Landing Forums General Discussion just wanted to share

General Discussion

Topic: just wanted to share - Sundar Naga Started 9 years, 9 months ago

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
Posted 10 years ago

I wanted to share the following with all those members who have relatively recently started to be on Gary’s path. I genuinely like to say that you are in the right direction. Please continue to understand his teachings (which I refer to in myself as the spiritual theory that explains everything regarding what this life is all about) and continue to apply what you understand. My experiences seem to tell me that you can never go wrong.

I will now share what happened today in my life, which caused me to write this post. My wife and I had a conversation this morning regarding a reality TV show that we have been watching regularly for some time (where several children sing movie songs to win the ultimate title that the show endows upon). It so happened that she missed some parts of my statements and misunderstood me, which became clear to me from the statements she made after mine. Unlike how I would have handled such a situation in the past a few years ago (a “terrible” past when I had no clue that my fp’s were trying to become active and that I was indeed allowing them to do so without recognizing a need on my part to make use of my lp’s rather), I handled it today from the healthiest part of mine with a corresponding 100 % positive result. I then narrated to my wife how I would have approached the situation if I were the same person as before and not a different person now, thanks to Gary’s spiritual theory.

My wife went to work (as she had to work this Saturday at her library) and I continued to be home (as I am a university professor with no classes to teach on any Saturday). A few minutes later my daughter called from another state to talk with mom without knowing that she had to work. Our daughter is married and has two young (4 and 2) children. She called while she was jogging in the morning in the neighborhood. During our conversation at one point she said she was not what she used to be and she has been attempting to bring about quite a few changes in her with respect to anger, tension, etc.

I have been aware of that, but her mentioning it this morning sounded amazing to me as it reflected what I was just telling my wife about myself. Our daughter loves her children like anything, basically devotes her life for their welfare and does many things for them. Certain times they end up doing things that test her patience, etc.

We talked about the reason why such things happen. Namely such interactions form the substance of her spiritual growth since they provide the opportunities for her to develop her emotional awareness and to make responsible choices. There are no right and wrong things; there are no good and bad things. There are only choices and effects. If the choice is Love, the effect is Joy. If the choice is fear, the effect is pain. The essence of authentic power is to distinguish within herself between love and fear, and always choose love no matter what is happening inside or outside of her. She should try to keep her personality aligned with her soul all the time, namely with harmony, cooperation, sharing and reverence for Life, by always radiating energy only in Love and Trust, never in fear and doubt, and by developing forgiveness, humbleness, clarity and love for everyone and everything. (I start each day by saying in the morning to myself these powerful statements of Gary’s and then repeating them as many times as I can.)

I told my daughter what happened in the morning between me and her mom before she called. I also indicated how much her statement to me meant (namely that she was a different person now compared to before). I told her that such an improvement (namely spiritual growth) is what life is all about.

A few minutes later a friend called. The conversation with her also went very well, thanks to Gary’s spiritual theory which I tried to apply during that conversation also.

I teach my general chemistry students a number of different theories in a lot of detail, and my physical chemistry students two of the most powerful theories, namely quantum theory and thermodynamic theory. Science is known to be after a theory of everything. I like to share with those who have recently started to be on Gary’s path that I find his spiritual theory to be a theory of everything regarding what this life is all about. Please continue in your efforts to learn this theory and apply it in your life with full confidence. You will see the effects for yourself.

Posted 10 years ago

Hello Sundar, my intention is to practice being in spiritual partnership with you. Is it possible there was a frightened part of your personality active when you wrote this? Possibly a frightened part that hides behind teaching when you addressed everyone in this sharing? I really enjoyed the specific, personal examples you gave regarding your wife and daughter, and feel it would have been more powerful to simply share that.

Posted 10 years ago

Hello Kristen,

Thank you very much for your intention to be in spiritual partnership with me. It is a very good and pertinent question you have raised.

I did intend to share it with all those who might have just recently started on this path and to give them a kind of confidence that they are in the right direction. I started on this path about 19 or so years ago when I accidentally happened to see The Seat of the Soul book at a WalMart store (which I bought). I now have all of Gary’s books and read them. For a long, long time in my life I had allowed the fp of shouting in anger to become active at some point or other of my interactions with those close to me. Thanks to Gary’s amazing and wonderful spiritual theory, I am considerably different now with a motivation to become better and better not only with respect to this fp, a very strong one in me, but in general the fp’s that my soul must have decided to bring with me in this lifetime.

Whenever an opportunity presents itself, I do share Gary’s fundamental ideas with others (relatives, friends, etc.). I genuinely believe that it would help everyone first to understand what this life is all about and then to start addressing the life issues slowly one by one. Like Gary, I make sure I don’t impose it on them. I explain certain things and then ask them to think through and experiment with them. My actual intention for a while has been to prepare and do a PowerPoint presentation for my community friends at our Center here. (One of my lp’s appears for sure to be sharing.)

Today I wanted to offer an additional hope to those on the list who are just starting on this path (namely in addition to that offered by other practitioners who share their experiences).

Kristen, after I typed the original post, I tried to check whether it was the work of any of my fp’s. I didn’t feel so. After I submitted it I checked again. I seemed to feel a joy rather than a pain. But, we all know how tactful and cunning the fp’s are (I know how my anger fp used to justify my actions and words). So, I will continue to watch and observe. Thank you for being my wonderful spiritual partner and raising this important question.

Posted 10 years ago

Hello Kirsten,

When I was in the shower a few minutes ago, I suddenly remembered the word ‘teaching’ that I read in your post and realized that my response did not include anything regarding that. I just read the corresponding question again: “Possibly a frightened part that hides behind teaching when you addressed everyone in this sharing?” I do not understand what you meant by this, especially the expression ‘hide behind teaching’. Can you please elaborate on the question so that I can consider it and figure out what was happening in me with respect to any corresponding fp? Thank you again for being my spiritual partner.

With love and trust,

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Sundar,
Wonderful to hear from you. I am enjoying practicing spiritual partnership with you. We have been in a small group together during the Life School calls, and now connecting on the community board. What came to me when I read your post, was wondering if it would have felt any different for you to simply share with us the experiences you had with your wife and daughter, and not the other information? Would that have possibly felt vulnerable?
What I meant by ‘hide behind teaching’, is wondering, possibly if you feel more comfortable teaching something, since you are a teacher, rather than simply sharing something powerful you experienced? I’m not sure, of course, just exploring this possibility with you?

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Kristen (sorry about the misspelling in the previous post),

Yes, I remember our being in a small group during the Life School calls. Very glad to be able to connect with you again on this community board.

Thank you for offering further clarification for your question as I requested. I just reread my original post and I think your reference is to my last paragraph there. I am now asking myself: what was the intention behind adding it there and could an fp have been active in me then? The intention was to convey a strong hope to those who have started relatively recently to learn and apply Gary’s teachings. I strongly believe that his teachings make up a spiritual theory of everything which possesses the power to explain everything regarding what this life is all about. Instead of just conveying this to the starters, I felt I could point out briefly my special experiences regarding scientific theories whose objective, through their postulates, is to explain the facts of Nature that we accumulate through observations on Nature. I have always been impressed that it all started after Gary listened to the illuminating lectures on quantum theory by the experts in the field.

Please let me know if you feel the presence of an fp in me in this regard. I will explore it further. Thank you again for being my spiritual partner.

With Love and Trust,

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Sundar,
I suggest continuing to be with this. I look forward to ongoing Spiritual Partnership with you.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Kristen,

Thank you very much. I will keep the suggestion in mind. I also look forward to an ongoing spiritual partnership with you.

With Love and Trust,

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