Multisensory Perception

Topic: Knowing - Basia M Started 9 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 10 years ago

2-1/2 years ago I visited my son, my daughter-in-law and my then 3 yr granddaughter. They had just moved to a most beautiful place in Newport Beach, CA. I visited several times the first year. I felt a strong pull to pick up my life in NYC and move close to my son and his family. We were all very excited about the prospect. Early in January of 2014 I made the move. I literally found a place 3 blocks from them. In September my son died suddenly. I am shocked, of course. What is uncanny is the knowing that the move was absolutely the right thing. In fact, I couldn’t get here fast enough. The knowing that I needed to be here (I thought for happy times) was so clear. Since his death the knowing is harder to hear. That clarity has been replaced by an internal process of exploration and not knowing.

Posted 10 years ago


Thank you for your sharing. That is really something.

I really appreciate your awareness of going from knowing to pure exploration. Would you like to say more about that? What sensations do you notice in your energy centers?


Posted 10 years ago

Sometimes when I begin to think (about all of it) I get a profound headache in the frontal lobe. It comes on quickly. When I stop thinking and move back into trust the headache moves away just as quickly. It doesn’t exactly happen in an energy center but it does tell me to stop thinking and intuit more. Thank you for asking that question tho. I will pay closer attention because I have felt burning in my throat a few times when anger was involved.

What brought you to this work, Sara?

Posted 10 years ago

That’s some keen awareness, Basia. I like where you said that it’s telling you to stop thinking and intuit more. That’s great that you can tune into your guidance and see what happens when you consciously choose to detach from the thoughts, even if just for a bit.

I was exposed to Gary’s work back when he was on the Oprah Winfrey show. Both my parents bought the books and we went to some workshops years ago. I tried to read the books on several occasions and I was drawn to the energy of it, but it took a while for those seeds to really sink in and start bearing fruit. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I really began participating in my spiritual growth fully. I’m grateful that I was able to go to workshops, because the books were very difficult for me to read. I didn’t have the discipline at that time to stay with the material, but the energetic experience was powerful for me.

I’m currently reading Heart of the Soul, and it’s so much easier for me to connect all the dots and use the tools.

How about you?

Posted 10 years ago

How about me?
I’ve been in this human form for a long time…many experiences lead me back to wonderment regarding synchronicity, knowing and guidance. For me, I have built up a confidence and trust in my system of feeling, thought and action. I was an artist for many years before I came to the work of Carl Jung. Early in my healing process I knew the power of creative expression for externalizing internal feelings and emotions. I became an art therapist and worked with adults for many years helping them to give voice to their experiences and integrate their traumas.

I feel a new direction unfolding. I am in a liminal space right now through the death of my son. I have been changed, dramatically, again. I know that my intention to help has not changed but the method and venue has already. I just don’t know how helping others will look in the future. Writing helps.

I am also reading a lot “Seat of the Soul” “Power of Now” and “Dying to be Me” which have been very useful. I have read many that are not very useful but I won’t name them here. I am expanding my perceptions and challenging my fear.

So great that you were introduced to this work through your parents!!!

Posted 10 years ago

Dear Community,

I need your help.I’ve been on this spiritual road awhile and at times its easier than others.I’m in pain at the minute as I am catching myself judging my wife her form weight looks etc.(I’m married only few years)I know its very small minded I recognize feels like a conditioned pattern an attachment and creates fear and pain.
I love my wife dearly she is a wonderful loving person and a knockout when we go out!…she is also a great mother to our 16month old.I’ve read alot of Garys books and it all helps but im stuck at the minute.
Your thoughts help is very welcome…

peace Shane.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Shane,

I appreciate you having the Courage to share this.

When I notice myself judging, (and I experience this a lot) I try to remember to stay in my body and feel the sensations in my energy centers. This is hard for me a lot of times, but it’s really what makes all the difference and allows me to challenge my frightened parts. With the thoughts, I try to practice noticing them. Just looking at them in an impersonal way – they’re not who I am, they’re just thoughts of frightened parts of my personality. Sometimes this helps me to welcome and embrace them. I notice when I resist looking at them, I can’t challenge them. Sometimes I notice thoughts of shame with my judgments. It often shows up in my body around my heart center, solar plexus, and even some times in between my eyes. Very painful. Specifically I tend to notice a tense burning in my solar plexus and heart areas.

