Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Session 06

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Topic: Session 06 - Started 12 years, 4 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

Session 06

Posted 12 years ago


What a great call yesterday. I wondering if anyone had any insights about themselves after the call?

Love, Joanne

Posted 12 years ago

I have had some great insights about being attached to an outcome and how a frightened part of mine really wants to change another person which eventually leads to a power struggle. I had set the intention to challenge this frightened part and I found that I was able to be much more open and accepting and as a result I found myself indulging those frightened parts less -having less power struggles. What occurred to me with the help of other Spiritual Partners is that in order to create authentic power I also really need to change my perspective. Not indulging frightened parts by not acting on them was a start. The next step is in actively cultivating loving parts of my personality that can see my need to be right or superior as a frightened part that keeps me from experiencing the kind of love I want in my life. I have been reading and re-reading the compassion guideline and I have set the intention to see myself and others in a loving and appreciative way. The more I can practice this, the more I learn about myself. As I let go of the distance I feel between me and another person, the less polarized I am from myself and from the love that is around me. It was a great call for me, too. Love, Hazel

Posted 12 years ago

I’ve been looking at ways to pro-actively create authentic power since our last JSC call. I noticed that I indulged a frighened part of my personality when I did not say what I felt I was noticing in a spiritual partner during an interaction with her. My frightened part rationalized, “…Well…I don’t know for sure if what I think I am seeing is accurate, so it’s best to not say anything”. This frightened part of my personality must be “right” before speaking…fears being “wrong”,…and puts a wall up. I set my intention to share w/her what I felt I was noticing the next time I spoke with her. I used my courage and shared what I felt I was seeing. I let go of any attachment to being “right” …I truly wanted to share what could be supportive, if what I said resonated with her…and I was Ok if she wasn’t in agreement. I’m so grateful that I challenged this frightened part that was not in my integrity. My heart felt very open and I released any distant that I had felt. It didn’t matter if my perception was “right”, what mattered was that I shared my experience and removed the distance that I had created. I would love to hear other people’s experience of pro-actively creating authentic power. Love, Gail

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