Landing Forums General Discussion Noteworthy news from the Universe brought by an insect :)

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Topic: Noteworthy news from the Universe brought by an insect :) - Cindy Started 9 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 10 years ago

Hello All,

I had an intriguing experience yesterday as I was working outdoors in nature in a rather remote area in the countryside in Kansas. I had worked for an hour moving small timber and brush to a burn pile on what had been my deceased parents home. When returning to the work after a break indoors, I had frightened parts of feeling a little low in spirit and my thoughts were centered around the topic of gossip as I walked back to the area of my work. As I arrived there, a flying insect came very near to my right ear and hung around there long enough to communicate quite a bit of buzzing news in rapid succession. I caught the significance of this right away and found myself appreciating the humor of the moment.

I worked another two hours outdoors and the newsy insect was the only insect that I encountered all day while doing my work. I found this experience to be very intriguing and a good lesson in how all that I need to encounter in my life will be supplied by the Universe and will indeed find me wherever I am in the moment! I also found this to be good evidence of how all in nature and the Earth is universally connected and can point me to what I need to look at within myself if I am working to notice and to listen from within.

Have a great Sunday!

Posted 10 years ago

Thank you, Cindy. I love when I remember to notice the significance in all things that come my way. What a way to cultivate loving parts. Thank you for this reminder. I am noticing more and more often just how much Love is surrounding me in each moment.

Posted 10 years ago

I love this reminder that nothing I experience is separate from my spiritual evolution. Thank you, Cindy!

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