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Topic: Karma - Kristen Richardson Started 10 years, 7 months ago
Posted 11 years ago
The current romantic partnership I am in is supporting me with consciously experiencing the karma I have created. It is supporting me with experiencing the same pain I have created in others. The frightened parts of my personality that have been secretive, that lie, that use others to feel ok, safe, to get attention, etc. I had no idea I was creating pain in others in the past when I made these choices, in fact I thought I was trying to save them from pain…I thought I was being loving. Karma is serving its purpose in my life, it is supporting me with realizing what I was doing, seeing what it creates in me and others, and supporting me with making loving, healthy choices. When I am tempted to react to what I am being faced with, I am able to ask myself “have I ever done this to another person?” and the answer is “yes,” I then am able to open to fully experience the pain under my reaction. This is such a powerful way to learn about myself. I am grateful! |
Posted 11 years ago
Dear Kristen, I find your sharing to be important in my life as well as interesting. I want to continue to consider your words and to see more of what they will bring up in myself. I am sensing that there is much the same in myself which I need to fully look into as to not being aware of the extent of what it is that I am truly offering to others in my life. I have seen some truth evident just in a few past recent days as to your sharing ,(in myself), so thank you for this. I may copy this as I think that I want to begin a paper copy file for my reference and thus far I have one paper copy in this (will become a) file. I wanted also to share something which came to me about karma. Years ago, when my son Josh was about 7 or 8 and just beginning in a 4-H group for children, he was to share something of his choosing in front of the group. He didn’t know what to share and so I gave him something simple which I, myself, wanted to share with the youngsters. It was simply, “Choose well…(I can’t quite remember the rest but it was very short). The children didn’t seem to really pick up on it or to even pay attention, but I’m sure it resonated as to what degree of Love in which it was given by either Josh, and myself, as well as to how Love was represented in each child, ( in what way they were open to it), in the moment. As for me, i had intention of reaching their ears to give them an awareness since I had chosen to participate in abuse as a victim, as a youth. It came to me this afternoon such as something would come to heart more than just mind and so I have less experience in putting those things best to words. When I give to others, anything, whether it be from Love or from fear,I am choosing for myself in the moment of giving thus, since whatever it is that I share of myself will return to me in the form of a gift coming back. If it is given from my fear, then that is the form of Love in which I have chosen to give my gift, and so it is in that form that it will be given back to me from the extension of myself of the Universe which is in the form of another person. And I would experience this form of the Love that I chose to give in this manner as a painful experience. We are all connected in very deep ways by Love and so that is why I am choosing to express the other person as being an extension of myself. Maybe if I can begin to really live this truth, then I will become more conscious of what it is that I truly want to share with others from the depths of myself. Is it really necessary for them to experience my pain, or will I choose to learn to be able to reach beyond this in myself in order to access the real Me so that she can give gifts of Joy and Love to others, and therefore, to herself? It is my hope that this can resonate with others in Loving fashion. Cindy |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Cindy, I’m not clear when you say “if it is given from my fear, then that is the form of Love in which I have chosen to give my gift….”. I do not believe that an intention driven by fear can accomplish anything Loving. When I act from fear, I generate energy that comes back to me as negative karma. Fear is the absence of Love. I may think I am acting from Love, but if I’m experiencing pain in any of my energy centers, then I know I am not. That’s when I look at the thoughts behind my action and the intention of those thoughts. Then I can make a responsible choice and consciously choose to act from love instead of fear. I like Gary’s analogy of throwing a ball in the air, and per the laws of the Universe, it will fall right back to where it originated. That’s how I understand karma. I talk with my very young grandchildren about throwing feathers or nails in the air, and which I would rather have land back on me. It is so good to hear from you. I look forward to seeing you again at the Journey. Blessings, Pam |
Posted 11 years ago
Cindy, |
Posted 11 years ago
Dear Pam and Kristen, Thank you both for your responses. In response to Pam’s response, I am grateful for your sharing as I do not want to confuse anyone as I try articulating from deeper parts of myself. I am and was thinking of how Gary has shared with us that all is Love. So in saying that I chose that form of Love in which to give back to myself, (which would have been a choice actually to react from fear in myself and therefore you are correct to point out that I would have been responding to the fear by way of a choice FROM–a reaction to the frighened parts of my personality– fear), a better way to describe what I believe I was trying to say would be that I would be asking the Universe to give my gift back to me in It’s fashion of lovingly showing me what needs to be experienced by myself by way of allowing me to experience my own action coming back to me as a painful experience, so that I can see,(if I make the choice to look at and feel the pain instead of reacting unconsciously to it),the fear in myself which i need to challenge and learn to choose a more loving response in response to the pain. Fear is an absence–an ABSENCE of Love. I will try to keep up with the community board as best I can in coming days. Right now I have to attend to some matters in life in other areas and so will need to challenge myself to keep this inward opening open and growing. Love, Cindy |
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