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Live Session Discussions
Topic: Open to support - Kristen Richardson Started 12 years, 2 months ago
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Posted 12 years ago
Hello Spiritual Partners. I currently have an active frightened part that I’m not completely clear on so I decided to take a moment to share with all of you to see what I learn about myself. I think it is so familiar that I am being challenged with seeing clearly. I just finished a session with an active duty military guy. I am experiencing tears and what feels like compassion, although I am open to it being a FP of sadness disguised as compassion. He mirrors to me my father who is a Vietnam Vet and the deep FP’s of powerlessness that my dad wonderfully triggers in me. My lower left jaw feels sl. tense. My hands feel a familiar aching with thoughts of shame. My heart was feeling a little tight a minute ago when I was asking myself what the intention is for this FP. My throat is feeling tight now. My thoughts are…I have to sit deeply to even see the thoughts: “judging myself for not being able to fully sit with the pain that was being triggered in me during the session.” What is the pain, I ask myself? What is this pain I am wanting to distract myself from? The pain of powerlessness, my familiar FP of judging myself for coming to earth, FP thoughts of being a victim, “why would I want to experience earth with all this pain?” The intention of the FP is to indulge feeling powerless, and when I am indulging that I am indulging feeling sad….deeply sad. It makes me want to just sit. My intention is to feel the depth of this FP of my personality so I can heal it. I am so grateful for the current opportunities I have to work with the active duty military to support me with healing this FP and have the opporutnity to support them from loving parts of my personality…that is my intention, to support them from the deepest, most loving, healthy place I can find, rather than indulging FP’s of my personality. I need the support of my spiritual partners because this FP is so familiar to me. I trust the universe also will help support me with seeing the FP’s clearly. I am open to that. Thank you spiritual partners. |
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Posted 12 years ago
I am noticing a FP that wants to indulge feeling deeply sad. My movements slow way down and I want to just sit in like a despair feeling. This feels familiar. I am indulging the pain rather than rising above the pain accepting the perfection that is deeper than any form and untouched by time….I am not there yet. However I see that perspectice. My intention is to heal this FP. |
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Posted 12 years ago
After being with this pain with the intention of healing it I am able to feel the power of challenging this deep FP of powerlessness. The power of doing this for myself and for those that are tortured by this pain. The thousands of years of acting this pain out on one another, indulging this pain, the death, the torture…all to run from this pain that I am experiencing right now. I feel deeply honored to be here on earth to heal this pain; and am aware of the sacredness of healing this in me. |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Kristen, Have you received the support you were looking for? I read the 3 posts and it was hard to completely follow (for me). Have you had similar experiences in the past over the course of your work that felt similar to this one? Thx, |
Posted 12 years ago
The question that came to my mind after reading your posts Kristen, was Have you asked yourself what the real intention of writing them was? Were you coming from a loving place or fearful place? |
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Posted 12 years ago
Hello Patric and Eric, |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Kristen, Thanks for the reply. Is there anything we/I can do to support you? I am just referencing the title of the tread. Are you struggling with what choice to make when you experience that vivid pain in your body or to help identify the FP more clearly? Or is having us read your words the support you need most right now? The intent of my questions is to truly support u in the healthiest way I can. Lots of love, |
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Posted 12 years ago
Eric, |
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Kristen, This past week 4 people I knew fairly well died in a plane crash leaving 6 children “orphaned” here in the earth school. The same evening I learned of their deaths, my daughter called somewhat frantic that one of her 15 year old students called her to say goodbye as she was going to end her own life. My fp was working hard to wrap me in the pain of a sadness that these happenings weren’t “right” as in they did not appear to my fp as anything resembling harmony or reverence for life. I was pacing as my mind initially raced to find an answer, aka an explanation that would ease the pain/powerlessness I was feeling. I/LP could watch as I struggled, and soon I knew that an “answer”/fp solution was not what would cultivate AP. To my fp this pain was so real. My thoughts were trying to change that fp perception but I was staying in the fp none the less. When I stopped my restless search for what I/fp thought was comfort, I could see how adding my pain to this already intense suffering was not what I wanted to do. Cultivating true compassion for myself and others is my intention. I sensed in your sharing that as a therapist you too are frquently looking for “answers”. Chgallenging my fp that wants to “caretake” has opened a blessed path as “caregiver”. It was wonderful to share with you on the call recently. Keeping you in my heart Love, Pam |
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Posted 12 years ago
Thanks Pam for sharing. Yes my FP pattern is to either want to caretake (superiority FP) or avoid certain people or situations that trigger my FP’s (inferior FP) because I don’t feel capable or ready to face the pain in me. What I am seeing more clearly in this moment is that the other day with the above client, the sadness was an indulgence of feeling a FP of inferiority. |
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Posted 12 years ago
I forgot to add that my intention is to remain very present and observing for a FP that feels inferior that could jump into indulging superiority of caretaking, trying to “fix” the pain so my pain will go away. Thank you again Pam. I can feel the health when I am coming from a loving part of equality with the intention of holding the space for my pain and my client’s in the moment. |
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Posted 12 years ago
Pam, Thank you for sharing. Your comment “I could see how adding my pain to this already intense suffering was not what I wanted to do” I thought was huge. This is something that I intend to remember for myself. Love, David |
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