Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Join Online Chat! Sun 9/20: 12 -1 p.m.. PT- Featured Video: The Illusion

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Topic: Join Online Chat! Sun 9/20: 12 -1 p.m.. PT- Featured Video: The Illusion - Started 9 years, 5 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen, I believe I heard Gary share that when I am aligned with my loving parts of my personality the Illusion has no hold. I also feel from my experience when I connect with others from my loving parts that I feel open and connected at a deep level. Love, Carol Ann

Posted 9 years ago

Well, I think that I need to start with an Intention to reach out to them with love. And, I’m feeling overwhelmed with approaching both of them so need to just focus on one, to begin with. I feel so stuck that I’m sitting here in tears, with a tightness in my chest, especially as I think about my son.

Posted 9 years ago

I like to share the following. Maya, meaning illusion, is a very important spiritual idea in the east. For 33 years I grew up amidst this idea. I took efforts to understand it, but something fundamental appeared to be missing. When I read the chapter on illusion in Gary’s Seat of the Soul, I started to feel that it provided me with the missing links. I continue to try to understand this fundamental idea more and more as I listen to him in the videos and the Life School. It is indeed a blessing to be his student!

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Sundar, Thank you for sharing! I find noticing what is going on in my body so helpful in learning about myself. What are you noticing in your body right now as you share? Love… Cheryl

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you very much Kristen for sharing. Along with Cheryl’s sharing, it really brought up a very strong frightened part in my life that I recently became aware of. The FPs that want to control others have been very strong in my life. It has come up with females that I find attractive and would take advantage of them. The way I was doing that was befriending them, making them feel good and special and in return, I would feel powerful and special. The FPs that felt unworthy are so deep in me. I have felt so much pain around my heart as I am getting more and more familiar with this FP. I also noticed it with males through business interactions when I’d be attached to the outcome and wanting my way, taking advantage of someone else that was weaker than me. Now that I noticing my thoughts and how I was acting on them, which continued to create painful consequences in my life (my illusion), I am choosing not to act on them anymore. The thoughts are still there but I see them now and I know I can choose a different intention in that very moment. It has been a truly amazing journey to remain open and to receive support from my spiritual partners in noticing this in me. So grateful. With Love. Steve

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Cheryl, for example just a little bit ago today I was sitting with a buddy of mine whom I dated before. I noticed the energy of attraction surface. In the past I would have closed my heart and created some energetic distance with him, and been distracted (in a fp) during our discussion. Instead I was able to feel the fp, become aware of it and simply choose to connect soul to soul. Because I have been challenging that fp of my personality over and over, it wasn’t even tempting. I simply noticed it and brought my focus back to connecting, listening to him and feeling open. My thoughts were of gratitude for our deep friendship since 12 years old and enjoying this time with him. Love, Kristen

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Pam, I had an experience with my husband that I shared on the last Life School call which was very powerful for me. When he was mentioning options for dinner, my fp’s became active telling me that I had already cooked a nice lunch today and I was tired and he can fix his own dinner. I spoke to him from the fp. Immediately as the words were coming out of my mouth, I heard myself from the impersonal perspective and knew what was coming next for me. I would create distance, not give him eye contact, and at the least act like this for a few hours, or a couple of days. I saw all play out and I immediately went to him and shared with him that I saw my fp and I recognized what would unfold if I did not share with him. He thanked me and we had a great evening. I cooked dinner from my loving self. The pain I felt in my body was intense, my throat was tight, my heart was restricted and my solar plexus felt like a knot. This is the first time I felt the pain of this fp and it was excruciating. I challenged the Illusion with my loving self from the beginners mind. Love, Carol Ann

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Everyone! I just got on because I had forgotten to watch the video first. I love this sharing experience. Thank you all! What struck me most in the video was at the end, when Gary talks about being in the illusion and yet not needing to act on it. It reminded me of a commencement speech by David Foster Wallace, “Fish in Water,” which I listened to yesterday. Illusion is like water for the fish. I don’t know I am in it because I am so immersed in it. It takes a conscious effort to recognize the illusion and act from that recognition.

The other evening I let fps of exasperation take over my consciousness for a while, when I was talking to someone close to me. Even while I was feeling the anger, I was also aware of feeling it and of feeling intense pain in my throat and my chest, aware that I was in a strong frightened part of my personality. The fp was intensely powerful, reacting to what it saw as someone trying to give me advice that I/fps didn’t need. Because I am aware of the need to create authentic power, a couple of minutes later, I was able to challenge that frightened part and come from love (a more peaceful place in me that wanted to create harmony), and we were able to communicate. I still felt the pain but I didn’t act on it any longer. I am still impressed by how powerful that fp is. The loving parts of my personality are grateful for this opportunity to become more aware.

Posted 9 years ago

Steve, thank you for sharing that. I enjoy hearing how you are doing. Love, Kristen

Posted 9 years ago

Hi DianeS, would you consider sitting with your feelings and understanding you and why you are feeling this way and what about it is familiar from the past in situations similar and not similar but they bring up the same feelings- reaching inside before reaching outside of you.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Cheryl, thank you for asking. It is a joyful feeling to share anytime how powerful Gary’s teachings have been. A couple of hours before the starting of this live chat, I was teaching a 7th grader some concepts in science – he is a friend’s son. His mother also comes with him every time she wants me to teach him. Toward the end the conversation changed direction. I shared some fundamental ideas from the Seat of the Soul. Both appeared to get deeply interested and the young one asked questions and attempted to learn them. It was indeed a joy.

Posted 9 years ago

Diane, recently my 27 year old son did something that triggered a big FP in me. Honestly what he did had nothing to do with me but I felt so much anger. I felt it in my heart, a great tightness. My head said that it is his life and he has to learn from his actions but something else in me, a FP, wanted to tell my son just how much he messed up. Like somehow making him feel judged and condemned was going to help him or me. I too felt a little stuck….tried to just not think about it so as not to feel the pain or anger. In my case after some reflection I felt I began to see why I was feeling angry with him for his mistake. I felt I was somehow putting myself in his shoes as though I had acted as he acted, I was the one in the mess and I caused it. I can’t say I have all the understanding about why I was seeing it that way but what I did next changed everything. I sort of created my own illusion or vision. I visualized my son taking a persons hand and placing it on his heart and saying to them, feel my life. And I saw him take another persons hand and placing it on the side of his face and saying to them feel my love. And with the 3rd person he put their hands in his so they were facing each other looking over their joined praying hands, and he said like into my eyes, not at my eyes, and see my soul. He said my soul is loving, it is kind, it is patient. And then my daydream vision ended. I was in tears at this vision but my anger with my son was gone, my putting myself in his situation was gone. From that moment on I was at peace with that life school lesson. Very sureal but very effective…..seeing him as a loving caring soul melted any distance I felt.

Posted 9 years ago

Catherine I love the analogy of the fish in water. Need to come up for air!

Posted 9 years ago

Diane, welcome and thank you for sharing. It sounds like you are feeling a strong frightened part of your personality. With respect to your son in particular, would you like to describe what you feel in your body and the thoughts that come up? I have a similar situation with my daughter. Lots of core frightened parts get activated. I have been challenging them for a long time, yet they are still powerful.

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you for your shares. I found the video on illusion very powereful. Gary’s final example about the service people that had “failed” to keep their promise was so perfect for me to hear. For the past couple of weeks I have tried to get a refrigerator installed and have run into various problems. Needless to say I have had many opportunities to experience frightened parts- anger, disappointment ect. I have done my best to try to act from th most loving place I can but have found it more challenging as time goes on but I am committed to continue to do my best.

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