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Topic: Introduce Myself - Denise G Started 8 years, 5 months ago

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Posted 8 years ago

Hi I am Denise. I have decided to join the Life School; because currently I am reading “Seat of the Soul” and feel transformed by its teachings. Especially regarding the soul and its connection to our daily lives. My goal is to integrate these teachings into my daily life so that I will truly “live” an authentic life. Seat of the Soul, has touched my heart and provided me with insights. I have been on this journey of new thought, new age and ministry for quit some time now. However I find the teachings of Gary Zukav profound and attainable. It has transformed my perceptions of the soul from a Christian and theological perspective. I look forward to talking with other members as I face challenges and joys in my life. It is comforting to know that there is a community of positive individuals that are working towards a life of enlightenment as we journey through life together.

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Denise,
Welcome to the Life School! Please feel free to join in the conversations, we are all learning together. I am grateful you are here. Check out the many videos Gary and Linda have on the site, it is a wealth of information that I have found so helpful.

With love,

Posted 8 years ago


Welcome! As Stephanie said, we are all learning together and growing together. Please participate in the discussions and share your wisdom and multisensory perceptions.

You wrote: “I find the teachings of Gary Zukav profound and attainable.” Amen!

You wrote: “It has transformed my perceptions of the soul.” In relation to this concept what I find to be a unique contribution by Gary (that has played a major role in my deciding to go deeper into his teachings) is the following. Before I was born, my soul decided to bring with me certain specific, carefully chosen loving parts (lp’s) and frightened parts (fp’s) after necessary consultations with other souls in my soul group as well as with guide souls and Teacher souls. What is then expected of me, as per the Design of the Divine Intelligence, is to identify, challenge and change the fp’s as well as to identify and cultivate the lp’s. This process simply constitutes spiritual growth.

I find the above idea to be extremely profound. It seems to explain everything regarding life and appears to provide a unique answer to the question: what is this life all about? I was born and brought up in a surrounding where the concept of soul is something that is familiar to almost everybody. One can hear references to it very commonly. However, the above fundamental idea in terms of that concept, to my knowledge, was completely lacking. I couldn’t figure the answers to various questions I had. But, the above idea seemed to clarify everything. Therefore, this turned out to be a major attraction to me toward Gary’s contributions. I am extremely happy about it because it has allowed me and continues to allow me to challenge my fp’s (which might be referred to by different terms in different religions) and cultivate my lp’s.

Eager to hear your thoughts and comments.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Sundar, Yes, I believe I remember it as a gift from the universe allowing us to try on a certain outcome…is that right?

I am working on detailed response for later today. πŸ™‚

Posted 8 years ago


I assume you are referring to temptation from Gary’s perspective (and meant to respond in the other thread ‘Journey call Aug 30). After reading your detailed response, I will make a connection between this concept of Gary’s and the point in your brief response.

With love and trust,

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Sundar,
Thank you and Stephanie for your kind welcome!
I am grateful for your response,apologize for the length of time it has taken me to respond to you. With that said I am reviewing study guide and questions related to the heart. The vital essence for me in terms of expanding my heart and soul are the emotions. I am touched by the way Gary relates our emotions as being a direct indicator of determining if we are responding to another or situation by way of the heart(LP) being open and grounded or responding from our (FP)which is blocked/ contracted and closed. I would say that our emotions is an actual conduit to the soul. In all fairness I never thought of emotions in this way. However, this is one aspect of growth I am cherishing now. Because I am very much on the journey in terms of developing an intention and self-awareness of my emotions. Grateful for the journey!!
Kindness and Grace,

Posted 8 years ago

You are very welcome, Denise. All the best on your journey.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Denise and welcome to the Life School. I hope that you will be able to participate in the live call/video sessions. I look forward to them as Gary and Linda offer me an open and loving way to consider life in the Earth School. I am currently challenging myself to listen to the recordings more often as a way to keep myself connected with my true purpose in life and to keep my focus on experiencing my emotions and learning to recognize my frightened parts and to be willing to challenge them when they come up. Naga, I appreciate your thoughts about how Gary’s books have answered questions that you seem to not have found answers to elsewhere. I have found that the, “Seat of the Soul”, filled in a lot of my “blank spaces” that I could not really find complete answers to in the religion in which I was brought up. Currently, I enjoy listening to the book on CD on my way home from work, in order to remind myself of the concepts that attracted me to this book the first time that I read it.

Love to all,

Posted 8 years ago

Hello everyone, I’m back and been missing the experience. I’m looking forward to the calls etc. Special hugs and kisses to my friends in the Master Class – Miss Yall!!

Posted 8 years ago

Welcome back Gladys! Looking forward to connecting with you.



