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Topic: Join Live Chat!! Sun. 9/6 10 a.m. PT -Many Topics Vulnerability, SS Sunday - Gail Started 9 years, 5 months ago
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Posted 9 years ago
Join the Conversation!! Did you watch Gary and Linda on Super Soul Sunday? What would you like to share? |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi everyone! Eager to see your sharing! |
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Posted 9 years ago
Hi Gail, Banford and Soula, I just watched Gary and Linda on Super Soul Sunday, after watching the original show a few years ago, and I found so much food for thought. I love being reminded of what it means to truly create authentic power. The discussion about intention was so powerful. I’ll say more in a minute. |
Posted 9 years ago
Yes, Catherine, Terri and I watched most of it, too. Great reminders about creating Authentic Power and Spiritual Partnership! |
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Posted 9 years ago
Gary mentioned how when one is not aware of one’s intention, one is creating with fear. I recognize this in me. I often forget to check my intention. For instance, in the midst of an argument with my husband, I forget to take that little breath that will enable me to check my intention and change it from fear to love so that I can pull out of the argument. |
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Posted 9 years ago
I loved Gary’s words when referring to that moment of awareness as a gap between the impulse of a frightened part of the personality and consciousness. He said that we have the opportunity to “inject consciousness” in that gap. Indeed. When I do that, I am often able to change my energy from frightened to loving. |
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Posted 9 years ago
Since I’m talking about awareness, or the lack of awareness, in my relationship with my husband, I want to share that I watched with him a part of the conversation between Gary and Oprah today, with the intention to be closer to him and to talk about our relationship as a spiritual relationship. We were able to get closer to each other by sharing at a deeper level than usual. This moment gave us the opportunity to reaffirm the reasons for being together. I felt the truth of what Gary said in the show, “in this relationship we are going to grow ourselves forward.” It’s so beautiful when I become aware of this intention in my relationship and that my husband shares it with me. Feeling grateful. |
Posted 9 years ago
I love what Linda said about spiritual partnership. I have fps that look at the reaction and behavior of the other person to tell me about myself. This work has helped me so much in becoming aware that the other person is triggering fps in me that I need to look at in myself. This awareness of it being a fp helps me to detach from its beliefs of not being loved or belonging which are very painful to opening to my intuition and setting my intention to choose a loving perspective or action in that moment. I am so grateful for this ability to create authentic power! |
Posted 9 years ago
When Oprah asked Gary and Linda if they ever argue, and how it is different in a spiritual partnership, Linda mentioned that they “catch themselves”, and see that a frightened part (FP) of their personality is active, and challenge it more quickly than before. I see this in myself. Before I read The Seat of the Soul, I blamed Terri (my wife) when she triggered one of my FPs, so I was blind to the fact that I was responsible for the FP that is angry. |
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Posted 9 years ago
Today I specifically requested support from my husband (Greg) in my spiritual growth. I told him of frightened parts of my personality that don’t want to feel pain and how they use specific ways to mask the pain. So I asked Greg to be aware of those fps in me in order to support me when he sees them become active. Even as I write this, I feel the pain of fps that don’t want to be “exposed.” I feel sensations of pressure in my chest, a heavy ball weighing on my solar plexus, thoughts of fear, but the loving parts of my personality are excited about this new opportunity to grow! |
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Posted 9 years ago
Thank you for sharing, Soula. I appreciate how you are learning about yourself and would love to read an example of what you just described. |
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Posted 9 years ago
Banford, thank you so much for sharing. I also appreciated this moment in the show. It’s not that I am going to be free of fps, they will always come up, but I can be more aware of them and so be able to challenge them when I notice them. I also loved how Gary spoke of creating authentic power as a process, not an event. It’s ongoing for life! |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Catherine, That is amazing that you were able to do that with your husband. When you say you were able to get closer by sharing at a deeper level can you clarify how you were able to do that. It sounds like you were are creating a spiritual partnership! |
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Posted 9 years ago
I want to share an experience that points to Intention. I few nights ago, I want to a dinner party. When I left the party, I was in pain…I felt tightness in my throat, chest and solar plexus. What happened? I reviewed the evening when I got home. I realized my words/conversations felt forced….and I “tried” to think of things to talk about. My focus was on “me” and how I was being perceived. I “thought” I was present at the time, and as I reviewed the evening, I realized I was not aware of what I was feeling in my body (energy centers) or aware of my thoughts. I was not aware of my intention in the moment, but I knew it came from fear because I felt tightness in my body…which indicates to me that my intention did not come from love. I had another opportunity last night to do things differently. I was invited to a birthday party. Before going, I set my intention to be as present as possible (be aware of what I was feeling in my energy centers and notice my thoughts) and to share from my heart. I had a completely different experience! I actually ENJOYED myself! Words flowed effortlessly and I felt connected to the people I was sharing with… I also cared about them.. My chest and solar plexus felt open and my body in general felt lighter. The Universe supported me, yet again, with an opportunity to do things differently…to create from love this time, and not from fear (unconsciousness). I am very grateful for this opportunity to have a “do over” and to be reminded again of the power of Intention. |
Posted 9 years ago
Sure Catherine, Recently at work I have been feeling distant from a collegue that arranged a luncheon at the office and I was not invited. I had been challenging this fp with this collegue for some time and I thought (my fp thought) that we were becoming closer. This particular event shocked this fp a lot that felt used, unloved, not belonging and could never be loved as myself. I felt very lonely and decided to go deeper in feeling this strong and familiar fp. I had to challenge fp thoughts of resentment, jealousy and anger for this person as I knew that they are what I need to heal in this life time. The more I was able to feel this pain the less control the thoughts had over me. In addition I had several temptations to please this collegue, small talk in the elevator and pretend that nothing was wrong…. a life long pattern. But I frustrated this need by not acting on this need to please and I know that this has been another step toward breaking down the walls of these fps. Thank you Catherine for asking and giving me the opportunity to challenge fps that feel ugly and fear being vulnerable. Much love, Soula. |
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