Spiritual Partnership

Topic: Sharing - Kristen Richardson Started 11 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 11 years ago

My intention is so share with all of you. I am not sure what I am about to say, however my intention is to cultivate vulnerability, connection and sharing. I just returned from being with spiritual partners in Ashland for the past few days…it was so supportive. I am continuing to explore all the possible frightened parts of my personality that I indulge, and that are so familiar to me and run my life. Like feeling superior, that I am so spiritual I don’t have to do anything, I don’t have to participate in life….also that I am so inferior, defective, wrong and bad, so why open to participate in life when I can’t do it right anyway? Both keep me hidden, held back and feeling disconnected. The loving, direct support I received from my spiritual partners, especially Linda, Lori and Gail reached me. I feel what they are inviting me to explore and I am exploring and re-exploring. Thank You! Thank You!

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