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Topic: Open to feedback - Started 11 years, 5 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

What can I learn about myself?

I have two things I notice that somehow feel connected.

(1) I often have the experience of not being liked. Of course I don’t know it for sure but sometimes I feel it so sharply (in my chest). Where I used to work two close co-workers would often joke about what percentage of the office did not like me (it was usually quite high). It’s like I rub people the wrong way. As a result of the pain that comes from the thought/feeling of not being liked I would often try not to create distance. I was never sure how to deal with it so I tried to not let it bother me but often times I so much wanted to ask out of sheer curiosity, “why is it that you don’t like me?” I never did ask.

(2) I also find with my brothers and friends that I’m a great guy to call when something is needed. However, when the needs wane I don’t hear from anyone. This is connected with my constant FP that wants to isolate. If I did not isolate as much as I do I would most likely not even feel that I am contacted only when something is needed.

It’s hard because at some level I feel this desperate cry for love. Intellectually I assume that there is nothing outside of me that can respond to that plea. I’m not always sure how I can provide to myself (love) what I often desperately seek to feel from others.

Anyhow, just thought I’d throw it out there.


Posted 11 years ago

Eric, what do you feel in your body when you think about not being liked? And what are the thoughts that you have? With love . . . Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Rosalind,

I usually feel it in my chest and stomach. Tightness in the chest and knots in my stomach. My thoughts are usually, “what is it that I can’t see? There must be something about me that I can’t see that rubs people the wrong way. I wish I could ask them directly. I wish I knew what it was.”


Posted 11 years ago

Hi Eric,

My intention for asking you this is to support you in learning about yourself.
When your brothers and friends call you when something is needed what do you think they are calling you for. That is, what do you think they are looking to you for and how are you being during those interactions. For example, do you feel used? How would you create authentic power then?

Respectfully, Soula.

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Soula,

Yes, I often feel used. I am trying to be loving during my interactions but my pain suggests otherwise.

I can feel intuitively that the issue is more my inability to take care of myself (i.e. rather than looking for something outside of me). Sometimes I want to scream at them but I know the anger I have is actually directed towards myself. I’m genuinely not sure what creating authentic power with them would look like. Obviously, my interest is not in altering their behavior but rather addressing the FP in me that feels used. Because I isolate to strongly I often feel that my feeling of being used stems from that but am not sure.


Posted 11 years ago

Hi Eric,

When you are interacting with your co workers are you feeling superior – inferior – or equal?

Love, Joanne

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Joanne,

It’s a little bit of a mix. If we are talking about personal life stuff I usually feel somewhat inferior. Sometimes on certain work subjects superior. There are other times I feel equal. When the thoughts are strong visva someone who I can feel strongly does not like me I will feel inside inferior even though I try not to act on it (i.e. people pleasing, care-taking, making fake conversation to try to manipulate and control).


Posted 11 years ago

What I am learning?

As I have been reflecting on my original post I can feel the FP in my body. It is centered mainly in my stomach and chest. However, I can also feel that the FP is an old one. By that I can remember feeling this way when I was very young. I can remember this same physical pain. I would stay home and watch sports rather than go out and be with my friends. I made that choice from fear and I used to know that I didn’t want to do that but was too scared to chose otherwise. I was feeling powerless. And the only way I can gain ‘power’ when in fear is through attack (i.e. anger at my brothers, friends, self-pity, etc.).

It’s hard because my brother and friends really show me where I lose power. They trigger in me that deeply held FP. The one I personally struggle to challenge. Since, I don’t like to feel that FP triggered by them I basically never speak my truth with them. I try to make them like me so much (by doing things) so that the next time I am with them I will not feel that pain. But it has never worked because that pain is living in me and not them.

Back to square one. The only option I have is to put myself out there even more so I can create opportunities to challenge that FP (which is not always fun). The very deep one that I am so familiar with (have carried it for so many years).

It’s scary but I have to do it.


Posted 11 years ago

Oh Eric – how incredible for you to see to that depth – and for sharing it so clearly. Thank you. Your insight is very supportive for me as I challenge my fp that wants to remain separate for fear of being found lacking.

I am curious about your previous comment, “I am trying to be loving during my interactions but my pain suggests otherwise.” Is it possible that you have a fp that believes you cannot be truly loving while feeling the pain of a fp? Or one that is attached to how the outcome of these interactions should look?

With love . . . Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

oh thanks Rosalind. I’m really glad that it was helpful. When I was young I was sexually abused for a few years and then as a young adult & beyond I began acting out sexually (addictive). However, after the abuse I seemed to internalize an FP that I would suggest said something like, “you are not man enough.” And I began to hide. I hid from friendships with men and intimacy from women. I’ve been hiding for a very long time and that old FP seems to be a big reason why.

About the comment I think I was referring to being attached to the outcome. I would suggest because I isolated so much as a result of the old FP referred to above that i had a certain expectations to my ‘loving’…”i will be super loving with you and in turn you don’t leave me alone.” But they always ended up leaving me alone or so I thought. It has been me leaving myself alone and isolated.

It sucks as I know how hard this is for me to challenge. It’s easy for me to be friendly with people but the intimacy part is terrifying (both romantic & friendship wise). But I have to do it or I’ll just be alone for a very, very long time.

thanks Rosalind.


Posted 11 years ago

Eric – is it possible that feeling alone could be the perception of a fp? What would your healthy parts feel? And what do you feel today when you think of the concept of being “man enough”?

Love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Rosalind,

I am not sure what you mean by the first two questions (perception of the FP). Regarding the last question I feel ready to start challenging that FP. I am sure I am going to have plenty opportunities in the near future to challenge it so that it can start to slowly lose its power over me.


Posted 11 years ago

Eric – this is perfect support for me because I have a fp that believes I cannot communicate with clarity and this gives me another opportunity to challenge that. Thank you! What I was asking was: do you think the feeling that you are alone/isolated is coming from love or fear – and if it’s from fear, what do you think is the intention of that fp? And how might a loving part look at it?

With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago


I now understand what you are asking. The feeling is coming from a FP. It’s intention is to remain hidden; to not be exposed. The loving part is hard. Well, it is not hard to write & comprehend intellectually but hard to make real through volition. The loving part wants deeply to connect with people. The loving part feels that there is nothing broken that needs hiding.


Posted 11 years ago

Hi Eric, Do you think that the comment you made, “why is it that you don’t like me” and the “curiosity” that would want you to ask it, come from love or fear? The ages old, lifetimes old, pain of unworthiness and not being lovable cannot be answered by questioning others. What I have experienced since learning how to create Authentic Power in my life is, that the way to heal this deep pain is to feel how it is processed in my energy centers, know that it’s thoughts do not support my growth in any way, and willfully say to myself that I will no longer take part in the story I have created to explain it. How the opportunities of experiencing my karma unfold in my life, are the why’s, but they don’t hold the answers to how I will heal. I am the only one responsible for how I act. I hear you say that also, and I’m touched by your courage and honesty. My path to wholeness is through me. The others in my life offer me the interplay to see what I need to heal. In the past I spent a lot of time and energy trying to change those who “caused my pain”. Now I can see more clearly their pain also, and want to create a life that offers all of us healing. Blessings, Pam

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