Landing Forums Emotional Awareness scanning for physical sensations

Emotional Awareness

Topic: scanning for physical sensations - Started 9 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 10 years ago

I am interested in feedback on the topic of scanning and physical sensations. So far, I am not aware of the physical sensations that I have read about in Heart of the Soul. I understand the concept as I have had a sinking feeling in my stomach at different times in my life when I have been extremely upset. Interested to learn about experiences of others related to the physical sensations and if there is anything I can do to help this along?
Thank you

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Wendy, Looking at my energy centers and emotions as messages from my soul, tells me when I’m acting from love or fear. When I first began practicing creating authentic power, I felt little or nothing in my energy centers. But as I continued in my committment to to my spiritual growth, and used the tools that Gary and Linda teach, I became more and more aware of how my body communicates. I just needed the language of my soul to understand what it is telling me. Please share more on this Community Board as you experience and learn. Are you coming to the Journey this summer? That is a powerful 5 days that always deepen my understanding and growth. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings, Pam

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Wendy,

It took a while for me to begin noticing the sensations in my energy centers. I read Heart of the Soul many years ago, but it was very difficult for me to have the discipline to stop and feel, as well as use the other tools. As my commitment has grown, so has my awareness of the sensations. The first time I really began to notice my body energetically wasn’t until after I had kids. I began to notice that any time they were about to fall or if I was afraid of them hurting themselves, the sensations were so obviously painful that there’s no way I wouldn’t have been able to notice them. But that was a wake up call that I do experience sensations in my body! For a while I felt like a failure because I was trying but not feeling anything other than dull, subtle sensations.

My experience is that the less I worry about doing it right and just experiment with the tools, the more awareness I notice in my body.

Thank you so much for posting this. I imagine many (including myself) can continue benefiting from this conversation.

Much Love,

Posted 10 years ago

Thank you for sharing your insights!

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Wendy, What supports me is that when I recognize that I have a fear thought, I scan my energy centers with the intention to feel the pain. I would love to hear what you discover as you practice scanning.

Blessings, Carol Ann

Posted 10 years ago

Carol Ann,
I may be reaching but I had an experience this past week that might fit. The pain correlated to an event that transpired and related to an energy center (head).
I have a client at work with whom I have worked the past year. He refused to pay me after I had done a great deal of work on his behalf. As I had a signed contract on my side, I decided to stand my ground. My response was calm but very firm. His inability to provoke an angry response in me seemed to escalate his nastiness.
Eventually we negotiated a settlement (compromise on both sides) and I received a call from his attorney requesting that I visit his office to pick up a check and sign some paperwork.
As soon as I began to drive to his office I immediately got a pounding migraine which is very unusual for me. I had visual auras and felt very scattered. After I left his office, the visual part of the migraine dissipated except for some residual pain on the top of my head however I was exhausted and felt very drained.
Do you think there was any correlation or am I trying to hard to make this fit?
Interested in your opinion.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Wendy, When you decided to “stand your ground” do you feel that was from love or from fear? When you were interacting with your client, did you scan your energy centers? If so, what did you feel? If not, are you able to take yourself back to that space and feel what was going on inside you? This is what I was sharing about. Are pounding migraines, visual auras, feeling scattered, exhausted, and/or drained familiar feelings for you? Do you feel that you were having feelings of love, equality, compassion or thoughts that were based in fear? I look forward to hearing what you discover about yourself. Love, Carol Ann
Love, Carol Ann

Posted 10 years ago

Wanted to take a few days to ponder this. I do not usually have negative physical sensations in my body and the timing was very coincidental. At that time, I was not looking forward to facing off with a person who was hostile and angry. I believe that the physical response was related to the confrontation.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Wendy!

I read The Seat Of The Soul and The Heart Of The Soul in January last year so I’m fairly new to the concept of emotional awareness. I don’t know how long you’ve been practicing it yourself and I want to share my own experiences because it may help clarify things for you.

I didn’t feel any sensations at all to begin with.

