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Topic: Loving Parts Active - David Started 12 years, 4 months ago

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
Posted 12 years ago

Hello everyone,

I just finished watching the movie Ram Dass: Fierce Grace. It’s the 3rd time I’ve seen it in as many years. Usually I post about a frightened part of my personality that has become active and how I either challenged it (or not). But watching this movie always activates loving parts of my personality. My intuition has been prompting me to watch it again for several days. When I watched this movie tonight I noticed thoughts of gratitude of the path that I am on and trust that the frightened parts of my personality and loving parts are part of my unique path to help me reach my fullest potential. In the film, Ram Dass talked about planning and how the Universe has other plans for our lives. I also heard Gary talk about this recently as I listened to one of the chapters in Soul Stories about Trust (I love Soul Stories!). I feel tonight that I will sleep well knowing that the Universe knows best how to support me.



Posted 12 years ago

Thanks for sharing David. I got home and was feeling troubled by a dinner I had with a friend. I got on here, read your post and decided to watch the movie you mention above. I did and I felt more centered after doing so.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric,

I’m glad it supported you. Did you recognize any loving parts of your personality when you were feeling centered?



Posted 12 years ago

Hi David,

Thanks for sharing about the movie. I have not seen it but am writing it down. You inspired me to pick up Soul Stories which I just did and read a chapter on trust. Every time I re read a chapter I go deeper see something new or I see it clearer. That is what just happened to me. Trust the universe

Love Joanne

Posted 12 years ago

Hi David,

Not really. I’ve been going through a tough patch whereby I’m more often acting from FPs. It’s interesting as I can come back to the quiet of my home and recognize the FPs and prepare to challenge them for when they come up next but then out I go into the world and I’ve been allowing the FPs to take control. I feel like it is pointing to something. It is almost feels like I need rest or more opportunity to ground and center myself. I am happy to be having the call tomorrow as no doubt that will help.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric
When you have those thoughts “that you need to rest or more opportunity to ground or center yourself” – what is the intention of the words? Are they coming from loving parts of your personality or fearful parts? Could it be an excuse from frightened parts to feel better about interactions you have had and stops you from feeling the depth of the pain that might be coming up? I would love to hear your thoughts. Your sharing helped me realize the frightened part in me that says I need rest or grounding before I can create Authentic Power.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Lori,

Did my sharing make u just realize that FP in you? Or did my share remind u of a similar FP u have had and wanted to bring it my attention?


Posted 12 years ago

Thanks Lori for sharing.

My frightened part that feels I need rest or grounding is one of my most familiar that I am setting my intention to become more aware of. It’s always waiting. Waiting for the workday to be over, waiting for the severe weather to subside, waiting to be somewhere else or be with someone else that it thinks will finally make it feel good again. It’s intentions are to feel good first and then think about creating authentic power. I’m surprised at how often I forget that feeling good in the moment and taking action to creating a more meaningful life are not always simultaneous events.



Posted 12 years ago

Thank you Lori, David and Eric,

Your insight into what Eric shared about needing rest or grounding as being a FP was very powerful for me. Last week, I used both the courage and conscious communication and action guidelines in my interactions with by boss which has activated many many fps. This morning, at work,I wanted to recoil into my office and not interact with anyone because i so felt i needed to rest and ground myself. I somehow knew that this was not the healthiest choice for me so I chose to interact with my employees more than usual. Reading your sharings this evening have supported me in getting clarity with what was going on with me today. I had a strong fp pulling me not to interact with people, because it would be too much and I would get hurt. This fp comes from my childhood. Thank you so much. Love, Soula.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric,
I noticed when I have said those words before, it came from a frightened part of my personality. When I feel like I am to tired to come from love, I create from fear.

Posted 12 years ago

Thx Lori. My intent here is to support u. In your original reply to me it had seemed that the FP you saw in me was one you just became aware of in yourself as a result of reading my post. However, in the next post it seems that u were very aware of that FP in yourself before reading my post. I understand that my post would trigger your memory of it but it had seemed that u had just realized it.

Is there an FP about being direct/care-taking/superiority?

You were very accurate that I was writing from an FP but your replied triggered another FP that got me angry because I felt like, “she knows full well that I wrote that from an FP but rather than just ask me she is making it seem like she just learned that about herself…like that gives her permission to challenge me on it …to manipulate & control.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric,

I’m wondering what you were feeling in your body as you were posting your last response?

Love Joanne

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Joanne,

I was feeling a lot of love for Lori as I could feel her intent when she originally replied to my post was love and support but noticed that how it was phrased created distance and pushed me away. Now, the distance and me feeling pushed away is my FP but imagined that how I experienced her response was similiar to how others in her life may experience it.

I was feeling a certain excitement to share what I had perceived as I hoped it could help in a very genuine way. To specifically answer your question I can’t recall what I was feeling in my body when I wrote but I do recall feeling like it feels right.

How did u feel reading it?


Posted 12 years ago


This interaction has helped me to see that when I share what I notice may be a fp in another person I have another fp that feels it needs to explain (manipulate) with the intention to protect itself, by saying that I have that fp also and etc… Thanks, Love, Soula.

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