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Live Session Discussions
Topic: Letting new experiences into our lives - Shelley P Started 6 years, 11 months ago
Posted 7 years ago
Hi soul partners, wasn’t the session yesterday on letting new experiences enter our lives (April 7, ’18) fantastic?! So positive, so reinforcing, and just so much what I needed to get me out of my funk. This gave me an idea. How about we continue that positive chain, and share how we are allowing new experiences in our life so we can read and encourage/motivate/ positively reinforce one another? Or, if such is the case, share our fears and our challenges in welcoming new experiences into our lives. Because it is not always easy to step out and try something new. I have such a mixed bag to report. I have been MIA from the community for quite a few months because I had to move late last year due to my job — leave my beautiful state, rent out my wonderful home, my shelter my refuge… leave behind friends and neighbors, pack and move across a couple of three state lines… I am good at doing what I need to do to survive. So, I did that no problem. But the next stage has been a bit more problematic— making the new state my home, making friends, finding activities…. putting myself out there, because I am a little introvert, I love reading, spending time with myself…. but here, I have gone into complete hibernation. I stay in my home/ room (safe space), I while away the time and cook, clean, watch tv, exercise, and most of all play stupid online games! Many a weekend, I am home all of Saturday and Sunday! As a result of the call yesterday, I made a couple of calls this morning to people I have been introduced to recently, and suggested we meet for breakfast, dinner, drinks… While perhaps not much, I think this is a good first step to putting myself out there, or as Linda said, allowing myself to letting the good come into my life, to surprise and delight me…after all, who knows what lovely soul partners are out there waiting to befriend me and share this little journey?! Would love to hear your stories, of how you are letting new delights enter your life, or as one of the people in my small group yesterday said, how you are letting go of the good to let great come into your life! |
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Posted 7 years ago
Shelly, It sounds like you are challenging the frightened parts of your personality to create a new experience. Awesome. Love, Doug |
Posted 7 years ago
Dear Shelley, Feels good to hear from you after a long time. I had to leave the call before Linda called on people the first time to make comments or to ask questions. Reading your post gives me some idea of what went on. Thank you. Like Doug has observed, it sounds like you are challenging your frightened parts. You have taken a good first step. Great. All the best. May all the good come into your life to surprise and delight you. Hope everything goes well in your new place. Eager to hear more from you. With love and trust, |
Posted 7 years ago
Thank you Doug and Sundar for your support. It is good to be back among supportive spiritual partners. Yes, I am enjoying how amazing it is that one small step seems to set off a chain reaction of positive things in life. Hope your health is good, Sundar. |
Posted 7 years ago
Dear Shelley, Yes, my health is normal. Last semester I taught less number of courses than normal. This semester I am back to normal. Thank you for checking. With love and trust, |
Posted 7 years ago
For today, my goal is to check out a Yoga class in the neighborhood. And to make one phone call to a friend of a friend, whose number was provided to me as a starting point for making friends in the area.
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Posted 7 years ago
Shelley, Interesting word risk. Sharing here is risky to the frightened part of my personality that wants to be seen as a Loving and Wise person. As I have shared often, my frightened parts “always” think a Spiritual Partner suggesting that I might have spoken or written something from fear vs love as a “bad” thing for me. That frightened part at times stops me from posting here. Other times, like now I want to challenge that frighten part and do my best. I am very grateful for you all and the experiences you bring to my life. Love, Doug |
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Doug, I understand about the fear of being challenged. I have similar fears. I remember something very powerful that a wise person once told me when I was giving myself a hard time for doing something new badly. I see your pic here with a child. Remember their first steps? Did they walk perfectly? No, they crawled, they stumbled, they fell. But as they crawled, as they stood up on wobbly little legs, they were building the muscular strength, and even strengthening their bone structure needed to eventually be able to stand up and walk on their legs. What if they had never tried to crawl until they walked perfectly? Would they ever have walked? We have to do it badly at first to perfect our skills. I fear that you know this. That I may come across as a know-it-all. But hey, if that is what it sounds like, would be good to know eh? And in the meantime, if it helps someone, anyone, even better, no? Thank you for your response. It does get lonely when no one responds! And your responses are always, to me, very wise, succinct, and well thought out. Love, |
Posted 7 years ago
Hmmm, and now I worry, am I care taking you? Well, such is the learning journey! |
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Posted 7 years ago
Thanks Shelley, I love that you are looking at your intentions to see if they really are what you thought. I have been using the Authentic Power Guidelines more lately to help me find my true intentions. I think it is possible you were caretaking. Awesome insight. Love Doug |
Posted 7 years ago
Harrumph! Hate all soul partners who provide good advice! ? |
Posted 7 years ago