I found that it was something that gradually came to the fore the more I made it part of my daily and moment-by-moment routine. I have parts of my personality that want to speed up the process of learning and growing and the more gentle, patient and non-judgemental I was with myself, the more I felt sensations in my energy centres. I also often get caught up in the “busy-ness” of life and that also hampers my ability to feel. What parts of your personality are active as you attempt to experiment with/practice emotional awareness?

You asked if we think there is any correlation or if you are trying too hard to make your experience fit. When you consult your intuition, what does it tell you?

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Wendy,

What I find is that others are my “good advisors” (triggers) for what I have set my intention to heal in me. Hearing my thoughts and scanning my energy centers is what supports me to learn about myself. Have you read Heart of the Soul and completed the exercises? I feel that doing the exercises really supports me with feeling the discomfort that I carry in my body.

I look forward to hearing what you discover.

Love, Carol Ann

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Everyone,

Wendy, I don’t think you are trying too hard to make something fit. I think all experiences are relevant. I think only you can discern with your Intuition whether you were challenging a frightened part intentionally or perhaps the pain was so strong you couldn’t ignore it. In either case, there’s insight and learning available in this situation for you as in all your experiences.

I want to share something I learned recently that could be supportive in some way.

A spiritual partner pointed out to me is that I don’t feel any pain when I’m indulging a frightened part. In essence, I feel the pain only when I stop and choose not to indulge a frightened part of my personality. This was so helpful for me, because for a while I thought if I’m not in any pain, it must mean that I have no frightened parts active. I am finding that there is so much to discover here.

For example, the other day my son hurt his fingers in a drawer. Nothing serious, but it took every bit of me to be willing to feel the pain of wanting to caretake, rescue, and validate. I was only able to feel the pain by pausing, not doing what I would normally do, and feel my body. This was a frightened part of my personality that sees Jalen as a victim when things like this happen and believes it’s my job to rescue him. When I act from this, I am not coming from a Loving part of my personality. The frightened part only cares about myself feeling better and getting what it wants.

I did not realize how much pain I am in when things like this happen until I was willing to stop, not react how I normally would, and feel the pain happening in me. I realized in this situation how often I am in pain that I’m not aware of. It also comes up when the boys are in a power struggle with each other and instead of stopping to feel my own pain that gets triggered, I just react from fear, and don’t feel anything.

What I found for myself is that sitting with Jalen, feeling my own pain, and being with him was more than enough. It was clear to me that there was nothing else that needed to happen in that particular situation. He was not bleeding. He didn’t need to go to the hospital. He was just in pain and the loving part of my personality knew it would pass and it did. I got to just sit and be with him without trying to fix him. When he felt better, he didn’t feel deprived of Love or affection. He got up, hugged me, and went about playing. The consequences that unfolded were so different. Choosing the loving part of my personality that is patient and co-operative allowed me to see more in Jalen than I had before. I felt so much Love for him and for the opportunity to be his mom. Very different from the panic and worry I was used to cultivating in those situations. From a loving part of my personality, I can see that neither are right or wrong, just a choice for which parts of myself I want to learn through.


Posted 10 years ago

Dear Sara, A beautiful example of creating authentic power. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed being with you in the Master Class and our group in Portland. Love, Carol Ann

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Chi!
Thank you for taking time to comment on my post! I have not checked in the blog in a few days and didn’t realize that you had responded.
A comment that you made resonated. I work very hard practicing non-judgement and compassion for others. I am not yet as successful at practicing non-judgmental with myself. You have given me some food for thought!

Posted 10 years ago

I enjoyed reading your post. I didn’t realize that pain might occur when I am not indulging a frightened part. I look forward to attending the Journey to the Soul in July. Although I have read or listened to all of the SOS books, I feel like there is a great deal more to learn and practice.
I am also a mother of two children aged 10 and 11. I can relate to the experience that you had with your son. It is difficult to know when to caretake and how much to caretake. It sounds like you did a great job.
Thanks for your input!

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