Landing Forums Study Groups Sharing Seat of the Soul, chapter 3, Reverence

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Topic: Seat of the Soul, chapter 3, Reverence - Catherine Started 10 years, 8 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

On the final page of chapter 3 in Seat of the Soul, Gary writes: “The reverent person cannot consider himself or herself superior to another person or to any other form of Life, because the reverent person sees Divinity in all forms of Life, and honors it” (p. 42). And the study guide for chapter 3 ends with this question: “If you revered all things, how would your life be different?”
As I learn to practice authentic power, I also learn to become reverent, to love all forms of life, including the mosquito who attempted to feed on me yesterday in my room and whom I didn’t kill because I was able to stop my unconscious reaction just in time. Instead, I caught the mosquito, wrapped my hand around her as gently as I could and released her outside. I have been challenging these particular fps of control ever since I heard from someone who spent time in a Korean monastery that Buddhist monks there practice reverence for all beings to the point of not even killing a mosquito. Looking at a mosquito with reverence rather than fear is a huge challenge to frightened parts of my personality. I also remember a French film called Microcosmos, which ends with a striking sequence, in slow motion, of an insect elegantly unfolding its transparent wings then taking flight in the brilliant early morning sun. Only at the end of the sequence does the film resume its normal speed, and what we see is a mosquito rapidly buzzing away (the buzzing sound is unmistakable). Ever since watching this film at least 15 years ago, I have felt a certain amount of reverence for mosquitoes, understanding with my heart how beautiful and perfect they are, but I still indulged fps that would smack them if “attacked.”
For me, revering all things also means minimizing the impact my life has on other forms of life. I recently adopted the vegan way of life, which seeks to lessen suffering in the world through compassion for all beings and through mindful living. I see this turn in my life as naturally evolving from my intention to practice authentic power. As I understand it, to be loving means to be reverent, or to perceive others with the eye of the heart, which seeks never to harm anyone, all the way to the “lowly” and “pesky” mosquito. I can see clearly how frightened parts that react to mosquitoes are the same as those that react to people with anger, frustration, judgment, or the desire to control. Every challenge to these frightened parts of my personality comes from my intention to cultivate authentic power.
With love,

Posted 11 years ago

A quote from the end of the chapter on Reverence: ” The soul does not judge, and so the personality chooses to bring into physical reality another of its soul’s characteristics when it chooses to approach Life with reverence.”
I am applying this in my life in my business. I have an outside agency do my medical billing for me and from the FP perspective it appears to not be going well. They owe me thousands of dollars, and the frightened part of my personality feels powerless. My FP wants to judge them and the situation. I am choosing to cultivate peace as I do what I need to do from the most healthy, loving place I can find. I am aware I could be experiencing karma. I am open to the Universe supporting me with using this as an opportunity to create authentic power.

Posted 11 years ago

Reverence protected me today.

In a long traffic jam going into work a superior fp felt entitled not to be in the traffic. An inferior one felt like a victim. I /fp became angry and impatient.

In discussing a work issue with an employee I noticed feeling superior and having a strong urge to give the answer. I frustrated the urge by focusing on reverence and listening to what he had to say. Then an inferior fp that wants to please wanted to accept his answer even though I did not agree and had another opinion. In that moment I was supported by my intuition and know that what I said next came from love. I was grateful for my intuition and proud of myself.

A school principle came to my office to discuss a decision I was in the process of making that affected her school. As she presented her facts to me in an aggressive manner I noticed an inferior fp withdrawing. Then I flipped to a superior fp that was judging her.
I then remembered to see her and myself with reverence. There was a shift in that I regained power and was able to be in my integrity.

In all cases, I know that today I took another step in creating authentic power. I have a little deeper understanding of reverence as stated on pgs. 33 & 34 that says ” When we work to take instead of give, we labor without reverence. When we strive for safety at the expense of another person’s safety, we deprive ourselves of the protection of reverence. When we judge one person as superior and another as inferior we depart from reverence. When we judge ourselves we do the same thing.”

Love Soula.

With the intention to challenge these fps I chose to see myself and others with reverence. I noticed by having these fps I was losing power. My determination My loving choice slowly brought me back to the present with the pain in my energy centers,and my fp thoughts. I

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