Landing Forums Spiritual Partnership Sharing and the Power of Spiritual Partnership

Spiritual Partnership

Topic: Sharing and the Power of Spiritual Partnership - Kristen Richardson Started 12 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 12 years ago

My intention for sharing is to heal and cultivate love. I feel healing take place in me when I share, and I feel the power in me when I share what is in my heart. I have been creating authentic power for several years now. I just finished a therapy session (as a therapist I support my client’s using the Spiritual Parthership Guidelines), and the power of this session prompted me to share with you, what I create in my life with my intention to create authentic power. This is one example: For 14 years I indulged frightened parts of my personality and avoided a romantic spiritual partnership with one soul in particular. My intuition guided me towards him for my healing over and over again and what I would learn from a relationship with him…… time and time again and I thought “I don’t have the tools to enter into this relationship, it is simply impossible”, it took me 14 years to have the courage to open to this learning. I spent 3 years in this opportunity that ended 9 months ago. During todays session with my client I am able to see more clearly yet the power of all of my choices. The three years I spent in the spiritual partnership relationship brought me face to face with the deepest pain I have yet to be aware of in me. He triggered the deepest pain in me during the relationship and was the primary support for me during that time of healing; he both triggered me and was my spiritual partner that helped me to heal. It appeared to be FP’s of his personality that ended our relationship 9 months ago and that abrupt ending has been an even deeper healing opportunity for me. It has brought me face to face with the FP’s of my personality that feel abandoned, rejected and separate. I can’t even begin to share the depth of gratitude I have in my life right now. If I hadn’t been open to the relationship with this spiritual partner and had the courage to face my deepest fears and begin to heal them, I would have missed the opporutnity today to truly support another soul today with her healing. Her pain is deep……and because I have opened to healing that pain in me I could be with her today as she felt the depths of her pain and allowed me to see that pain in her….she shared her pain with me. I was able to hold the space for her. I was experiencing extreme appreciation, beauty, honor and sacredness as I was with this soul. I no longer have contact with my former partner, that is simply what feels loving, however the power of my time with him and the spiritual partnership we shared has taken me so deep into my healing. Relationships to me aren’t there to cover up my FP’s that feel lonely, they are there to support me, for me to share, be open and feel the pain and love they support me with experiencing; when my healing with this person is done, the relationship ends. My intention is to be open and honor all my spiritual partnerships. Without my interactions and connections with other soul’s I would not be able to see this pain in me to heal and I wouldn’t have the opportunity to love.
Kristen Richardson
Kristen Richardson

Posted 12 years ago

Absolutely beautiful Kristen, the gifts of a relationship that continue to keep on giving. I am so glad that you were able to see in that moment how you were able to support your client and how she supported you as well.

Thank you for sharing what your intention to create authentic power has done for you.

Love, Pamela

Posted 12 years ago

About a week ago I decided to act couragously and end a very unsatisfactory, exclusive relationship. I thought I was just being a weanie, and was afraid of hurting his feelings. After summoning the courage and speaking my truth, we amicably parted ways. A couple days later, I realized the real truth. I was holding on to this relationship out of fear of being alone and fear of loneliness. From this fear I felt a subtle depression and anxiety. The pain in my heart center felt aweful and correlated with the anxiety I felt. I also discovered that these are frightened parts of my personality that I have been trying to avoid my whole life. What is so weird about not dealing with it head on, is that I suffered anyway. I suffered by going through the school of hard knocks. I learned that I can face my fear, as aweful as it feels, and choose Trust instead. Trust that the Universe has my back, and I will not only be o.k., I will triumph by living in awareness and authenticity.

With Love,
Rebecca Smith

Posted 12 years ago

Kristen, Pamela & Rebecca,

Thank you for sharing your postings. I agree with Pamela’s words about Kristen’s sharing. Kristen, I’m inspired by your courage to continue to create authentic power and I was reminded that relationships are there to help us grow and they will bring up a lot of FP’s and they are gifts to help us grow. I sometimes forget that and forget that conflict itself is not a reason to run away from a relationship but instead to examine and heal your FP’s. Also, what had a profound impact on me is the reminder that when you heal a FP or several FP’s you can have more compassion for yourself and be present and of support to someone else’s FP’s like that of your client. And Rebecca, your realization that you’ve been avoiding several FP’s your whole life to avoid suffering only caused suffering is very powerful. The Universe “had your back” even in that realization.

Much Love,

Posted 12 years ago


Do you intend to continuing posting to this message board when the e-course is complete? If so I would love to find a way to continue connecting with you.

Love, Pamela

Posted 12 years ago


Yes, I plan to continue posting on this community board and I’d like to continue connecting with you as well!


