and in sheer terror about how to stay present and create authentic power with my co-workers, major superiority about the fact that they are so NOT spiritual partners…I could go on and on. But in the interests of getting back to work….I am setting my intention in writing here to stay present at this get together and to pay close attention to my body’s signals and to leave this get together at a time that feels right so I can take care of me and to choose from loving parts of my personality as much as I can. Any support from others is greatly appreciated.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Rhea,

The summary version of authentic power as I understand is to choose love in light of fear at the moment that I am aware that the fear has activated in me (feeling for my physical sensations to help identify that I am in fear). As a result, the only way that I can heal is once fear arises in me (i.e. if I hide on a mountain top for 5 years I will feel like the world’s most loving individual till the day I come down and my brother calls) πŸ™‚

Objectively, when I read about your co-workers I see them as amazing/perfect spiritual partners. All the FPs they trigger lives in you and without them there’d be no chance of healing them unless you’d decide to join me on some mountain top (without a cell phone) :)…then there’d be nothing to heal but also no healing taking place.

It’s hard stuff for me. I am doing my best with my brother but so much comes up in me but I intuitively know how important he is to my personal healing (and me to his).

lots of love and hope you have fun tonight.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric,
Just wanted to loop back and let you know that the event I was scheduled to attend that was triggering my frightened parts got cancelled due to rain. I’ve been using your insights in my daily interactions – especially the one about my co-workers being perfect spiritual partners. So thank you!

Posted 12 years ago

Thanks for looping back Rhea and glad the support was useful.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric–got your note from Linked in….I haven’t been active in the forums since October. I just finished a 2month immersion program and it didn’t leave me much time to stay with the Journey Community. I also missed the call on Saturday – I thought there wasn’t a call bc I didn’t get an e-mail..
Thanks for reaching out..your e-mai made me get back in the swing of the forum. Been reading some of the discussions and it is powerful to be in this space. Looks like you are doing great work. Wishing you a wonderful holiday and new year celebration.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Rhea,

Nice to see your post. Yeah, I missed the call too for the same reason. Things sound well for u too which is great.

Happy holidays.


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