Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Join Online Chat! Sun 9/20: 12 -1 p.m.. PT- Featured Video: The Illusion

Live Session Discussions

Topic: Join Online Chat! Sun 9/20: 12 -1 p.m.. PT- Featured Video: The Illusion - Started 9 years, 5 months ago

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 65 total)
Posted 9 years ago


What might help is to tell yourself often that all that exists between you and your son, you and your sister is love. The experiences that the frightened part is attempting to create are illusory only. Continue to attempt to make the loving parts active.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi JEAN LUC what was you experience watching the illusion video

Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Steve for asking. Much of my body got hard/rigid, from my throat to my second energy center… anger, judgement. And the Universe is supporting me in looking at this as on Friday our internet went down and when the cable representative said they couldn’t come out until late Monday, I (my fearful parts) reacted and I said “This isn’t acceptable.” My husband supported me in saying… “She can’t help/change their schedule.” And I saw my reaction… wanting control, wanting my way.

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Diane,

Welcome to the Live Chat. So good to have you with us. Congratulations on being courageous and being open to learning more about yourself. Reaching out during this chat or sharing on the Community Board at any time is a good way to stay connected with others. The experience you’re having when communicating with your son and your youngest sister is a great example of an Illusion in your Life. Would you mind sharing more about how this Frightened part of your personality feels in your body? Do you feel any sensations around your throat or your heart for example?

With Love,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Diane S, Did you watch the Illusion video? If so did anything come into your awareness that you can use to support yourself with feeling alone and stuck?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

So good to read you. Thank you Cheryl for sharing this powerful experience. It sounds like your awareness has deepened. You chose to feel the physical sensations in your body instead of acting on the illusion which wanted you to manipulate your husband in getting the remote. Do you remember the thoughts.?

Sending love,

Posted 9 years ago

Thanks, Sundar. Both are distancing themselves from me, emotionally, and I find myself responding in kind. Yet, everytime I think about calling one of them I have tension in my belly, aching in my chest/heart, and the past few days, even a sore throat trying to develop with tightness in my upper chest/bronchial area. I know this is about fear – a frightened part of my personality – that I will be rejected further by them, through their responses or lack of as I try to connect with them. I want to avoid that feeling of rejection, another frightened part of my personality so I feel stuck.

Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Cheryl. That’s a great example of an Illusion. You’re becoming so familiar with this FP in your life and it sounds like you’re not letting it control you anymore. That’s pretty powerful.

Posted 9 years ago

Steve, thank you for the first post summarizing Gary’s powerful words. For me I am having experiences to interact with males from loving parts of my personality rather than frightened parts of my personality. I’m experiencing connecting soul to soul more clearly. The universe is bringing into my illusion experiences deeper than sexual/attraction energy. Helping me to open my heart rather than close it from fear which I am more familiar with doing. It is perfect for my souls evolution at this time in my life. Love, Kristen

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Diane, Thanks so much for sharing. Would you share how you could challenge the fp that feels stuck and is afraid of rejection? Love, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

Diane, thank you for sharing. Please trust that the Universe is compassionate (both to you and them). Please do not feel attached to the outcome of the calls you make. Whatever their words might be during your calls, continue to allow your loving part to be active toward them, trusting that the Universe will take care of it all the way It should.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Diane,

Can you share what you may be feeling in your body at this moment? I know for me when I feel the fp thoughts that I am stuck and remember to feel in that moment it supports me in getting out of my head / thoughts that I am believing. It brings me back to the present moment and somehow helps me to move into a place of more clarity and calm within. I appreciate your sharing!


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen, can you give an example of opening your heart vs closing it in the Illusion? Love… Cheryl

Posted 9 years ago

Hi everyone, the illusion video gave me a sense of peace and rest that love is the only real thing and the rest is to understood but not lived. I was in an illusive state this past week closing out my parents estate to find that my sybling had made changes to financial matters that had the potential to cause problems and he had done it before. Now in my state of consciousness I had the beginners mind in like an outer body experience watching and listen and feeling myself as I went through the emotions. I didn’t act the way my personality wanted. I chose to bless the situation make the necessary changes and move on not to say I didn’t cuss andew times but I didn’t act totally like I would have in the past. Now I understand that my anger, frustration, disappointment, woe is me was the illusion. Glad I found my way back. Moment by moment

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Wveryone, Would love to hear what experience of illusion you had that you were able to see clearly and appreciate as an opportunity to grow. Love, Pam

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 65 total)

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