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Topic: Sharing - Kristen Richardson Started 8 years, 11 months ago

Viewing 7 posts - 31 through 37 (of 37 total)
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks everyone for your sharing and support. I have to sign off now. See you all soon!

Posted 9 years ago

Pam, thank you for the reminder of setting the intention of seeing others who really trigger fps as souls. This is supportive for me to remember that we are all equal and to create that in myself. It is also very supportive to me that you shared about not getting caught in fps “story”. These are things which will be supportive to keep me focused to come from loving parts when working to use my courage.

Posted 9 years ago

Kristen, gratitude for being triggered to feal pain and notice a great deep seated fear. Wow your loving perspective is truly active. I am very encouraged.

Posted 9 years ago

Gratitude for pain triggering life circumstances is not my normal response yet I know this is where the Universe is taking me. In December life presented a collection of circumstances virtually simultaneously that triggered such deep seated fear of unworthiness, unlovaibilty, and lack of control that I have been in a FP behavior pattern constantly even now a month later. I appreciate your courage to share your loving response, it supports me in finding that foothold of gratitude for all that I most deeply fear. Your support is an example of why I chose to be a part of the Life School.

Posted 9 years ago

Lisa it is interesting that I missed the chat session session because I was supporting a High School senior I have been mentoring since he was 12. For me the experience of mentoring like trying to raise my own children is such a rich mirror for me to see myself in them. You mentioned their homework and I know in our small group calls your homework has come up. Have you seen something that supports you or helped you support them?

Posted 9 years ago

Cindy thanks for the reminder to let go and live in the present moment. For me letting go of my past behavior (feeling regret) has been just as critical as letting go of what might happen in the future. Past and future has never been safe ground from fear for me. I need reminders from my Spiritual Partners to stay in the present moment, so thank you.

Posted 9 years ago

Doug as I read your post of the simultaneous awareness and attention on these fp are so familiar to me – unworthiness, not being enough, and loved enough is my biggest challenge and how to tackle them when a storm hits. I am continually working through it and challenging my fp on purpose, for example, reaching out to my brother who I stopped care taking and him who chose to distance himself from the family (no communication). I reached out with loving intention, noticed the fp come up but it was not nearly as strong as before, I released myself from the outcome knowing he may not respond, he did not respond. As I type this, I feel some tightness in my chest, I don’t feel I am not worthy or loved enough. Ive come a long way on this and still send loving blessings into the universe for him. I want to continue to step out and challenge my fp and not wait for them to come to me (although life is full of those as well). Thanks for sharing. I am grateful for the opportunity my fp gives me to learn and grow to be more loving.

Viewing 7 posts - 31 through 37 (of 37 total)

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