Dear Shelley, What a great connection you have made, through your well thought-out analogy, between Doug’s picture and the statement that we have to do it badly at first to perfect our skills. Why do you consider it as care-taking Doug? It is something like this that seems to keep this community board so quiet and dead. People seem to be so afraid to share anything. We don’t ever consider Gary and Linda as care-taking us all whenever they share their wisdom with us during the live calls. How is it different when it comes to us? Are we taking Gary’s concept of frightened parts too seriously and are we misunderstanding the very concept? Sincerely hoping this would change and this community board would become very free and active, not so restricted and dead as it has been. With love and trust,
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Sundar, I totally understand your concern. I too would love for this board to be hopping with people sharing freely their hopes, dreams, fears, challenges. And for others to be providing the guidance we are seeking. I know your question was to Doug, but let me try and answer. Because otherwise, Doug is in the unfortunate position of interpreting how I was doing the care taking, and perhaps hurting my feelings. He is likely to say, there you go again, with your care taking ? helping out when no help is sought! Anyway, If you read what Doug wrote , he is simply saying that in response to my question, what risks are you willing to take, that on that day he was taking the risk of sharing. Nowhere in his post did he suggest that he needed help with risk taking. It is I who intervened with unsolicited advise, and that is the sense in which I was care taking him. Providing unasked for help is care taking. If he needed help, he might have phrased his response differently, perhaps said, why am I afraid of taking the risk of sharing. He did not. When we attend Gary and Linda’s call, on the other hand, we are implicitly asking for their advice. And so, what they do in that circumstance, is not care taking. But even there, if a caller just says, I live in lousy Los Angeles, and they jump in and say, I have a friend who can help you find a job in swanky San Diego, they may be care taking. They may ask, do you need help getting out, and if the caller says yes, then they can offer…. That is my understanding of care taking. Anyone else have ideas? Love, |
Posted 7 years ago
Shelley, Thank you for the response. Doug wrote: “That frightened part at times stops me from posting here.” In response to that you described the analogy and made an important point. It is not necessary that he has to ask for help explicitly. His post and the above statement he made there implicitly do that. In addition, you also made your hope known that it might help someone, anyone. Thus, I don’t believe it is care-taking. I believe we should be able to freely share such thoughts, especially on this community board. My question was to you, not to Doug. Again, thank you for the response. With love and trust, |
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Sundar, and all Soul Partners, I too wish more people on this site would share their issues, knowledge, wisdom so we could all learn and grow together. After all, isn’t that a specific goal of Gary’s teachings — a better world with harmony, cooperation, SHARING, and reverence for life? So, I understand your concern, Sundar, that my calling my share care-taking will further constrict the flow of ideas and information on the site. Since we are on a journey to understand emotions, let’s explore this care-taking vs. sharing business. I’ll explain my take, please feel free to debate. Though, knowing me, you’ll be on the losing end (oops, is that ego creeping up? :o)) In this case, I had sent out a call to soul partners asking them to share what risks they are taking. Doug told us about the risk he was taking. I don’t know what his emotions/ motivations were in posting. But let’s imagine for a moment, that he was feeling all good about himself that he was sharing his risk-taking behavior. One good reaction to that would have been be to thank him for making the community more vibrant by sharing. I mean, come on, he was the only person who shared their risk taking behavior! Thanks, soul partner! Or, I could have congratulated him for confronting his fear and overcoming it. Both of these would have been enhancing reactions. But whooosh! I took the air out of his tires by being all Ms Advising! When no advise was asked for. I think it may not be a big issue with someone as even keeled as Doug. But there are people who take offense to being advised. And who have in my past taken offense to my advise (ah, perhaps there is a pattern to explore, a frequent player to quieten?)! Close your eyes and imagine for a moment yourself giving advise. Visualize yourself, the setting, the room, the person to whom you are giving advise. No really, pause for just a brief moment to visualize the scenario. Most likely, you saw yourself as big, and the person getting advise in a dimunitive position, either sitting down, crouching, a child, a student… hopefully you were not advising Obama, or the queen of England…! At least this was the case for me when I visualize advise giving — advisor big, recipient small. So, to me, giving advise seems to be a way for the ego to make itself feel big, more in control, more powerful. That darn tricky sneaky ego! Continuing to explore emotions and motivations as Gary wants us to do — I would have to admit that there was a part of me that was seeking to find significance, approval, liking… by being helpful. And that is my MO (modus operandi), and has gotten me into relationship trouble in the past. Another thing caretaking does is take my eyes off myself and my emotions, and focus attention on the other person. So, I don’t have to deal with my introversion, or my loneliness here in a new town. Ok, does this mean no advise, no sharing, a deafeningly silent quiet community board? No! But, I think sharing on the community board does necessitate being aware of a few things: Thanks for reading! And please do respond, and share your thoughts on distinguishing caring/sharing from care taking, your rules for the board…or anything at all. Love, Shelley |
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