Landing Forums Spiritual Partnership Inviting "friends" to be spiritual partners

Spiritual Partnership

Topic: Inviting "friends" to be spiritual partners - Hazel Started 12 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 13 years ago

I have a friend who has been fun to connect with and she has been supportive to me. I have shared some of my “spiritual journey” with her and we have started to have some depthful conversations in our relationship that have turned out to be very interesting. I thought perhaps she may be open to the concepts of spiritual partnership. Shortly after that an incident happened that involved some gossip she engaged in and I pulled away from the friendship. I knew frightened parts were in control; “I didn’t have the time to deal with it”, “I didn’t know how to say what I thought”, “she wouldn’t be open”– those sorts of “excuses” that kept me from being authentic. After being with this, seeing where I feel it in my body, what my thoughts are, I realize what a great gift the Universe has given me to explore my own growth and know myself better by challenging my frightened parts- getting more familiar with the rooms in my mansion. I am so much more appreciative of each opportunity that I am given (and take) to align my personality with my soul and do my “soul work” daily.

Posted 13 years ago

I too had a friend that fear based parts of me temporarily pulled away from, because I felt she was “stuck” and not interested in growing. What I learned about myself from that experience was that she was mirroring frightened parts of my personality, that up until that point, I had not been open or willing to see in myself! The truth was I felt “stuck” (or frightened parts of me felt stuck) and I judged myself for not “changing” as fast as I felt I should….and projecting that onto my friend. Frightened parts of my were not accepting or appreicating myself ….and were not accepting or appreicating my friend either. I made a choice to see her and myself differently..from a loving perspective. I love the analogy of “rooms in my Mansion” …some rooms are loving that I want to cultivate, and some rooms are fear based, that I intend to challenge. I would love to hear other peoples experiences too.

Posted 13 years ago

I have a very close friend of 25 years. She and I both have been single for several years and have always had each other to vent to and fall back on. She has recently developed a “fall-in-love” relationship with a nice man. I am happy for her. Truly. But there is this jealousy in me that I want so bad to be rid of. I don’t like it, and I consciously work on it. But it’s still there. I miss our close friendship. We are at different places spiritually, but that has never mattered. We were always extremely close. Just thought I would post this and see if anyone has any suggestions or has felt the same way.

Posted 13 years ago

by jealousy do you mean jealous of the fact that she found a relationship (love) and you have not? if so, I relate. My last relationship was 7 years ago. Since then I have been single but I often think of my ex-girlfriend. Lately, I think of her a lot more. Since we broke off she has since been married and divorced. She divorced 1 1/2 years ago. I become jealous when I imagine her on dates or being with someone else. This is a part of who I am. I am rarely if ever a thought on her ‘radar’ yet I am still jealous after 7 years. It’s hard because I am looking for love. Our love was not perfect but it is the only memory of it that I have. I really miss the feeling of being loved (and loving). But I think that is what this whole process is all about. That the ‘well’ of Love (Light) that we seek originates in us. that we are our own ‘fountain of youth (Love)’ but knowing that is just a small road sign. Living it is the hard part. I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to not feel loved. Yet, i think there is something here for me to learn. in the end all that i can say is that you are not alone. I can relate deeply.

with much love, Eric

Posted 13 years ago

Thank you, Eric. I am afraid that this is exactly what I am supposed to learn — how to be content and happy by myself. And I am kicking and screaming the whole way. I don’t want to learn that. Shall I say, my personality doesn’t want to learn that??? I, too, miss the feeling of loving. Now that I’m studying this and exploring my soul, I wonder if I was loving in order to be loved. Does that make sense?? Is that wrong and selfish and negative??? Are we supposed to ignore the fact that we want to be loved? I think it’s probably a long process. I feel changes already, but I’m not there yet by a long shot. You are right, living it is the hard part.
I hope you find what you seek and learn the lessons you are meant to learn (without much “personality” pain).
Love to you, Marilyn

Posted 13 years ago

well, for me I have been healing from a sexual addiction (i.e. terror of intimacy) so I made choices that were not very loving (and some that were loving). for myself, I feel I created my situation but I don’t say that in judgement more like, “i did the best I could and living the results of the best I could (if that makes sense)” We are there (in my opinion). Imagine next month you meet the man of your dreams. A person you never thought existed. And you love each other profoundly (not romanticism) but a deep love. Would it be as sweet without the pain you are going through now? And if so, is it fair to look at your experience today as only pain? Today is as special as you chose to respond to it. but it’s still hard (at least for me it is)!

nice to share some thoughts with you.


Posted 13 years ago

Hi Eric,

Your words give me hope. I wish the same for you.

Posted 13 years ago

thanks Marilyn. the conversations help me too.

