Landing Forums General Discussion Jealousy

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Topic: Jealousy - Kathy P Started 8 years, 7 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Dear Friends,
My friend and I are studying Seat of the Soul together and had a question about a paragraph on page 151, which is in the chapter on relationships. It states, “You begin to see that what is necessary to the health of your partnership is identical with what is necessaray to your own spiritual growth, that each of you holds the pieces that the other is missing. If you are jealous, for example, you will find that jealousy is what brings to the surface in your partner an aspect that needs to be healed, and that that aspect is mirrored in your self.” Does that mean that because I am jealous, my partner must also be jealous?

Posted 9 years ago

Dear Kathy,

It is a very good question.

What is at play here, I think, is the law of attraction that you are already aware of.

Let us assume that before I was born my soul had decided to bring with me in this lifetime the fp of jealousy. In other words, I happen to be a jealous person. And, as per the Grand Design by the Divine Intelligence, I am expected to challenge this fp and change it. In order to do so I need to recognize the presence of this fp in me and also to realize the painful consequences it is capable of producing. It so happens that the Universe, being Wise and Loving, lets the law of attraction operate. Accordingly, the personality of another soul with whom my soul already had a ‘soul contract’ regarding this process of challenging and changing this fp appears in my life. This person has the potential to become my (spiritual) partner with respect to this process.

This partner happens to exhibit jealousy toward me, which in turn produces painful consequences in me. The resulting pain in turn teaches me and helps me understand the negative effects of being jealous. It helps me challenge and change this fp in me. In the case of a genuine spiritual partnership, I in turn help the partner also challenge and change the fp of jealousy in him or her. One continues to help the other during this very, very tough process.

As Gary says in The Seat of the Soul in the same chapter, by becoming the other person, by truly walking into the fears of the other and then returning into my own being again, I open up the conversation to transcend the personal and become healing at the impersonal. This allows me to see each other as spiritual playmates as I work through the areas that require healing in each of us.

In the book ‘Spiritual Partnership’ Gary discusses the law of attraction (along with the other two laws) in chapter 2, ‘Soul View’. On p. 24 he says: “For example, when you are angry, you attract angry people and you live in an angry world. When you are greedy, you attract greedy people and you live in a greedy world. When you are loving, you attract loving people and you live in a loving world. It is that simple.”

So, “Does that mean that because I am jealous, my partner must also be jealous?” Not quite. It depends on whether there was a soul contract between your soul and the partner’s soul before both were born regarding the fp of jealousy. If so, then the partner’s role would be to reflect the jealousy that your soul brought with you in this lifetime for you to work on. It can be jealousy or it can be some other fp that both are supposed to work together on. It is the responsibility of the partners to figure what fp it might actually be, I think.

Hope this somewhat helps and answers the question. If I am not clear enough anywhere, please let me know. I will attempt to clarify, if I can.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Kathy and Sundar. This inspired me to re-read the chapter on Relationships. I would add the second half of the chapter Kathy is quoting. “You begin to value your partner’s contribution to your development. You experience that his or her perceptions and observations are helpful, and, indeed, central to your growth, that conversations between you stir deep waters”. Your spiritual partner may or may not have similar experiences to yours but they will complement yours and provide the perfect support.



Posted 9 years ago

Thank you so much Sharon for sharing a deep insight: “Your spiritual partner may or may not have similar experiences to yours but they will complement yours and provide the perfect support.”

As I was typing my response to Kathy, the above thought constantly occurred in me, but I didn’t include it. And afterward also I was thinking about this.

My wife and I happen to complement each other much more than being just similar. This complementarity seems to have helped both of our growth tremendously by providing a perfect support, as you observe. We have also come across many other couples of such nature. It appears that the law of attraction covers not only like energy but also complementary energy.

Thank you again.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Sundar and Sharon,
Thank you for your thoughtful insights. It is helpful as I embark on this journey.

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