Landing Forums General Discussion Question about soulful 'psychology'

General Discussion

Topic: Question about soulful 'psychology' - Started 12 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 13 years ago

in July 2011 I left a high-paying corporate job to move into something that is more meaningful to me. I grew in my job at the same company for 9 years and learned so much personally as I had wanted to leave/quit/change jobs many times but always resisted because my intention to leave felt ‘off’. However, in July I realized I had saved up enough money to live ‘unemployed’ for a year and a half and I just felt like the time was right. I became essentially uninterested in my work.

Now, I am in process of deciding what to chose next. I am asking myself, ‘what is it that I would do regardless of result?’ and as I look back on my life it has been all about introspection and personal development. I kept (and still have) honest personal journals since 1997 and am often described as perceptive and ‘deep’. my main daily interest is in talking (and living) topics discussed in authentic power and many other avenues to help grow the human spirit. yet, I am somehow a little scared. I want to help humanity by my life example and not through a position of external power (i.e. therapist). there is nothing wrong with the latter but it doesn’t fit for me. but I can’t shake that these topics are where I get the most joy in my life. that is a fact for me.

does anyone know if there are alternatives to the classic psychological training? something more soulful but not necessarily considered ‘new age’ (not sure if that’s possible)?

maybe I am off but on the other hand this is my life.

Posted 13 years ago

I have found that this work has brought me closest to aligning my personality with my soul and soul purpose. What follows when I am able to stay there is creation and co-creation the likes of which I have never felt before. The more I learn about myself and challenge frightened parts of my personality the more I can see how controlled by them I have been, up to and including what it is i think i want! It is in those moments when I actually see what can be accomplished and what my purpose is. It is during those times when what I need comes to me, and my job is to open fully to it with love and appreciation.

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