Posted 13 years ago

I so relate to your post Marilyn. I’m having to look at my ‘intentions’ of being loving, kind, doing nice things etc… and if I have a secondary agenda of wanting to be accepted and loved. In being honest with myself I have to say that I have had that secondary agenda alot of the times. Ouch!
Learning to be content and happy ourselves is not as easy as it seems. My thoughts are with you as you go through the process – we are worth love, and worth loving – even loving ourselves! =)

Posted 13 years ago

Hi Debby – So glad to meet someone else here. No, it is not easy. I am struggling with it today. I don’t think it’s supposed to be a struggle. I don’t want to be trying to align my personality with my soul merely in hopes of not feeling the pain of this “loving” thing. Does that make any sense to anybody? It’s as though I’m trying to heal myself so I won’t feel loss, which is a vicious circle. I’m probably putting my mind into it too much and not enough of my heart. Yesterday, I followed my intuition and purchased mega lottery tickets with the intention of giving a million to all my friends and family. (However, my secondary, or maybe primary intention was to keep at least half of it. Oh, but I would start an animal rescue.) I’m being silly here, really. But it’s just an example of the craziness. It’s like a good/bad, black/white puzzle I’m trying to put together, and it doesn’t fit yet.
I do hope you and my other friends here have a good day and progress on your journey. Thanks for your reply. πŸ™‚

Posted 13 years ago

Hi Marilyn,

If I had won the lottery, I too would spend alot on the animal world! I feel we love the animals
so much for they are such mirrors for the love we crave..they love unconditionally and live in
the moment. To me, they seem more aligned to their soul..they don’t seem to have that fear based
personality unless humans have beat them or were wounded in some way.

My sister the other day used the phrase “2012 is about thinking with your heart”. I too feel I
want to figure everything out. But perhaps if we chose a more loving “picture” each time we feel
a fear (and let that fear go down the river Pg l09 in The HEART OF THE SOUL,) eventually the love
feelings and thoughts override our fears. I’m seeing within myself that what I thought was love
in my past relationships was need and security. I thought we “loved” each other deeply. But
to me, I feel so few have ever experienced true love – that Divine love that we are craving for.
Like Christ said, The kingdom of heaven is WITHIN, so once we master our fears, our ego, only
then will we find the love that is beyond words. Gary and Linda and also for me, Dr. Wayne Dyer,
are mirrors that give me hope that when we own our “stuff”, we will have a deep loving
relationship with ourselves, a partner if we choose and the world. Did any of you see the movie,
THE SHIFT on Oprah’s SUPER SOUL SUNDAY last week? It was great.



Posted 13 years ago

I also saw the Movie, The Shift. Actually I bought it online trough Hay House. I liked it too. I really enjoy Oprah’s Supersoul Sunday shows for the most part. That is where I saw the interview with Gary about Seat of the Soul. I really enjoyed that interview too.

Posted 13 years ago

A few women here where I live will be getting together to read the Seat of the Soul. I’m looking for others’ input. My close friend asked to have this group and she and I talk about all different types of things. But yesterday she seemed on the defensive and I didn’t put my finger on that immediately but only that she was forceful in her opinion so I choose to (was that a withdrawal?)cut the phone conversation short by telling her I had to get lunch ready for my husband. This allowed that converstion to “cool down”, from my point of view. I called her back a couple of hours later and it was a much better conversation. I’m only on class 5 and the meditation seemed time for me to think about that conversation. Was what I saw in her “the defensive” really my own part? Well am I on the right track?

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by Mary Beth.
Posted 13 years ago

Hi Mary Beth, thanks for the post. Reading and answering to posts really helps me. I relate to your situation and will share how I process it. Last week I was out for a coffee with a close friend of mine. During our conversation I could feel that he was judging me quite harshly even though the judgement was not direct. It didn’t feel good inside. I could feel tightness in my body and a feeling of anger. From my point of view the overarching question in growing in authentic power is how do I decide/chose to respond to the feelings that are coming up within me. I was being judged harshly (that was real)…but the question is “how do I respond?”. That for me is the path as I understand it. In my example of last week I didn’t do so well. At first I became a little cold with him, then when we left each other I became angry and fantasized about cutting him out of my life. I was able to experience the alternative option to growing in authentic power…which is to experience the consequence of acting out of fear. Thanks again for the post.

Posted 13 years ago

Hi – I have enjoyed reading everyone’s posts on this subject and must comment that I find relationship dynamics and experiences in general to be both challengng and rewarding. From what I can see from both Eric and Mary Beth, it appears that you two both challenged frightened parts of your personalities that may have wanted to respond to your friends from a fearful standpoint and chose to wait to do anything about each situation until you were clear about your intentions and how you wanted to respond. I feel that shows that you used the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines in a loving way and that this is what authentic power is all about!

I was once in the Authentic Power Program and the Expanded Program through the Seat of the Soul Institute and have valued the spiritual partnerships that I have made in these programs and the other public retreats that Gary and Linda give. I am happy that I can work on being spiritual partners with such wonderful people. However, I still find it difficult to broach the subject of spiritual partnership with my friends. For example, I have a friend at work who is going through a difficult time because she was assigned to work for an additional boss and she is overwhelmed. I have given her suggestions as to how she may be able to relieve the stress she is undergoing, but have not broached what is happening with her from a spiritual viewpoint. I don’t want to caretake her either. It has helped me to write this because I feel an answer may be coming to me about how I can talk to her using the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines. She knows that I go to these retreats and I think I may just talk to her about how I would talk to her about it if she was a spiritual buddy and see how she reacts/responds! I welcome any other suggestions/guidance!

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