Landing Forums How You are Creating Authentic Power Sharing what I did at the Journey Retreat

How You are Creating Authentic Power

Topic: Sharing what I did at the Journey Retreat - Cindy Started 10 years, 7 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

I feel a lot of gratitude for all of my experiences at the Journey to the Soul Retreat this year. The true-life situational enactments which were demonstrated by other participants really brought “home” for me how to really apply the tools of creating authentic power and spiritual partnerships in my daily life. I set the intention to step into this process as fully as I can right now.

I live in a rural community not far from Kansas City, Kansas, though the dynamic of “rural” or “farming” community is in, and has been in, motion of changing for some time now. It is a very close knit and essentially fundamentalistic community with very strong Protestant beliefs. Until my early forties I resonated with that dynamic and I still enjoy sharing, essentially, the wonder of the Universe with people local to my area in verbal manner when the moment opens to such sharing between us. I have been aware for some time that the religious community around me views me with some skepticism and I have allowed myself to be controlled by my fears of not being accepted and so I have not wanted to open to my heart and allow my loving parts to share fully and freely by way of practicing the creation of authentic power in my daily life here.
On Friday, when I arrived at my home after traveling back from the Event, the woman who had cared for my dog at her kennel brought Andy, (my dog), to my house and I invited her upstairs so that I could write a check for her. As we sat at the dining table we began to converse and she inquired about where I had gone and what I had done. I said that I had been at a Retreat and she inquired as to what type of a retreat and what did I do there. I allowed myself to be completely open and shared fully in answer to her questions. I explained about how spiritual growth is something which anyone can apply in their life and that it is inclusive for all whether one be Hindu, Muslim, Christian, etc. I shared that if someone needs certain religious practices and rituals in their life because it is important for them then that is what they may need to do. I also spoke about emotional centers and emotional awareness and I was able to describe how choice had been demonstrated at the Retreat in very practical sharing by people through sharing of their real-life power struggles and such which they had encountered in their lives and how that might look if they chose to do things in a different way.
I told her that I am not an expert and that this year at the Event, I really felt that I understood much better about how to apply the process in a practical manner in my daily life. I also was able to describe briefly how a spiritual partner might support another who might be acting from a frightened part of their personality.
I’m very grateful and happy that I was able to do all of this in a very clear manner and to be relaxed within the process of that. I believe that she may have had some FPs active while I spoke because I felt its presence by way of how she sort of stared at me wide eyed as she listened. I was able to be completely direct in my communication and I do not even know this person well. After my guest had left my house I eventually had just a little bit of frightened parts become activated as I considered that my discourse may find its way around the community such as can be the case in small communities anywhere, whether it is a small town or a family unit, or a place of employment, etc. I became aware of the beauty of releasing attachment to the outcome and how it is important for me to continue to release attachment later on and later on when the same fear of rejection by others comes to me concerning this situation. I came to understand the beauty of letting go and trusting the Universe to take my intention, which was present as I shared, and do what it does in completion and continuance of that. And by letting go each time that fear comes up in my thoughts, I can let go of it in trust and thereby, I am free to continue in my spiritual growth. I feel truly grateful for everything that I experience at the Event!

Posted 11 years ago

I honour your commitment to your spiritual growth, Cindy, and deeply appreciate the support you gave me at the Journey.

With love, Rosalind

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