Landing Forums Study Groups Sharing Seat of the Soul: chapter 5, Intuition

Study Groups Sharing

Topic: Seat of the Soul: chapter 5, Intuition - Catherine Started 10 years, 8 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

This evening we began our study group of chapter 5 by listening to Gary’s audio meditation. When I heard that someone loving, a friend who had my greatest and most loving interests at heart (I’m paraphrasing because I don’t remember word for word) was waiting for me in the grove, I felt overwhelmed with grief and wanted to weep–how is it possible, I asked myself, that someone would love me so much and be so welcoming? I was clearly listening to frightened parts of my personality that distance themselves from everyone, including my own innermost, loving self.

During the meditation, when in the grove I encountered my friend, who represented my intuition, I realized that she/my intuition was instructing me to love myself. I was so struck by this realization. Yes, everything starts with the love of myself, which means a commitment to this intention: taking better care of myself in every possible way–physical, psychological, mental and spiritual–for my own growth and for my freedom to love everyone outside myself as well. If I don’t begin with love for myself, I will remain trapped by frightened parts of my personality that cannot extend love to others.

Feeling so grateful for that new and powerful awareness.

With love,

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