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Topic: New day - Soula Started 11 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

My intention for sharing is to cultivate a loving part that wants to give without attachment. Today I will meet my new boss. I am thinking what soul is coming into my life now? It is a woman. I have never had a woman boss. Her birth date is sept, she is a Virgo. The same astrological sign as my mom, and the day she was born, Sept. 11, is the same day my father passed away 12 years ago. I feel the fps that want to feel liked, will I make a good first impression? I am feeling grateful and blessed for my new awareness having been in the App and to have the tools today to look at this new day with new eyes. I open to my intuition to guide me in choosing to learn and become aware of when I am acting from the healthiest part of my personality in the moment. I will scan my energy centres to support me in obtaining this knowledge. I will trust the universe that this day, this moment is an opportunity for my growth.
Thank you for this community! With love Soula.

Posted 12 years ago

So this week I practised cultivating a loving part of my personality that wants to give without attachment. I have chosen to opening to what this means to me and understood more deeply the meaning of the word “support.” The way I understood this is through experiencing my fps that do not want to support. These are the parts of me that wanted to teach my new boss,who is learning our work procedures, so that I could impress her and not feel the deep pain in my stomach and tightness in my chest when I would choose to not do that in the moment and to set my intention to support instead of teach. The parts of me that wanted to show agreement with her(please) not be in my integrity and share my view and opinion for fear of being rejected. I was in a lot of pain this week but at the same time i was enjoying going to work with the intention of creating authentic power and spiritual partnerships as I walked around holding the SPG,s closely to my heart. Wow, what a great week it was! Enjoy the weekend! Love,Soula.

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