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Topic: Overwhelm? - Rosalind Started 11 years, 3 months ago
Posted 11 years ago
Tonight I forgot a prearranged conference call with Spiritual Partners even though I had marked it on my calendar and remembered it earlier in the day. It is very uncommon for me to forget a commitment and it is my intention to discover what I can learn about myself from this experience. I know I had thoughts of overwhelm earlier in the day (“I wish I didn’t have so many things to do.”) but I had managed to postpone some deadlines and at the time of the call this evening I was actually playing on the computer. When I became aware of missing the call, I experienced tightness in my throat and chest, churning in my solar plexus and thoughts of guilt, embarrassment and regret. I welcome support. With love, Rosalind |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Rosalind…it’s good that you were aware of the body sensations when it happened. It might be helpful to go into that feeling of feeling overwhelmed that you felt earlier in the day, and see what comes up…sit with that feeling of feeling overwhelmed. |
Posted 11 years ago
I was on the call so to speak that Rosalind was referring to. I actually ended up on this call by myself as the other spiritual partner who was going to be on the call also forgot. What an interesting opportunity to learn about myself, and go with the flow the Universe offers, rather than how I/fp think it should be. As I sat on the phone for about 20 minutes, communing with the recording on the other end, I did use that time to watch my thoughts, and challenge the fp’s that paraded bye. The thoughts of “I rushed home to be on this call, and no one else remembered it”, “are my spiiritual partners really committed to supporting others”, patting myself on the back for remembering and feeling committed to this process…boy 20 minutes is a long time to look at fp’s that have been waiting for just such an opportunity to feel impatient or superior! But as I acknowledged each one, and felt the pressure in my chest, I also was aware of my loving part that knows any situation can teach me what I have been asking for from the Universe. I chose instead to be thankful and appreciative. I was aware of a deep love I have for the souls who accompany me on this journey. I have learned to trust that what is presented to me is what will help me heal, if I make the choice to use it for that benefit, instead of believing that it was a mistake, or someone else’s problem. Thank you Rosalind and Judy for sharing. I look forward to hearing and sharing more. Blessings, Pam |
Posted 11 years ago
Pam, I LOVE your statement that life situations teach “what I have been asking for from the Universe.” That is an immensely powerful and supportive new realization for me. With gratitude . . . Rosalind |
Posted 11 years ago
I was the other person who was supposed to be on the pre-arranged call. I changed my plans that day and left work early, so I missed the reminder from my Outlook calendar about the call and, hence, I forgot. This opportunity reminded me that I need to remember to scan when I know frightened parts are active, because I forgot to notice what was happening in my body when I realized that I forgot the call. I do, however, remember some thoughts. I remember thinking that I can’t seem to remember anything anymore unless I see the reminders I have written, which are either in my Outlook calendar or the ones I jot down. I remembered when I started to write myself reminders that a fp thought perhaps it might not be good idea to write down my reminders because then I would not be relying on my brain enough to help me remember things and that my brain would become less sharp! At the same time, however, there were and are so many things that I need to remember to do that the only way I seem to remember to do everything is to write them down! I have had many different thoughts since I forgot the call and have remembered to scan. I have been feeling physical sensations–like rumbling sensations–in my solar plexus area as I feel that I have too much to do and wonder if being a part of this team effort is something I want to continue to be a part of. I have had thoughts about whether this process of sharing on the community board is actually worthwhile because I wonder how many people are actually reading our postings. Are only people on the logistics team reading these sharings? These are some of the thoughts I am having. Other thoughts are that I have been focusing on my thoughts and feelings a great deal, particularly since the Journey, and feel that I am dedicated to my spiritual growth, so perhaps that is enough for now. My life experiences particularly seem to be supporting my growth, so do I also need this team or group experience? Right now, I feel it is causing me to feel overwhelmed. Don’t I have enough going on? When is enough enough? Do I have a fp that is afraid to say “no” to this experience? I am trusting the Universe in expressing my true thoughts and welcome any support from my spiritual partners. With love, P.S. Rosalind, I love your picture! |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Deb, Could you explain what you mean when you say, “I feel it is causing me to feel overwhelmed”. What is the “it” , and is that thought coming from love or fear? Really good to be able to share with you! Love, Pam |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Pam — The “it” is the team or group experience; I feel that the team or group experience is causing me to feel overwhelmed. I have much to do and am feeling overwhelmed and I truly feel that it can be a loving part of me that is trying to tell me that I am taking on too much. Last night, I only got five hours of sleep again, and part of that reason is because I stayed up late and wrote on the community board. I was very tired at the end of the day at work because of lack of sleep. I believe my body is trying to tell me I need to rest more and maybe my thoughts are coming from a loving part of me that is telling me not to take on anymore than I have on my plate already. |
Posted 11 years ago
Deb, I am wondering if ‘overwhelm’ is a familiar feeling for you – or not. It is familiar for me, and in me it comes from a fp. If it’s the same for you, what do you think is the intention of that fp? With love, Rosalind |
Posted 11 years ago