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Kristen
I just signed into the community, and i read your post. Some of it resonated with me, and I have a question for you about your relationship. Please don’t feel compelled to answer if it’s too personal. You say in your post, “it appears frightened parts of his personality ended the relationship.” Was it just FP of his personality, or yours too? Did you feel you were willing to continue the relationship? Do you feel or did you at the time feel that your growth with this person had ended? I’m in a relationship where I can see FPofP threatening the love on both our parts, but so far, the loving places manage to override. I’m wondering if you felt this way at one point and if things changed or was it always a struggle? Look forward to hearing from you, Lori

Posted 12 years ago

Thank you for the question. This is a deep question and I am grateful to be with it and see what i learn about myself. My intention for the relationship with this partner was to challenge the FP’s of my personality that felt I couldn’t be with him because of thousands of excuses my FP’s had, that I indulged for years…as I mentioned, despite the powerful intuition I had guiding me towards him for what i would learn about myself. So, my intention was simply to face what he triggered in me so I could learn, grow, heal. The entire time I was with him the FP thought of “I can’t be with him, it’s too much, the pain is too deep, what he triggers in me is to much for me to handle..I simply can’t do this;” rang loud. The final moment was me indulging this FP. I indulged all the judgment (my FP’s focused towards him in that moment) that I had been doing my best to heal. This triggered FP’s in him and he left. I noticed FP’s in me that felt rejected, abandoned and separate wanting to cling to him, so I challenged that by not having contact with him and going inside myself to heal the deep pain I was experiencing. I wanted to continue the relationship, however I have chosen to let him go. The pain in me continues to be deep, so I contiue to feel it, see it’s thoughts and intentions and choose to heal it by focusing on me. It is beginning to lessen in it’s strength. Two weeks before he left I set an intention to quit indulging my FP’s and open to loving him without fear, 100%. I feel it has taken this experience to bring me closer to experiencing that intention. My goal isn’t to be with him, it is to be free of this FP of my personality, to love everyone without fear. I can see that his Soul and the immense love he brings to my awareness and this experience of the last 9 months has been the perfect experience for my growth, to heal this deep pain (FP of my personality). I don’t know if that answered your question? Thank you for your support.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Kristen, I’m wondering if your thoughts about “loving without fear” are coming from another fp? “Loving without fear”…is there any other way to love? Blessings, Pam

Posted 12 years ago

Thank You Pam,
I feel this FP as a constriction over my upper chest and a denseness to the energy; constriction in my sacral chakra especially on the left side. The FP thought is a terror of fear triggered by Love, by the vulnerability, and thoughts of mourning the loss of the FP’s of my personality..”will I be okay?” The intention of the FP is to keep distance, to indulge feeling separate, alone, lost, and unworthy. I feel my throat and core tense up…everything slow down. This is a very familiar FP of my personality. My intention is to feel this pain, how deep and familiar it is with the intention of healing it. My intention is to be aware of this FP and not indulge it. To be open, grateful, in communication with the Universe, allowing Love to flow through me. Thank you Pam for offering this moment to me.

Posted 12 years ago

So sorry for this delay in my response. At first, I didn’t want to rush a response, but then, an unexpected thing happened over the weekend. I put my dog of 13 years to sleep. I’m sharing this because my reaction was SO shocking to me. I was never a “dog person” and frankly, my dog drove me crazy for a variety of reasons. However, the loss I feel and the pain of his absence is so deep that it has triggered so many FPs. I find it amazing how opportunities to heal come to us in the most unexpected ways. Strangely, I feel like the way he died was such a blessing. He didn’t give me a chance to analyze or think… it was so fast, I only had time to feel. I am trying to be present with my vulnerability and take this open heart with me into other experiences in my life and see how it feels. So far, I’m still being challenged. As far as your relationship, I empathize. It’s so difficult not to run from ourselves or to self-sabotage. The level of awareness it takes to really act from a place of love, is one that I am only just beginning to understand. I wish you strength on your journey and leave you with the knowledge that you are not alone. Best… Lori

Posted 12 years ago

Hello Lori,
Thank you for sharing. My intention is to be a spiritual partner with you and share a possible frightened part of your personality I may have noticed? I am wondering if you possibly had a frightened part of your personality active when you mentioned that I am not alone? Possibly caretaking? Do you notice any physical sensations in your body?

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Kristen
Actually… letting you know you are not alone only evokes positive feelings as it was meant to be a genuine expression of compassion. I know that for me, it is sometimes comforting to know people are sharing similar experiences. Not in a “misery loves company,” sort of way, rather just some support that their are others traveling the same road. Hope that resonates… be well… lori

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