Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Session 02

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Topic: Session 02 - Started 12 years, 6 months ago

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Posted 13 years ago

Discuss Session 02 of the Journey Support Community Conference

Posted 13 years ago

Very helpful, like the last time. For me, I could use more time in groups; however, I did not get disconnected this time. I forgot that I had a question about putting our e-mail or phone number on our comments if we want to speak to someone.
Gary, your comments about feeling the frightened parts, but then cultivating the loving parts was so helpful. I could easily recognize the frightened parts, but did not really have time to do more than acknowledge they were active, in the work environment. What I understood you to say, is to have a loving part in mind that you want to remember, thereby cultivating the loving part. That will be my plan.

Posted 13 years ago

Session 2 was timely for me. The triad with Cindy and Randy was affirming. As Linda and Gary spoke about getting caught up functioning and then in our small group conversation, I realized that how easily I slip into human doing instead of “being”. And then become inpatient with myself for forgetting to consciously set my intention. So we spoke of compassion for others but also for ourselves.
Off to Saudi Arabia in a week or so and have received some wonderful guidance from Lucien, and am reading a book about understanding Islam. Many of the beliefs are the same as other religions. Mayan prophecy speaks about all religions uniting?

Posted 13 years ago

I have a very massive frightened part come up over the course of the last week. Interestingly enough it came in seemingly out of nowhere after feeling some victory over my long process of working through my sexual addiction. I experienced it as a terror of being in a romantic intimate relationship. I have this severe frightened part that I will be inadequate; unable to do it. How do I proactively cultivate the loving parts in this situation? I am not entirely sure. I feel really disappointed because I have worked so hard over the last 8 years and finally felt some Light at the end of the long tunnel but then this came up. This feeling like something is wrong with me.

Posted 13 years ago

In setting my intention to proactively cultivate loving parts of my personality between this call and the next, it has been amazing to see what FP’s have surfaced for me. The very first FP that I became aware of as a small child was judging myself for coming to earth. This FP thoughts are of judgment, rage, and guilt. My entire body feels very tense, energy tight and pulled into the center. My forehead feels tight. I indulge judging myself and feeling guilty for believing the limited persepectives of the FP of my personality. The intention of the FP is to keep me believing in the stories of my FP’s and indulging rather than being with this pain with the intention of healing it. To proactively cultivate the loving parts of my personality I am choosing to laugh at the fact that I have been believing I am here on Earth, rather than seeing it as the illusion of the FP of my personality…..enjoying this experience, bringing joy into the moment, cultivating knowing I experiencing this to share my gifts and be of support…to Love. Bringing awareness of Stillness into the moments I remember supports me with perceiving the moment rather than judging it.
Kristen Richardson

Posted 13 years ago

Hi Kristen, I’m curious about your experience. You share that the intention of the frightened parts of your personality that self judge and feel guilty is to keep you believing in their stories and indulging, rather than being with the pain, with the intention of healing it. Which to me, being with the pain, with the intention of healing it, is a direct challenge to these frightened parts.

Although I am not sure, it seems that another frightened part of your personality became active that goes back into thoughts, about proactively cultivating loving parts of your personality, and is creating another story about enjoying this experience, bringing joy in the moment, …..bringing awareness of Stillness…perceiving the moment rather than judging it. To me, it appears this may be a way for frightened parts of your personality to go back into thoughts and avoid ataying with what you are feeling. Love, Gail

Posted 13 years ago

I’ve had a significant FP come up and the timing of it I find fascinating. I was recently very excited to feel how I have had an FP that was afraid of engaging in relationships. I had intellectually known it but I really felt it and as a result made a committment to open up to others (challenge it). Since then I have met 4 neighbors. It has been very nice going for coffee and dinner with them. Then suddenly out of the blue I have become terrified with regards to the potential side effects of a certain medication I have been taking for the past 3 years that is essentially not necessary for me to be taking. I imagine it sounds ridiculous but the fear has been consuming me. I am meeting with my doctor in an effort to discuss a healthy approach to weaning off the medication but the entire experience & timing of it strikes me as ‘interesting’. I never once worried about the side effects of this medication for 3 years; then I experience an openness to others which was new for me and then completely out of the blue I became paranoid about the potential side effects. I did not see an article, news report or even have a conversation with anyone about this medication. I just had the intense fear pop into my head one night when I arrived home. And the FP has been very powerful. I can feel the knots in my stomach, tightness in my chest, my neck and head. The associated thoughts are, “oh no, I may have caused long-term damage.”, “oh no, it may impact my ability to have an intimate relationship” (known side effects are mostly sexual). And I have been feeling drawn back towards older behviours of wanting to manipulate & control people to ‘ease/temporarily numb’ the FP.


Posted 12 years ago

This could be. You are correct; I could have ended my sharing at “rather than being with this pain with the intention of healing it.” (Period). What comes up for me is deep thoughts of resistance, being a victim, powerlessness. The palms of my hands are tight, my heart is tight at the center, my throat is tight. My inner thighs are squeezed tight. I want to be in a rage and destroy the space around me like I used to do as a young child. The FP story is “what if I don’t want to evolve as a soul, what if I don’t want to do this?!!!” And feeling powerless to stop the evolution. I used to try to end my life as a young child thinking it would stop it. Then I started the indulgence of complete resistence. My intention is to be with this pain, this deep pain, so I can heal it. I am so grateful for you Gail, for consciously bringing me back to this pain. I am also grateful for you Soula for sharing with me that Gail responded to my post so I knew to read it. Thank you spiritual partnership community.

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