Posted 8 years ago

Hi Gladys. It’s good to see you again on the community board. I look forward to further sharing and growing with you as spiritual partners both here and also on the Life School calls. I’m sending Thanksgiving wishes your way as every day is a day for me to find something in my life to be thankful for!

With love,

Posted 8 years ago

This not a reply but an introduction. My name is Jamie. I have a question for anyone who is interested in giving me feedback. I’ve been in a long distance relationship for the last 18 months and for the longest time I was trying to figure out why it has been so difficult for me. I most recently had a breakthrough and realized the long distance relationship triggered a painful side of me. I was abandoned as a child and every time my partner would fail in getting back to me with a text, or a call, I would find myself getting upset. I would feel rejected, my heart would race, and my body would get hot, I felt like I was experiencing anxiety. I am amazed at how overwhelming the feeling is and how painful it is to face the cause of my pain. I decided to take a break from the relationship because the feelings were consuming me physically and I was not responding in a healthy manner. I so much want a spiritual relationship with him but when I have explained what is getting triggered inside me he said I was thinking of myself, I was trying to change him, and I’m different now. “When is the other Jamie going to come back?” I love him, and didn’t want to have a negative impact on our relationship so I decided to step back for personal healing. I feel like I’m being authentic because I stepped back to face my pain and heal. He didn’t want me to but I was really struggling with the triggers. Did I do the right thing by stepping away from the long distance relationship?

Posted 8 years ago


May I ask you a question? You say: “I decided to step back for personal healing. I feel like I’m being authentic because I stepped back to face my pain and heal.” What do you think the mechanism of this personal healing might be in the absence of that relationship triggering the pain?

I have not had any similar experience and I do not have a direct answer. In order to facilitate further discussion at least, I thought I would ask that question. Maybe it is not even a meaningful question.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 8 years ago


As you might know, one of the important quotes of Gary’s happens to be the following:
My interactions form the substance of my spiritual growth since they provide me the opportunities to develop emotional awareness and to make responsible choices.

So, I am wondering whether Gary would characterize your decision as an escape from the pain. I totally understand when you say: “I was really struggling with the triggers.” However, it so happens that those triggers are the ones that are needed to heal the pain. Of course, at the same time, I just don’t know how meaningful it is to face the situation if the feelings were consuming you physically. As quickly as possible you may have to take care of that part and then courageously face the triggers preparing yourself to respond to them in a healthy manner.

To slightly modify the current quote of Gary’s at the top right corner of the Life School home page, the greater the desire of the soul to heal the frightened parts, the greater is the cost of keeping them.

I think you have raised a very important question after genuinely sharing your experience. My intention here is not to mislead you in any way, but only to facilitate some further discussion. I always like to be open to the possibility that I am totally wrong.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 8 years ago

Hi Jamie,

First of all, welcome to the forum. Hope you find the support you need over here.

I am going to respond to your question based on general knowledge, not necessarily specific to what Gary teaches, because I am myself still in the initial learning stage as far as Gary’s teachings are concerned. I do not have the depth of knowledge of say Doug, or Sunday’s ability to recall almost verbatim what Gary teaches

I feel for you. I can only imagine how life threatening it must be to be abandoned as a child. After all, dogs are made such that they can be kicked out in 8 weeks or so, humans need a full 18 years to get that maturity, independence. To be abandoned must mean not only that you suddenly lose the softer things such as someone to comfort you when you scrape your knee or wipe your nose when you are sick. It must cause an existential crises as you don’t know whether you will have a roof over your head, or food to eat….it must have been such a blow to your ability to safely bond with another human, to trust, to remain open, communicate, love…it is hardly surprising you felt anxious when separated from your partner as an adult, because it brought back all the existential fears of abandonment.

Own your feeling. You are not crazy, weak, clingy… you have a legitimate need.

I do not think anyone can tell you whether you did the right thing or not. How can someone else know?

And I do not think you should stress yourself too much worrying about whether you did the right thing or not. At each moment, you (the inner you, not the personality) knows what it is able and ready to heal in that moment. And it will take the actions it needs to heal that aspect of your personality.

If it then decides it has bitten off too much, it will reconsider… but now you are on the path, you will begin to heal what you can in the moment.

You will find as you journey, that this dilemma is like an onion. So many different aspects to your personality, and so many different aspects to your healing. At each moment you will peal another layer and heal it.

I commend you for searching. I am envious that you found Gary so early in your search. Keep reading, keep seeking support. Keep learning, and healing your personality and getting to Authentic Power. One additional book I like for this type of situation is “in the Meantime.”

Hope this helps. With love and support,


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