Being overwhelmed is something that gradually happened due to my love of animals and the adoption and rescue of several of them over the course of many years. I now just have my pet rabbit, whom used to be my neighbor’s pet. He requires many hours of love, care and attention. I believe the intention of this fp is to tell me that it’s time to stop rescuing animals and focus on myself, which I fully intend and would like to do. However, as my current situation stands, I do not have much time for myself. |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Deb, I’m wondering if it could be helpful to sit with the process of challenging frightened parts when you have thoughts that something outside yourself is causing feelings of being overwhelmed? If I’m thinking that anything outside me is what is responsible for what happens in my life, I know that a fp is active that wants me to believe I am powerless, and a victim. Understanding that these events are triggers for my fp’s that need healing, instead of the cause of them, was necessary for me to challenge them. When I thought something outside was responsible for the pain I was in, I kept trying to manipulate it, make it change or go away. – pursue external power. What happens after you feel the pain, look at the thoughts and understand their |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Deb, I was most intrigued with your post suggesting that your group was causing you to feel overwhelmed. As Pam was sharing, if I am blaming some one or some thing outside of myself for how I am choosing to react/feel…then I am not creating authentic power…I am pursuing external power. That part of my personality believes it is a victim of circumstances. Do you feel this is what may be happening for you? What do you feel in your body when you feel overwhelmed….or that you do not have time for yourself? Whenever I feel I do not have a choice…that things are black or white…I can be sure that a frightned part of my personality is in charge. Are you open to the possiblity that frightned parts of your personalty might be active….and that there might be a different way of perceiving your circumstances? With Love, Gail |
Posted 11 years ago
When the opportunity presented itself to take my neighbor’s rabbit, I had several other pets, but made the choice to take the rabbit. I remember thinking to myself that this would “put me over the edge,” that I would have too much to do, but I decided that it was the responsible choice that I wanted to make. I do not have any regrets that I made this choice, however, this choice has helped me to see that I have a fp that feels like it doesn’t have time for myself, so this choice does, in fact, help me to challenge that fp. I don’t feel powerless or like a victim as I clearly know that I am responsible for the choice I made. In fact, this summer my rabbit was diagnosed with a tumor in his cheek and the vet more or less told me that the tumor was inoperable and to expect him to only to live a few more months. However, a couple of months after she told me that, she looked at his tumor again and told me she thought she could remove it without causing too much hardship. The end result was that she successfully removed it. I could have said no to the surgery and then I would no longer have any pets to care for, but I was given the opportunity to again challenge this fp that feels like I do not have time for myself. I love my bunny rabbit; he is wonderful and adorabloe, and he has taught me so much about myself and has really helped me. Gail, Pam and Rosalind, I can feel your love and support from your postings, and I am truly grateful. I do feel that the group has caused me to feel overwhelmed; I wrote that the group or team experience has caused me to feel overwhelmed. By that I mean the experience of having to be on calls and to have to post on the community board and whatever else is coming. I am happy to support when I am at the retreat, but did not realize that there would be more responsibilities involved in being part of the Logistics Team. I do not feel powerless because I know that I do not have to support and be part of this group or team experience. Therefore, I am going to make another responsible choice and withdraw myself from being part of the Logistics Team. When I made this decision recently, I could feel in my body that I could breathe more easily again, which is an experience that I have had in the past when I have made a responsible choice for myself. Just to be clear, I am happy to assist at the retreat if the Institute still wants my help, but I am withdrawing from any more responsibilities. Love, |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Deb, I relate to overwhelm. I’ve felt it many times. Late last year I was making a decision about whether or not to participate in another Spiritual Partnership course. Our house remodel was really getting going and I felt like I had no time to do another thing. I asked myself what I should do. It felt reasonable and like it was coming from a loving place to say no. Some of my spiritual partners supported me by asking if it was possible I was believing a frightened part (that I have too much to do)that wasn’t true. That got my attention. I decided to experiment and participate in the course. If the overwhelm was true, I could always stop participating. What I discovered is that I had time for the course and then some. Wow, I really had been believing a fp that wasn’t true. Powerful. Perception and life changing. With love… Cheryl |
Posted 11 years ago
Thanks for your posting, Cheryl. It feels very supportive. A few weeks ago, spiritual partners also suggested that I experiment and see if I felt that I wanted to continue with this team or group endeavor. I do know that I am making the correct choice for myself, and I appreciate your support. Just an FYI that I meant to say in my previous posting that it is not the group that is causing me to feel overwhelmed; my involvement in the group or team experience is causing me to feel like I have too much to do. Love, |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Deb, In your post you said that you have noticed that you could feel in your body that you can breathe more deeply when you have made a responsible choice. One thing I have noticed in my own life is that sometimes when I have a frightened part that is active about doing something (or not doing something), all of the pain can go away by making the decision to avoid it by doing the opposite thing. Once I make the decision, my body totally relaxes which feels very good and I can breath easier. What seems like a loving part of my personality is actually a frightened part of my personality disguised as a loving part of my personality. Is it possible that you have a frightened part of your personality that is relaxed now because it doesn’t have to feel the deeper pain of overwhelm in your life? ~David |
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