Landing Forums General Discussion Intention to live in a state of forgiveness

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Topic: Intention to live in a state of forgiveness - Cindy Started 10 years, 7 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

This morning, my second full day at home after being at the Journey event, I am feeling all of the usual energetic feelings which I normally live with daily in my life. There is a lot of anxiety and fear represented in my breathing pattern, constriction in my mid chest area and upper solar plexus, and a sort of swirling of energetic, but not always formed, thought patterns within my head. I am grateful to have experienced the Universe’s response to an intention which I set on Friday after returning home. I had set the intention to begin living my life with the energy of forgiveness present within myself. I began on Friday by sitting in quiet meditation and bringing my energy to a state of forgiveness as best I could. I created a “space” of quiet and holding myself there with the intention of living in forgiveness with myself. Then I brought a loved one within that space with me,(energetically), and I held her there with myself in this energy of forgiveness along with no baggage of attachment or stipulation or expectation. And then I brought myself together with someone else as well. Just openness and complete trust in the Universe.
Last evening, I needed to go to the city where I most often do most of my transactions in life–shopping, appointments, etc. I could have chosen an alternate city which is about the same distance from where I live, but I believe I was responding a little bit to being drawn to go to the one in which I chose. So, I was in a major department store shopping for things in order to restock my fridge since i’d been out of town for a week. I was looking within a frozen food closet(?)–and a woman called my name. When I looked up, I recognized someone who was involved with something which had been occurring in the employment situation at the time when I chose to remove myself from that employment last December. This woman had been involved in something situational which I had allowed to help influence my decision to leave. I’ve been dealing with feelings of dissatisfaction with myself, from within, since then, because I know that there are things that I need to learn from situations like this. I know that I need to learn things about myself,(experience them),so that I can change my responses and create better things happening around me as they are influenced by my intentions and responses coming from Love from within myself. I really feel that i am better empowered since being at the Event this year, in how to use the tools of creating authentic power in my life to really do this in my everyday experiences and I have already begun to put this in effect to the best of my ability in each setting as it presents itself.

When I recognized this woman, I remembered my intention to living in a state of forgiveness energetically, and i could sense from her that she was going to offer me a hug as she began walking over to me. I did my best before and within the embrace to embody myself in a state of being of forgiveness. She began to telling me that she has also left that place of employment, and she went on to express her fps of discontent with the same person who had been in a more central position with myself when I made the choice to leave the job. My choice concerned my own fps of discontent and influenced the fact that I had chosen to come to feel need to leave employment there while getting myself some further education in the general field in which I had been working, (which began in January).
As she spoke, I just listened and remained present with her without agreeing or smiling, or nodding my head in reinforcement of the fps that she was verbalizing. When she finished speaking, then it was sort of my turn to speak and I didn’t feel that it would be appropriate in that moment to offer her verbal support such as I had practiced while being at the event. I didn’t ask her what she was feeling in her body or if she thought she was coming from fearful parts or loving parts of her personality and etc. But I was actively looking from within myself as to what might be appropriate, from love, in response. I didn’t remember to lean into, or ask my intuitional guidance for assistance, though I have no doubt that they were all present with me and doing all that they always do in support of me. We spoke further about where she works now, which is in a much smaller atmosphere of the same type of business. I then, being one who has much to learn about staying in the present moment and gaining ability through practice of doing that, allowed myself to bring in my fps “agenda” and I began asking her questions about her experiences of working in a smaller type setting. It’s not that that was a “wrong” thing to do, but I recognized after returning home, that that is what I had done and that by doing this, I really was not then perhaps allowing myself to engage soul to soul with her as much, and experience the richness of sharing with her in that way. My fps were more concerned about what knowledge that I could gain in the moment about what it’s like to work in the smaller business environment in this field of work that we share in common with each other. And that’s okay and she was open to share with me in that way, but what greater sharing may have come in way of healing together what may need to heal between us, had I remained more conscious in each moment of this commitment to my spiritual growth as being most central in my life.
In response to all that she had shared when she may have had fps active, I wound up choosing to share that I believe that there is just so much more going on in a larger employment setting of this type, that it’s just a lot to manage.
When I got home, I spent some meditative time with this interaction and also brought to my own recall how much I had enjoyed sharing with this woman during dinner breaks while we worked together and other things which I had very actively enjoyed about her in our various interactions together. I am setting in THIS moment the intention to continue to remain with my intention to make my own spiritual growth my highest priority so that as I grow, I will come to where perhaps the next time I have such an encounter, I do not allow my own agenda to take priority within myself and then perhaps I will experience joy of sharing with this person in the moment, (or with someone else), all of the things that come to recall after the interaction which I could have shared in the present moment as we shared together. That would be much more powerful an experience and healing would have a much greater and powerful effect than it may have when I actively try to engage with the person energetically when I am in physical space with myself, alone. For me, it would also be an experience of trust in the Universe because i would let go of my agenda that I need to have “it” as my priority because I am not trusting in the moment that the Universe will care for my worldly needs. This brings to mind the verse, ( I think it’s Luke 17:34 in the Christian Bible), where Jesus states, ” Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you”. Since being at the Event this year, it came to me that for me this means, “Hold first as my central intention in my life, my own spiritual growth and live THAT while choosing responsibly from Love, and the Universe will bring within my experience all of which is necessary,(or the means by which I can address those needs for myself), to supply whatever my physical and worldly needs are.”
I am very grateful and amazed at how quickly the Universe responded to my intention to live in a state of forgiveness and am setting the intention to continue in this pursuit so that I may be able to share the grace of forgiveness with all others in my life in the moment.
Okay, I just looked it up in the Bible and I don’t know just where that verse is which I spoke about earlier, but the one which I find even more intriguing is Luke 17:20-21 which states towards the end of it that, “…the Kingdom of God is within you.”

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