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Topic: Sharing - Kristen Richardson Started 9 years ago

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 37 total)
Posted 9 years ago

Yesterday I had an insight that is supporting me. I had a FP thought triggered by a former partner/current roommate. When I brought the focus back on myself, I realized he is supporting me with seeing anger that I have suppressed towards the person that abused me when I was younger.

It is only recently that I have opened to seeing this FP of my personality that feels angry. Realizing this allowed me to go deeper with feeling the depth of this pain.

I realized, without this current person triggering this pain….how else would I have known it was there? I am so grateful.

What insights have you had? What have you been learning about yourself lately?


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen- Thanks for sharing. The insights I have had is seeing how strong my FPs of perfectionism and is worried about what others will think of me. I have seen how this holds me back in so many areas of my life especially my spiritual growth.

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Kristen! How exciting that you realized this FP and that you are open to exploring it! I love when that happens.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen, I have been working to let go of thoughts when I recognize that they are from fear. I am recognizing that to keep letting my mind go with the thoughts from fear, that I get caught in patterns of such thought that are not assisstive to my spiritual growth. I am recognizing how much time I can actually “waste” and that I need to trust the Universe, let go of the negative thought patterns. When I am able to let go and trust, I can feel that my chest and solar plexus lighten from their usual tightness. I get a sense of relief.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Maritza and Lisa,

Maritza, can you share a specific example?

Posted 9 years ago

I recently started working with some high school students that are in danger of not graduating from high school. I noticed that I have been attached to the kids doing their school work and noticed a FP that was getting discouraged because I felt they were not trying hard enough.

Posted 9 years ago

Yes! There are many times where I see that someone is in a FP and I am not sure or I want to make sure that I say it correctly, I then often miss the opportunity to support that person.

Posted 9 years ago

Lisabeth were able to notice where you were feeling it in your body?

Posted 9 years ago

I felt some discomfort mostly in my solar plexus. Like my stomach was turned upside down

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Maritza,

I have been realizing again, lately, how much I want/need to grow in being able to go deeper when I am sharing in the moment with others. I want to practice going deeper with being aware in the present moment so that I am truly connecting with whom I speak with, let go of the outcome, be able to relax and trust the Universe and become more fully able to say the things which really support others and myself in the moment. I so often have realization of what more could be said in supportive ways and from the heart, after I have been with someone.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Lisabeth,

Is this a familiar frightened part of your personality?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Cindy! Can you give us a specific example?

Posted 9 years ago

Lisabeth have you been able to challenge that FP?

Posted 9 years ago

Right now I notice I have a frightened part of my personality active. My heart feels tight at the center and a heaviness over my upper chest area. My solar plexus feels tense and my 6th energy center feels constricted.

My FP thoughts are “what is the best way to support right now?” “Am I doing it right?” “Am I responsible, or needing to do something correctly?”

The intention of this FP is to feel inferior, doubt myself, feel distant rather than connected, open, loving, going with the flow and trusting the Universe to guide me, from a loving part of my personality.

My intention is to challenge this, open my heart….trust, relax, do my best and enjoy myself.


Posted 9 years ago

Kristen, yes it is definitely a familiar FP. If things don’t go as planned I have a hard time remembering to trust the universe.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 37 total)

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