Landing Forums General Discussion Sacred Contract?

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Topic: Sacred Contract? - Started 12 years, 5 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I’m having a hard time uncovering my sacred contract. I can feel that there is something I am meant to be doing but not sure what it is. I’d be curious to read about how you’ve come to uncovering it in your life.

With love,

Posted 12 years ago

hmmm, I have a feeling that a sacred contract may not be what I originally thought it was. Originally I thought a sacred contract was something I signed up to do specifically. But maybe a sacred contract is a myriad of potential sacred contracts that I can chose from as a result of growing in self-love/authentic power. What is most sacred is the fact that it can only take place when I have grown in Light/Love/Authentic Power. And now I can make a choice among many and all of which can potentially become my sacred contract. The sacredness comes mainly from the intention of love with which it is created.

This is the feeling that I am getting.

Posted 12 years ago

I am learning that my sacred contract is to be fully present and grounded in the now moment. There are times that are easier than others to be this way. The more I try to stay in body and really breathe in and feel the fear that is triggered and activated the less it occurs and it is easier to shift out of. I used to be very attached to findinig my sacred contract as some big thing I was to do, I realized i live my sacred contract each day with each interaction that I have with another person.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pamela,

It’s sounds very beautiful that you are living your sacred contract. What a wonderful gift and thank you for sharing it with me.


Posted 12 years ago

What a wonderful conversation. I feel the same as Eric. I used to look,
out there,
for something,
to show the world,
my specialness…… then I realized I was already doing it.

Loving Me was what I came here to do and that would heal the world. Perhaps your sacred contract is similar to mine Pamela

Posted 12 years ago

Hi All

This is so wonderful being able to share with others. I agree with Elyza. Loving yourself and being the authentic you and making conscious choices each moment most definitely contributes in healing yourself and the universe. Your energy vibrates at a higher level and is felt by others. For me all my life experiences have pointed me in a very strong direction. I was always worried about other peoples feelings towards each other and towards me. I then realised what was important to me. I did not like the way my parents spoke to each other and seeing the pain their words could inflict on each other and the remorse that followed. So instead of worrying I have now chosen to choose my words carefully. It became important to me to change and to help others, teach them to choose their words carefully too.

In my humble opinion we were intended in this lifetime to be the best of who we can be; however we need to understand that we are connected so our action do cause a ripple effect!

Posted 12 years ago

December 2, 2012, I wrote the following poem to myself in my journal.
This is what resonates with me in responding to your question about our sacred contracts. I think it has a lot to do with what I’m discovering about mine.

Learning HOW to LOVE

is learning how to let go
of expectations,

is learning how to trust
the Universe.

is learning how to accept & feel your feelings
and knowing that they
are not you.

is learning how to flow
in life.

is learning how to access intuition.

is believing your life is valuable
Your experiences,
are VALID.

You deserve to live in
with yourself,
the Universe.

is knowing you are not alone.

is believing you are WORTHY of your life.

You are worthy of thriving not just surviving.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Kelley,

What an absolutely beautiful poem. I stumbled upon this when I was browsing. You must have been in a woderful space to write this. Thank you for sharing this.

With peace and love

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