Landing Forums General Discussion intellectual endeavor vs emotional awareness

General Discussion

Topic: intellectual endeavor vs emotional awareness - Sundar Naga Started 6 years, 5 months ago

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Posted 6 years ago

Dear Shelley and Doug,

I have been rereading The Heart of the Soul. This morning when I read the following on p. 100, our early discussions came to my mind. Thought of sharing with you both.

“Intellectual endeavor and emotional awareness are not mutually exclusive, but when an intellectual pursuit becomes compulsive, it is being used to divert attention from painful emotions.”

I assumed you both were saying that intellectual endeavor and emotional awareness were mutually exclusive. I wondered how they could be. But, probably you didn’t, knowing the above. The above passage has meant a lot to me. The intellectual pursuit becomes wrong if it is used to divert the attention from emotional awareness. Otherwise it is a necessary endeavor.

With love and trust,

Posted 6 years ago

Yohoo! You got it! In your own time! Isn’t that awesome wonderful! Keep making discoveries!


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