Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Journey to Soul Advice

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Topic: Journey to Soul Advice - Started 11 years, 2 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

I am new to the APLC and considering registering for the Journey to the Soul in July. There is a FP of my personality that is trying to talk me out of this. My FP’s are saying things like, “What if I get my nerve up to share and everyone looks at me as if I am nuts?” “What if I get emotional IN PUBLIC?” What if? What if!!
Anyone else have these experiences prior to attending? What did you do to keep moving forward?

Posted 11 years ago

Welcome, Wendy! Have you experienced these fps in other situations in your life?

With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Absolutely. Checking intention before I act is new to me. I am now more aware of the FP’s. Unfortunately, they are still more often an “after the fact” realization than a proactive avoidant action.
Thanks for asking.

Posted 11 years ago

Your fp around going to the Journey, Wendy — what do you think it is? And what is its intention?

With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

I have been pondering this today. Except for my close family, I avoid emotional intimacy. The idea that I need other people to move my soul growth forward makes me uncomfortable. Logic dictates that if I am afraid to share, it must be because I feel inferior, that others would reject me and that would be painful. So my FP is inferiority?
Right track?

Posted 11 years ago

How well I remember my own thoughts when Gary said I need others in order to grow spiritually, Wendy — They were very much, “Please, anything but that…Show me how to do it on my own.” In me, that fp did largely come from inferiority and it felt as though its purpose was to keep me safe from being judged. However when I asked myself what it actually created in my life (what its real intention/effect was), my answer helped me find the courage and commitment to challenge it. Do you know what the real intention/effect of your fp might be?

With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

I know that the intention of my FP is to maintain the status quo. I am still pondering the effect. Many thoughts but no answer yet. Thanks for your patience and counsel.

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Wendy,

Are you able to bring your energy from your thoughts to your heart? If so, what message does your heart share with you? Love, Carol Ann

Posted 11 years ago

I signed up for the Journey to the Soul in July. It will be my first live seminar with Gary and Linda. My response to booking the trip was one of taking care of the details.

Probably, there is no one answer to your questions but I wondered if some of your concerns were from just the fact of travelling. That can be stressful. I encourage you to start with the easiest worry and build your successes.

By the way, I am new too….what is FP?

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Carol Ann!
My heart is telling me that I would like to attend. I am looking forward to speaking with others (like yourself) who are interested in spiritual growth.

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Wanda,
In answer to your question FP stands for a frightened part of your personality. I too am going to the Journey to the Soul this one will be my 5th. I Wendy had fp’s of my personality that have felt the same way as you. I still do but the more I challenge these fp’s they slowly loose their power over me. Gary once said if not now when? I think about that often.
So good to connect with you.

Love Joanne

Posted 11 years ago

Wendy, your fears sounded just like my fear parts my first year of the Journey. I had never been to anything like that before and my fear parts tried there best to keep me from going. I was scared right up to the minute of it starting. I knew though, that I really wanted to grow in my life, become more authentic within myself. I at times wasn’t even sure exactly what I was wanting I just knew that I wanted things to change…..I knew that what Gary was teaching from his books resonated inside of me, and I wanted to know more. I just took it step by step. It is a very warm and loving environment and I have to say that that first Journey taught me so many tools with which to work with, it was the beginning of true transformation in my life. when we challenge the parts of us that are afraid, and move ahead anyway, there are huge gifts to be had. Blessings to you…..Judy

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