Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Session 01

Live Session Discussions

Topic: Session 01 - Started 12 years, 5 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

Discuss Session 01 of the Journey Support Community Conference

Posted 12 years ago

The first conference call was great, so supportive. Gary, what you told Amy was so valuable. I too would be afraid that I was giving into fear, to feel all the pain. Actually, the discussion surrounding the little white yippy dog was also very valuable.The consequences of not challenging the frightened parts affects us all, if I understood you. I found it extremely motivating to look at it that way.

I had a much more difficult time with the call this time then other times. It took me 10 minutes to be connected. It disconnected me three times before I could join you, and then four times during my group, I was disconnected and each time, it took several tries to get back in. This is not meant to be complaining, but just to let you know. I think the continued support of the phone calls is really going to make a difference in my own speed of growth. Thank you both.

Posted 12 years ago

I appreicated the JSC call last Saturday and wanted to share a significant experience when I left the retreat. I drove to the event, and my original plan on my return home, was to spend one night in Ashland, Oregon, and then drive home to California. I ended up staying in Ashland 3 days, going home on the 4th day. That was a new experience to me. Frightened parts of my personality kept “thinking” that I “should” get home soon, so I could “take care of myself”. I knew those. thoughts came from fear, as I had purposely not scheduled anything on my calander for a few days after the retreat. In the past, it has been familar for me to return home and get right back into what is familair and not take time to fully integreate what I had been learning about myself. It was a very gratifying experience….(and at times challenging) to allow each day to unfold… w/ o haveing something planned or an appointment scheduled or eventually engaging in some type of drama. This time away supported me in integrating what I was learning at the retreat and my heart felt open.

On my way home, I received a phone call about an experience in our family that in the past, I might have felt compelled to engage in or try to care take or “fix” the situation. I had such clarity and knew that I did not need to engage in the same way…that I could send love to those involved and not take responsiblity for something that was not for me to engage in … I felt lighter in my body and my chest and throat felt open. It has been and continues to be an amazing experience for me to do my best to trust, relax (let go of the outcome) and enjoy myself.

Posted 12 years ago

Since returning from the retreat I have been experiencing a lot of pain. Most of it has been around the deep loneliness in my life. I traveled to Seattle, then Philadelphia, then to visit my family in Montreal post the retreat. In all the travels all I could experience was the deep pain of feeling so alone. And I keep repeating to myself, “Eric, it matters not where you go. This pain is coming with you.” Then when I arrived back home in Toronto I noticed that my ex partner left a voice mail and wanted to get together. I was so thrilled.

After we met I was in so much pain (in the previous tread) and have been trying to go as deep into the pain as I could. To really experience it in my body. That tremendous tightness in my chest and knots in my stomach. I hurt and it has stayed with me. But working through my sexual addiction over the past 8 years it has been clear that what needs healing in me is the energy of exploitation. And with my ex partner I was writing in my journal today about how ugly it was. How I was trying to manipulate and control her in some way so I did not have to deal with that deep pain inside. But then I thought, “how can I have relationships with people if at some level I am always trying to manipulate & control; trying at some level to exploit?” It has been through my most significant frightened part that I have created this isolation that I live.

I felt lighter after writing this today in my journal and felt an openness towards others. I live in a large condominium complex and was actually one of the first people to take occupancy here 4 years ago but never once met a neighbor other than a brief encounter. I decided to go for a walk and as I opened my front door my next door neighbor opened his and I stopped and said, “Hi, my name is Eric. I don’t think we actually ever met before.” And we chatted for a bit. But to add to it when I returned I walked on the elevator and the person beside me pushed the button for my floor. I felt I had never seen him before and I introduced myself to him as well but he said that we had once already met but it was the first time we chatted for more than a brief moment. Now, I am going to write a note for the first neighbor I met and leave it under his door to invite him over for a coffee.

It much more clear in me that there is a process or natural evolution. My first job is to learn to create universal/human intimacy and the positive consequence of that will be the opportunity to create an intimate relationship with a partner. I had been stuck for the longest time between isolation & sexual addiction. Terrified of engaging in human intimacy.

Curious to see where this will all lead.

with much love,

Posted 12 years ago

I have been experiencing a lot of late and it has felt quite special for me (and extremely difficult). I feel that I want to share.

Gary often refers to the ‘dramatic shift in human consciousness’ that we are undertaking. I feel a tremendous power over my experience of my sexual addiction that I have never felt before. Years upon years of frustration and anxiety. However, of late I have been feeling a real openness towards others. I can only describe it as the feeling that I am learning to live from my heart. And that to me is the dramatic shift. It is my shift; down from my head to my heart. And my years of frustration have been as a result of how tremendously difficult that shift is. I always knew in my head what was the more optimal way to live but I lacked the strength to do so. The purpose of The Seat of the Soul was to open my heart. And when I read it that is what it did. However, once I closed the book so to did my heart but leaving a very small trace of Light. A Light that I knew I needed and wanted to expand. I am becoming truly enlightened; I have in me more Light than I ever had before. And this is the Light that will help shine the way to more empowered choices; better life; an authentic life.

It’s interesting because I always had one main cost to holding on to my sexual addiction. It was the very deep intuitive knowledge that it was impossible to maintain the addiction and fulfill my life’s purpose. It was something I had always carried with me even as a young man. Knowing that I could not have one with the other. I think it relates to how in quantum physics knowing precisely the position of or momentum of a sub-atomic particle means you know nothing of the other. You can have all the info. on one but by doing so means you have no info. on the other. Maybe I am now getting closer to uncovering what my sacred contract is. That has been my deepest dream and the frustration of it has caused me my most significant pain.

thanks for listening.

with much love.


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