Landing Forums General Discussion "Light Emerging"

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Topic: "Light Emerging" - Sundar Naga Started 9 years, 3 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

A few days ago I was reading the chapter on Light in the Seat of the Soul. After I finished the chapter, it occurred to me to pick up the “Light Emerging” book by Barbara Ann Brennan in my personal library.

I read this book quite a few years ago after I got it as a gift. Not much sank in then, I think.

But, now as I started to read it again after thinking more deeply about Gary’s statements in the Seat of the Soul and allowing more of them to soak in, I found the parallelism between what I was reading in Light Emerging and Gary’s teachings simply astonishing.

Here and there in the Light Emerging book I started to write statements using Gary’s language (such as lp’s, fp’s, higher self, etc.) that would parallel the statements found in that book. I could recognize Gary’s fundamental ideas such as the Universal law of creation being discussed in the book, although it was not referred to in that way.

I found the following passage in the book very interesting. “As we go through the painful experiences of our lives, we automatically try not to feel the pain. We have done this since childhood. We cut off our physical pain by withdrawing our consciousness from the part of our body that is in pain. We cut off our mental and emotional anguish by tensing our muscles and repressing it into our unconscious. To keep it depressed in the unconscious (or sometimes just below the level of our conscious awareness), we create all kinds of distractions in our lives that take our attention away from it. We may keep ourselves very busy and become workaholics. Or we take the opposite route to couch-potato heaven. Lots of us become addicted to drugs, cigarettes, chocolate, or alcohol. … We project our problems onto someone else and worry about them rather than trying to solve our own problems. We either misdirect or depress great amounts of energy in order to keep ourselves from feeling pain, including what we feel in the moment and being who we are in the moment. We think that it works. We think that we can get away with not feeling or being who we are, but it doesn’t work. The price is great, but we even deny that there is a price. The price is our life. We think that the only possible way to stop all this pain is to stop the energy flow that contains the pain. There are specific energy flows that contain physical pain, emotional pain, and mental pain. Unfortunately, this energy flow also contains everything else. Pain is only part of it. When we stop the negative experience of pain, anger, or fear of any negative situation, we also stop the positive experience, including the physical, emotional and mental aspects of that experience. We may not even be aware of this process, because by the time we have reached the age of reason, we do it habitually. We wall off our wounds. By walling off our wounds, we also wall off our connection to our deeper center or core. Since the creative process comes from the creative core within us, we have also walled off our creative process. We have literally walled off the deeper part of ourselves from our conscious awareness and our exterior life.”

Barbara’s terms “deeper center or core” and “creative core” in her book appear to refer to Gary’s “higher self” that is an aspect of my soul, which has come with me in the current lifetime and that constantly gives me messages regarding my lp’s that my soul decided to bring with me in this lifetime. When we add the additional perspective of Gary’s fp’s in the beginning part of the above passage, the whole passage appears to make full sense. I find it amazing!

In a later chapter Barbara writes under the subtitle ‘Negative Pleasure and the Lower Self’: “The intention of the lower self is to maintain separation [of the given individual from others, other things and God] and to do anything it wants to do, and to not feel pain.” The lower self appears to be a reference to Gary’s fp’s. Next, under the subtitle ‘Higher Self’ she writes, “The intention of the higher self is for truth, communion, respect, individuality, clear self-awareness, and union with the creator.”

As I kept reading little by little the past few mornings (doing my walking exercise), when I found “… we are faced with the challenge to choose love or fear” on p. 41 of the book, I spontaneously said to myself, “are you serious?!” In other words, I found the parallelism totally striking!

I should definitely add also that the book happens to offer an additional invaluable dimension and perspective with respect to what we learn through Gary’s teachings. If anyone finds the time, I think it might be worth looking at it.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

I very much appreciate your analysis, it resonates deeply with me.

Thank you.


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