What sensations do you feel? What thoughts are you hearing this frightened part say?

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Shane,

When I experience the judge inside myself, I am usually wanting to feel better about my life condition. My fear is usually that unless I get my way and the other person conforms to what I want, I will never have love in my life again.

It is almost a formula: If __(person’s name) __ doesn’t change, I will never __(have peace in my life, have access to my granddaughter, have love in my life or in my community__ .

The imperative words are ‘never’ and the ‘other person(s) need to change’. With me, the fear never just stays with one thing that I will never have or get…one fear contaminates a lot of otherwise good aspects of my life.

I like that you prefaced your words with truth about the love and appreciation that you do have for your wife. Usually when we see that other person as all bad, we are in real trouble. The judge, in my self usually starts saying things under my breath about the other person…now, the moment I recognize that I am going in that direction, I reaffirm what my intention really is. If my intention is ‘peace and love in my family,’ then I say that to myself, like a mantra. I ask myself ‘How am I being peace and love in my family’ if I am putting someone down in my thoughts? That stops the chatter and moves the energy back to my highest good.

I have seen some real miracles in my life, in this regard…I have been able to enact real change through acceptance. That is not to say that I don’t get pouty and want things to go my way!!! lol. Breathe in your life force, exhale the separation.


Posted 10 years ago

Hi Shane, I also appreciate your courage in sharing your reaction and your love for your wife. You say you feel pain. Could you say where you feel that pain and how it feels? Is it a pain that is familiar to you? Have you felt it before? and what kinds of thoughts are associated with the painful sensations? I believe this exploration will support you in gaining greater clarity about yourself. For me, it’s the first step toward healing a frightened part of my personality.
Sara and Basia, thank you for your sharing. I feel grateful to be here with you all.
Sending you love,

Posted 10 years ago

Hi All,
Thank you for all your insight and advise.its been very helpful.
Sara you poised some great questions.yes I do feel painful sensations in my solar plexus/heart and eyes.I need to pay more attention to this.Basia yes it does feel I need my wife to be a certain way or I wont be fulfilled or happy in that moment-which comes and goes-I try to choose love as Gary says and that can guide me out.I think the ‘never’ is a big thing because its like this will never change but of course it does but in the moment it feels it won’t. Catherine you said have I had these feelings before and are they familiar.Yes most definitely and are very apparent when I’m in a relationship and this has often caused me to run in the past from all intimate relationships-thankfully I’m in a stronger place and being here has made me look deep inside me.My background is from divorced parents from 10 and an abusive alcoholic doubt a familiar story to many here.
In a nutshell when I get in the judgment mode its not ‘enough this isnt enough it needs to be more or my way’if that makes any sense.I’m looking upon all of thses things as learning lesson for my spirit and soul.I’m very glad to be here and grateful to you all.thank you.
Peace and love.


Posted 10 years ago

Shane, I have found it very supportive to use the words ‘I intend to’ in place of such things as ‘I try to’ or ‘I want to’ or ‘I need to’, etc. It feels empowering to me, like I’m no longer lost because I’ve chosen a goal for myself.

Love, Rosalind

Posted 10 years ago

Thank you Rosalind thats very helpful.I’m also using I choose ‘love’ when I feel fear.
peace and Love.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Shane, Thanks so much for your sharing. I’ve been married for 40 years and for the greater part of them I thought I was “helping” my husband be the best he could be by trying to change him. When I finally realized, through learning to create authentic power in my life, that it was the pain in my own life that wanted me to control what was going on externally, it was a yahoo moment. Not that life got easier, but it certainly got richer and more joyful. I also realized that my fp’s will never want me to not control externally – so it’s not a matter of changing my fp’s, but rather understanding that they are not who I truly am. And when I challenge them by sitting and allowing the pain to surface, it transforms me, not them. I have come to see the beauty in everyone without the great need to change them. And seeing that everything and everyone in my life is here for my spiritual growth, has helped me have the courage to feel some extraordinary pain. There are still moments when I want to change others, but I’m much more aware that it comes from fear, not love. And I know that love nurtures and enhances my life in a way that controlling externally never has. Blessings, Pam

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Pam,

Many thanks for your kind words.Your experience of 40 years really reassures me!I’m slowly letting go of control but it isnt easy!thanks for sharing again..being here in this community is very supportive.
peace love.

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