Landing Forums General Discussion Misperceptions by Frightened Parts

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Topic: Misperceptions by Frightened Parts - Catherine Started 11 years, 4 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

Greetings, Spiritual Partners,
Tonight, for the nth time, I was made aware of frightened parts of my personality that misinterpret people and situations.
In one of my courses there is a student who seems disengaged during our class discussions. I had been interpreting his attitude as lack of interest in the class and, more specifically, in what I had to say. At those times I went into FPs that feel that I am not a good teacher because I can’t stimulate everyone’s interest. Instead of challenging those FPs, I believed them.
Well, tonight, I read this student’s first paper and realized that he has writing challenges. I now understand that his relative silence and seeming lack of interest may actually result from FPs that don’t feel he’s good enough. For the past 4 weeks I had sometimes been projecting my own FPs onto him instead of always looking at him from the most loving, healthy parts of my personality which could encourage him to feel comfortable in my class. It is clear to me that, if I indulge my FPs, I let them take over and warp my perception so completely that I remain unaware how much I am under their influence, and this can have unfavorable repercussions on people around me.
What I can learn from this experience is never to trust a FP sense that I am not good enough, but instead, always remember to do my best and trust the Universe. If I make the conscious decision to be open (if my intention is to be open) instead of worrying about what other people think of me, I will be able to share my gifts and enjoy myself in the process, at which point everyone around me will also be enjoying themselves.
I appreciate being able to share this experience. It is supportive to express it in writing.

Posted 11 years ago

You expressed this very clearly, thank you for sharing. I notice this FP in me on a regular basis as well. My intention also is to be aware the second the FP is triggered so I can challenge it rather than get lost in indulging it. I also notice the very clear difference in what I have to offer to myself and the universe when I am open, present, consulting intuition, open to the healing of the karma that is taking place in a moment, cultivating love (uniting, connecting, joy,etc) rather than indulging fear (distance, separation, pain, suffering, loss, unworthiness, etc.)

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you, Kristen, I appreciate your sharing your own experience of challenging FPs that are triggered and would want you to believe them.
Since I wrote a few days ago, I have had a very different experience with this particular student. This week I’ve found him to be the most communicative student in our class! He’s now frequently contributing his thoughts and meaningful discoveries. It’s a miracle (I was first going to say a “small” miracle, but no miracle is small). As I have been intending to practice, and have been practicing, authentic power, I can see the difference this has made in my classroom experiences over time. More and more, I find that I can talk about the foundations of authentic power with students and that they are open, willing to communicate with me and with each other at a meaningful level. One student today eloquently described how much she loves us all and why. A first in my experience as a teacher! I can see how these miracles happen when I am not indulging FPs of distance or FPs that want to keep me in my head (because I am a teacher and have to communicate knowledge). Rather, I feel open and ready to welcome whatever can happen, without a preconceived agenda. I am so grateful to have lived a rich week.

Posted 11 years ago

That is so beautiful! Catherine I would love to support you with cultivating these loving parts of your personality. What does your body feel like when you have this love flowing through you?

Posted 11 years ago

Thank you, Kristen. When I am in a loving part of my personality, my body feels relaxed, my energy centers feel warm, open and expansive (without pressure of any kind), I feel connected to my breath, my mind is attentive to my surroundings and the people around me, curious about life and ready for discoveries.
How do you feel in similar circumstances?
With love,

Posted 11 years ago

Hello Catherine,
Thank you for sharing. I experience similar sensations. In addition to those you mentioned I can also at times experience a deep grounded feeling. Feeling my feet touch the earth and my body feels whole, I am aware of the vibration of energy flowing throughout my entire body. There is a deep sense of peace, my thoughts are loving, appreciative, grateful. I know that all is well. The intention of these LP’s is to extend love, radiate love, be aware of my connection and wholeness with everything.

Posted 11 years ago

Hello Kristen,
Thank you for sharing how you feel. Your description has enriched my perception of what is possible when I am in the loving parts of my personality. Reading you also reminds me of similar moments when I feel connected to the earth and to my environment in peace and joy. I will remember this.

Posted 11 years ago

Oh I love these postings, Catherine and Kristen. So clear, so supportive, and I resonate deeply with them. Thank you! With love, Rosalind

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