Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Join Live Chat!! Sun. 9/6 10 a.m. PT -Many Topics Vulnerability, SS Sunday

Live Session Discussions

Topic: Join Live Chat!! Sun. 9/6 10 a.m. PT -Many Topics Vulnerability, SS Sunday - Gail Started 9 years, 5 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Thank you for your question, Soula! When I watched Gary and Linda speaking about spiritual partnership today, I felt that it would be supportive for Greg and me to watch a particular segment together, especially when they talk about a relationship being spiritual as long as the two partners commit to growing together. With Greg, I often feel that I am not growing spiritually, that I am responsible for not having a full spiritual relationship with him because I allow frightened parts of my personality to take over, specifically fps of comfort, of not wanting to “rock the boat.” Those fps want to remain unchallenged (of course, that’s what fps want…).

In watching this particular segment of the show with Greg today, my intention was to challenge those fps. I asked him if we could be more conscious about being in a spiritual partnership, which means to support each other in becoming aware of our fps and challenging them. This morning, Greg and I only had about 20 minutes together, 15 of which we spent watching Gary and Linda. So we actually had 5 minutes to talk at a heart level. We usually relate at a somewhat superficial level, where we are content a lot of the time and get into power struggles some of the time. There are areas of each other than we just don’t talk about habitually. For me, it’s because of the fp that desires comfort and refuses to be challenged. Today, I quickly described this fp to Greg and asked him for his support. This fp uses strategies to mask the pain of discomfort. I described some of the fp’s strategies, such as removing myself from the possibility of having an honest conversation, not asking what my or Greg’s intention may be when a loving part of my personality knows that it would be supportive to us both to ask.

In sum, my fp doesn’t want to create a spiritual partnership with Greg because it knows that it will be challenged! I feel we have made significant progress today.

Posted 9 years ago

Hello everyone! I am in Canada and our programming must be different. I just watched the Spiritual Partnership conversation with Oprah, Gary and Linda from 2012. (I have it on my PVR and have watched it many times!) Gary spoke to me today when he defined spirituality. Becoming more aware, more responsible, looking at everything as sacred...creating harmony, cooperation and sharing. I am looking forward to more of that in my own life.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Joan, thanks for your post! Yes, I appreciate Gary clarifying what he means by spirituality. Practicing challenging frightened parts of my personality and nurturing loving parts has enriched my life in many ways, especially with relationships with my family members.

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Joan, and welcome to the community forum! So glad to read you. I feel the same way as you do about spirituality as increasing awareness, responsibility and awe before the universe. If I remember that everything is sacred, then I feel more empowered to come from love in my interactions. It does put everything in perspective! I am saying this having just experienced a strong reaction–fps that wanted to engage my husband in an argument because I/fps were disappointed from the energy I felt in a comment. It takes all my courage to let go of an attachment to his being “perfect.” Banford, thank you for sharing about the enrichment of your own life through practicing authentic power.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Catherine.
Posted 9 years ago

Gail, what a powerful experience you shared! It is striking to me how coming from love (setting your intention and challenging your fps) opened you to enjoying yourself and feeling truly comfortable. Love is so empowering, while fear brings feelings of powerlessness and disconnection. Thank you for the reminder.

And Soula, I want to thank you for sharing your experience of vulnerability, which encourages me to feel my own fps more fully. I particularly appreciate how feeling the intense pain lead you to detach from the fearful thoughts of loneliness, resentment, anger, and jealousy, and from the desire to please. That is powerful learning…

With love,

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Joan and Welcome! Yes, I also resonate with Gary’s definition of spirituality… this definition puts something I once felt as “vague”into something practical that I can apply immediately, such as becoming aware of what I am feeling in my body throughout the day, i.e., (feeling the physical sensations in my energy centers and also noticing my thoughts) and practice taking responsibility for what I am experiencing emotionally, when it is so tempting to blame others for what I am feeling. I am very grateful for the tools Gary and Linda share that support me in making more choices from love vs. fear in my life.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

In my gym class yesterday I was looking around at the people in the class. My thoughts were of judgement as to how everyone is in their own world, no one seems to be enjoying themselves, I feel alone…..then I became aware that I was feeling superior and judging! When I became aware of my thoughts as a familiar fp of my personality and not who I am a light went on inside me! I felt glad to be part of the class and to be in the class, I was really enjoying myself and felt grateful. It felt very real to feel alone and disconnected and painful. It felt very real to feel to feel connected and joyful and it felt very good. I choose the latter because I want to create a life of feeling more connected with myself and therefore with others, more gratitude and joy. I cannot do this alone and that is why I am here in this class, in this community!!

With love,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Soula, Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience! I love that you made a different choice which changed your experience from one of fear to one of love. What struck me was how simple the process was. What I mean by that is when I am in a frightened part of my personality any impulse or insight to choose something supportive feels like “a really big deal” and “too hard” and “it won’t make a difference anyway”…and yet the loving part of my personality knows it is only one small part of me that feels that way….It is an opportunity to trust the process….make the healthiest choice I can in the moment and see what happens. I noticed I was feeling a heaviness in my lower abdomen and a sadness before I read your post. Reading it supported me in recognizing and challenging this frightened part and make the choice to share from a loving part of my personality. Thank you Soula and to all who open themselves to share their experiences and support. You are a blessing to me. Love, Gail

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