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Topic: Sharing - Kristen Richardson Started 9 years ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Hi Cindy- do you challenge that FP that is stopping you from going deeper and being connected and supportive to others?

Posted 9 years ago

I have a simple example from a few days ago. I am in process of moving a block down the street. I saw my neighbor in the front yard of the duplex I currently live in. We began talking, and he mentioned that he and his partner were going to miss my living next to them, even thought I would be just down the street. I answered that I would be just down the street and that they should come by to visit, then the conversation continued about other things, basically. I recognized later, that I did not simply state that I would also miss them, offer to keep in touch, etc. I recognized that perhaps I wasn’t really coming, or connected in a deeper way with my heart, but sort of pushing away, making light of things,running from intimacy.

Posted 9 years ago

Kristen is that a familiar FPs for you?

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Maritza! Yes, when I first noticed the FP I knew I had to check in with myself. I decided at that moment that I would set the intention to support the kids in the best way I can without being attached to the outcome. The next time I worked with them I was very relaxed and we all had a wonderful time together. I work with them as a group.

Posted 9 years ago

yes, this is a very familiar frightened part of my personality. I am grateful for the opportunity to challenge right now.

Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Lisabeth for sharing! I found it very supportive.

Posted 9 years ago

That sounds like a deep frightened part of your personality? What physical sensations do you notice in your body?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Maritza,

The best ways in which I have challenged this thus far, is to do my best to remember that I need to be present when sharing with others and to work with remembering that all of the time as I am moving into conversing/interacting with others. When I am able to do this, I often take more pauses before speaking and reconnect with my intention to come from loving parts and to be open to what it is that I might need to say. I know that I want to continue doing this so that I can become more able with time, to really connect and be in support of others and myself.

Posted 9 years ago


I love what you wrote…” When I am able to do this, I often take more pauses before speaking and reconnect with my intention to come from loving parts and to be open to what it is that I might need to say.”

That is very supportive for me and my intention also.

Posted 9 years ago

I have found the pause to be very useful to my FP that wants to react in anger, sarcasm or feeling resentful. The pause allows to me breath and get present. As you put it so well Cindy to try to come from the most loving place I can at that moment.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen, I need to work more with noticing the sensations in my energy centers. I know that when I am really afraid to speak and that fp is very much active, I have sensations in my throat and tightness in my chest area. I am actually feeling this now, and am taking time to be with it.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for your sharings. Cindy when you talked about connecting with whom you were speaking, it supported me in staying conscious and really connecting soul to soul with whomever I am with. I had the opportunity to do just that this morning. I needed some clarification about a situation in which I’m a Court Advocate for a young man. I had to talk with someone in this case who has in the past triggered a lot of my fp’s. I set my intention before meeting with him to see him as a soul and connect in that way instead of getting caught up in my fp story. As he spoke I felt his sincerity and my own as we talked about what was soon going to happen for this child. I know that my fp’s have not allowed me to see him in this way before. Through my fp’s of judgment and superiority in the past, I have not seen his genuine smile and ever felt the connection to him as I did this morning. Our ideas about how to accomplish a goal may differ, but my intention is to do my best to maintain my awareness of our connection as souls.
Thanks Kristen for the reminder to trust, relax, do my best and enjoy myself. Love it!!!! Blessings, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

Pam, thank you for sharing. That is a wonderful reminder for me of what creating authentic power creates.

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you everyone for your support and sharing. I’m going to sign off now. πŸ™‚

Posted 9 years ago

I saw something on a social network recently reminding me to pause when in various inner situation such as anger, etc. and to pray during that pause. This was very supportive to me as I know that I want to reach for support from the Universe more. Sometimes when I take time to pause, I notice that the person with whom I speak begins to run forth with the conversation. At those times, it is difficult for me to know how to support the other person. This happened to me a couple of days ago as I spoke with my sister on the phone about a project in which we are both involved. Each time that I paused, she would run forth with her words. I was not aware of my physical sensations at the time. I know that I did not go into anger. But I was conscious of how the conversation was coming forth. I just noticed.

  • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Cindy.
Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 37 total)

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