Landing Forums General Discussion sharing

General Discussion

Topic: sharing - Started 12 years ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I am always making choices. When I am unaware of active FPs the choices continue but their quality diminishes and consequences experienced as negative increase. However, the experienced pain derived from the negative consequences is not always easily tied back to the active FP. A little like a fish living an entire life in polluted water unable to uncover the source of it’s health problems…oblivious to the fact that the water is polluted.

That has been me in certain areas of my life. I’ve made so many choices to keep people distant but completely unaware that I was choosing to do so (active FP). I do experience sadness at the thought of how long I continued to make those choices. I believe making the choice of love includes being vulnerable to receiving love. And doing the latter implies challenging FPs around what people would find if I allowed myself to be vulnerable.

The hope of AP is that I always have the choice to change.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric, Really appreciated your sharing. As I become more and more aware of fp’s and their effect on my life, I find that the loving, generous Universe/God is giving me opportunities to change the karma that indulging those fp’s has caused. I am the oldest of 9, and thought in the past that I was “helping” my siblings with my opinions and judgments. But seeing more clearly the distance and pain I/fp’s have created, helps me set my intention to do things differently. Indeed I do have the choice to act from my Loving parts, and I have done so with them. One of my youngest sisters called me today asking for support with a problem in her life. She has never called me before, and we are both in our 50’s and 60’s, so we’ve been together for sometime in the earth school. I now know how to use the tools of AP to support her from love, not fear. To use my 5 year old grandson’s favorite word, this is “awesome” work!! Blessings to you, Pam

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