Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Reflexions from today's call

Live Session Discussions

Topic: Reflexions from today's call - REGINA Started 9 years, 3 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

I see and feel with more clarity the oneness of myself with all of creation. In my choices i create love or fear in this my world.It is no accident that things are happening as they are to bring me into deeper compassion and clearer understanding of my role to support and allow all around me to support me with my intention to always respond from love

Posted 9 years ago

Beautiful. Deeply beautiful.

Love, Cindy

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Cindy & Regina . . . .and others from Saturday’s call & discussion. I felt so grateful for the opportunity to process emotions related to recent world events, with others in this loving environment. It was a wonderful reminder of the value in recognizing and feeling emotions, including those that originate form FP’s . . . .and remembering that I can then choose to respond from that loving part of my soul. AND, to know that this is enough and is powerful each time I choose to respond with love. – Diane

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