Landing Forums Emotional Awareness Sharing

Emotional Awareness

Topic: Sharing - Kristen Richardson Started 9 years, 2 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Hello Spiritual Partners,

My intention for sharing is to take a moment to share with all of you as an additional way I am challenging a strong frightened part of my personality. I have a frightened part that’s perspective on romantic love comes from an energy of obsessive, clingy energy that feels it needs things from another person. My FP thinks it needs to know what my future will be with a man, ‘will I be with someone or not?’, ‘will they truly love me, or will they only want to take from me?’ Will I be able to truly love him, or will I be in a FP that only wants to take from him?’ ‘Will I be able to love from a place of creating authentic power?’
The FP of unworthiness and powerlessness can make me feel like I am going crazy at times. It creates deep physical pain in my body, my heart feels heavy all over, my arms and legs feel tense, I feel a tightness everywhere in my body. I notice a sensation of rage inside of me. The intention of the FP is to look outside of myself to feel I am okay, loveable, worthy, connected, to make sure I never experience what I desire to feel.
I am challenging this by letting myself feel the pain, to see these thoughts come from a frightened part of my personality the best I can, especially when the thoughts seem true. I am doing my best to keep my focus on me. This is very challenging for me, however I can feel the FP losing some of it’s grip on me, for that I am excited and grateful.

Posted 9 years ago

Kristen, I admire your courage to share and to challenge your thoughts of unworthiness. I am learning a lot about how my FP’s think and it helps me to know my FP’s will always think that way, they are not going to change the way they think, I just don’t plan to let my FP’s do much of my thinking. We all do a lot talking about our FP’s and what they are thinking. Take a moment and consider sharing what your loving parts are thinking. It would lift my soul I am certain.

Love Doug

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen,

Right before I read your post a male collegue came to my office. I sensed in him the fps you so beautifully describe above that have the energy of obsessive, clingy and wanting something from me. My fp kicked in and I pushed him away. Then I opened up the community board and read your post. It supported me in being able to stop and feel the pain in my body that I was experiencing and my thoughts of feeling superior and inferior..judging my collegue, what does he want from me, to inferior, why did he leave?, he doesn’t like me, I am ashamed that I want him to be my friend…. I saw that I was experiencing the same energy and my fp felt shame and pushed him away. When I felt more open in my energy, I chose to challenge this fp that feels shame. I went to my collegue’s office and talked to him about the holiday lunch at our place of work today and asked him to save a seat for me at the table. This took a lot of courage as I could feel my fps active that are afraid of rejection at the time I was with him. They were in my stomach and throat area and my upper back heart area. I saw that the intention of these fps was to push him away, my energy closes, so while I was speaking to him I was intensely present with the physical sensations in my body and with him as he spoke. I noticed that when I was explaining to him the reason I was asking him to save me a seat, I was grateful to be there with him and I was not attached to his response. I knew this was another step in my creating authentic power today.

I very much appreciate your courage to share. Would you be able to share an example of how you challenge this energy when it comes up with someone?

With Gratitude and Love,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Soula and Doug,
One of the ways I am challenging this FP is to notice when I want to send a male a text message. I take a moment to ask myself, ‘what is my intention?’ ‘Am I looking to get something from them, looking to feel not alone, that I am loveable, etc.?’ I choose to not send the message and notice what I feel in my energy centers. I look to my thoughts to see what I can learn about myself. I see the FP intention to try and use this other person for me to feel okay. I pray for support with this familiar FP pattern.

I then go inside myself and choose a perspective from a LP of my personality. From the deepest place in me I say things like: “I am okay, in this moment, it’s safe for me to open to the flow of the universe. I can relax now and know I am loved, I am powerful, I am whole inside of myself, I am connected to everyone and everything, all is happening just as it should.”

I am curious about what I create in my life coming from the LP perspective rather than the FP perspective. No attachment to anything in particular, simply curious.


Posted 9 years ago


Amazing courage. I can see such your deep love for your soul and willingness to face such a deep frighten part in order to be set free. I am so encouraged that you did what needed to be done to put your fears in their place, on the bench. You are a very powerful soul and I have experienced how powerful your frightened energy is. I see a vision of you channeling all that powerful frightened energy towards love and towards the gifts your soul sent you here to give, wow, your light, your love, your energy. Thank you for sharing your journey with me.

