Landing Forums General Discussion Open to feedback

General Discussion

Topic: Open to feedback - Started 11 years, 4 months ago

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)
Posted 11 years ago

Hi Pam,

Does anything come up for you when you re-read your post? What would you say was the primary intention for posting it? The reason I ask is because after I read it I feel unclear. Actually, I feel more like an audience than a spiritual partner. And yet I know how deeply committed you are to the work. Not sure if there is anything else going on for you in the reply.


Posted 11 years ago

Hi Eric,
Can you explain what you mean when you say you feel more like an audience than a spritual partner?

Love, Joanne

Posted 11 years ago

Thx Joanne. By that I simply meant that it felt impersonal. But my intention is to support. I was just sharing my experience of how I felt while reading it and wasn’t sure if there was more there. It may not fit for Pam and that would be great.


Posted 11 years ago

Eric, when you say “The loving part is hard…to make real through volition,” do you think that could be coming from another fp, one that intends to keep you stuck? Would it be supportive to set an Intention to make the loving changes you want to make in yourself, and then choose to trust that the Universe and your Guides and Teachers will help you do it?

Today the Universe generously brought this video to my attention and I find it supportive – perhaps you will too:

With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Eric, thank you for presenting me with the opportunity to look more closely at my intention. I do have fp’s that want to keep me from supporting by telling me that I’m teaching, which comes from a fp of feeling superior. What I’ve been cultivating from a lp is my desire to be in spiritual partnership as an equal. That was my intention when I responded to you last evening. In reading your post today, I have a sense that perhaps a fp is what put you in the audience, “isolated” you from participating “on stage” with me as an equal. I so appreciate this opportunity to support and be supported with you. With love, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Eric, I just remembered something a Spiritual Partner told me that she does when she is with someone and her ‘separate’ fp is active: she asks herself what loving thing she can do in that moment for the person she is with, for the purpose of challenging her fp and without attachment to the outcome. I have loved using this. For instance, this morning when I found myself judging (feeling separate from) my husband at breakfast, my body totally relaxed when I chose to actively become present with him by looking directly into his eyes and smiling from my heart.
With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Rosalind & Pam for all the support.


Posted 11 years ago

Hi Eric, Are you open to continuing our dialogue? Has a fp been triggered? Would love to hear how you’re doing. With love, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Pam,

It’s interesting as Gary’s work has had a significant impact on me and my life. It is important to me because of how deeply I resonates with me.

After reading your last post I did feel triggered but was not sure why. When I read it I noticed that there was a suggestion that I had been acting from an FP but I was not asked directly. As a result I was curious to see if me not responding to the suggestion would illicit a reaction. I feel it did by the speed of the reply and what felt to me like being attached to the outcome.

All this of course points back to me. I have been engaging in a power struggle. This is something I do so often in my life. And it also connects with my original post in this tread about being ‘not liked’. Because I so often feel deeply powerless I engage in so many power struggles. I am so used to these struggles that it is often very, very hard for me to detect them. And i often come across as arrogant or superior.

I am not sure if any of this resonates with you.


Posted 11 years ago

Eric, offering support to you has been a blessing – it helps me greatly in seeing what I myself can do as I challenge a similar fp – thank you so much for raising the topic. I will love hearing what you experiment with doing in the months ahead, if you wish to share. I will hold the space for you. With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Dear Eric, What nourishes this process for me is how staying in my integrity and using my courage to support from a loving place in me, brings a deeper connection with my spiritual partners, which in turn keeps nourishing and helping me grow. So instead of separating me from people I would in the past have readily engaged in a power struggle with, I now am able to see so beautifully and appreciatively the being, soul that they are. And likewise see myself in that light. Thank you for your honesty. Our interaction was a so helpful in learning about my true intention, which is to be in spiritual partnership with you. I look forward to sharing with you as I continue to learn and grow. With love, Pam

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

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