Love Doug

Posted 9 years ago


Thank you for sharing what your Loving Parts think. I have read those thoughts over and over and every time my heart feels warm and safe in their truth.

Love Doug

Posted 9 years ago


I agree with your words!

My intuition guided me to reread the chapter on psychology in the Seat of Soul this morning. When I picked up the book from my book shelf, the chapter it opened to as I flipped it open was Psychology on pg 186. It says, “The healing power at the core of psychology is the power of consciousness. Seeking out, facing with courage, and bringing into the Light of consciousness that which is unconsciousness, and, therefor, in a position of power over the personality, is what heals.” In 2016 I intend to practice developing my connection between my personality and my higher self and my guides and Teachers. This will support me when fps assert themselves that confuse and distract me, such as overwhelm and perfectionism. It will allow me to obtain clarity about how the dynamics of the fps can help me in my healing and growth.

I am grateful to be on this journey with you.


Posted 9 years ago

I just got a call at work from my son. I was surprised when my phone rang and saw it was him because he usually doesn’t call me in the middle of the afternoon. Then I thought, he had his final exam today so he’s calling me to tell me about it. He quickly said how he felt he did on the exam and then said that the reason he was calling me was because he wanted to talk about something that happened at dinner last night and that when he thinks about it he feels pain in his heart. He said that he felt bad that he said that the food was not good and that daddy was criticizing it also in addition some other stuff I had cooked, and that he wanted to know how I felt about it. I shared with him that I had forgotten about it and that now that he mentioned it I was feeling tightness in my throat and a little queasy in my stomach area. I told him my thoughts are coming from fear that want to blame and manipulate and be caretaken because a fp was triggered in me which felt was not good enough.I felt the shame fp (in my stomach) also for having this fp that wanted to have my son caretake me. Knowing my son has fps that care take I set my intention to support him in challenging these fps. I asked him if he was open to seeing that when his heart feels pain and he has thoughts like I hurt the other person’s feelings that may be coming from fear that the other person will not like him or be the way his fp want that person to be. I told him that I felt he was clear and in integrity when he stated his opinion about the food not being as good as usual and that maybe his fp became triggered when his dad’s fp became active and criticized re” the food.
I have been practising spiritual partnership with my children for several years but it mostly has been one way, that is looking at my reactions and responses as I interacted with them about authentic power and how I am learning to use it and create it. This time was significantly different experience in that I felt an opening in my son to share about this experience as spiritual partners. The conversation felt healthy and strong. I congratulate myself in supporting both me and my son in creating authentic power.

Love Soula.

Posted 9 years ago


Seeing your son in his integrity when he said the food you had prepared for him was not good challenges my belief system. Both that belief system that says “if you can’t say something nice” and “don’t rock the boat”. My intuition has brought integrity to my awareness on a number of occasions and your post reminded me again this is an area of my growth that needs my attention.



Posted 9 years ago

Hi Soula,
Thank you for sharing such a rich experience with your son. I felt your desire to support him in looking at frightened parts of his personality that want to care take…and what a perfect challenge it was to your frightened parts that would have loved to have been care taken by him. To me this is an example of love in action. Your story has touched and inspired me Soula, thank you. Love,Gail

Posted 9 years ago

Hello All, I am challenging fps by sharing with you this morning. When my fps are active, I shut down and don’t show up and don’t share about myself and instead ask others about themselves. Today I have churning and burning in my solar plexus and tightness in my throat and a type of tightness/wall in my forehead. My beloved partner of 6 years ended our relationship and I have been making the responsible choice of coming from a lp of my personality as we say our final fare well. I have experienced the gratitude and appreciation of all the beautiful moments we have shared and the learning and growth that I have experienced. I am focusing on all the ways that I love him and he has loved me and seeing this as an opportunity to practice creating authentic power. I feel that the Universe has given me this opportunity to practice in a way that is very challenging to me so that I may experience true learning in the Earth School. Love, Joan

Posted 9 years ago


What a wonderful example of spiritual partnership with your son. It was also a good reminder to me about how to speak in integrity and hear others when they are in their integrity.


I appreciate you being open and choosing to learn and have a loving perspective. When you choose to see your partner in a loving way what do you feel in your body.


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