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Responsible Choice

Topic: Instant feedback - Ame-Lia T Started 9 years ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Today the universe presented me with good challenges as a result of actions I took last night from frightened parts. A work colleague of mine was expressing insecurity and doubt in herself to do a certain task, and instead of being compassionate and understanding, fp’s became frustrated with her, and I sent her a sarcastic email response that poked fun of her insecurity. Almost instantly I realized what I had done and pain flooded my chest and stomach. Although I sent an apologetic email minutes later, I knew today when I saw her that things were not right and she was hurt. It was a great illustration of how acting from fp’s causes pain, in me and in others. It was and is very painful as she is a fabulous colleague. In a moment when I knew she needed support and encouragement, I instead decided to put her down because I was feeling threatened by her insecurity. My stomach clenches just writing those things down.

I have been able to share some of this with her, using other words, and we will continue to work on mending what has been done. I know I am not responsible for her response to my words and actions, but I am responsible for reacting from a fp. I have parts of me that feel so disappointed in myself as just two days ago I set the intention to stop the cycle of negative karma, and become aware of when I’m about to react from FP, and make the choice to act from a loving place. I suppose this comes back to commitment vs. setting the intention. Committing to making the responsible choice is much different from setting the intention to make the responsible choice.

I want to work on being gentle with myself in this moment because fp’s will continue a dialogue for weeks and months telling me over and over again that I messed up. What is the balance between owning up to fp’s and the consequences, and letting them go? I struggle with this a lot. Love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago


Thank you so much for sharing. Yes, it is a nice illustration of how acting from an fp causes pain in oneself and can cause pain in others concerned.

You wrote: “I want to work on being gentle with myself in this moment”. Yes, I think you should. I think it becomes easier to do so when we realize that it is the fp that is responsible for what happened, not really ourselves, and it is an fp that the soul decided to bring with us for us to work on. As simple as that and it is just a game we are expected to play well. In other words, separating ourselves from the fp’s that we are expected to work on and then addressing them the way we should kind of helps this process, I think.

However, the reason you wrote for working on being gentle with yourself in this moment, namely “because fp’s will continue a dialogue for weeks and months telling me over and over again that I messed up”, I am not clear about. I am not sure whether the messing up refers to the initial email you wrote to the colleague or to the second email, namely the apologetic email to her. The fp would be happy that you sent the first email poking fun of her. It would indeed feel sad that you messed it up by apologizing to her by allowing an lp control you instead. I assume you mean this latter one and not the former one. Yes, it would try to engage in dialogue for weeks and months telling you not to listen to the lp.

“What is the balance between owning up to fp’s and the consequences, and letting them go?” If I understand the question correctly, it is a subtle, delicate balance, I think. It is important to realize that the fp indeed messed it up with respect to the first email, causing pain in you and in the colleague. But, it is also important to be gentle with yourself. In that sense, I think, it is letting it go this time. However, it is very very important to keep saying to oneself not to repeat this during the next opportunity offered by the Universe. In that sense it is owning up to what the fp is capable of doing and making sure that it doesn’t repeat it the next time. Well, at the same time, we should also keep in mind that it is very difficult to control the fp that quickly. It is designed to be extremely powerful. So, it might happen again, but it is important to be gentle to ourselves again and keep saying not to repeat it in the next opportunity offered. Thereby the fp slowly loses its control and we slowly gain power over it, namely an authentic power. Thus, it is commitment that becomes essential here after the initial step of setting the intention to not allow the fp to show its ugly head. I know how extremely difficult it has been for me to not allow the fp of shouting in anger or the fp of feeling superior over anyone not logical enough to control me. The answer seems to be ‘be committed to it’.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Sundar, thank you so much for your support. Thank you for the reminder to recognize that separation between me and my frightened parts. I often forget that and can’t see the distance. I especially like what you said about “the soul decided to bring with us for us to work on.” There is something so supportive and loving about the way that works. Thank you for reminding me that these moments are all gifts.

I see what you mean about my phrase about the continued dialogue and like what you said. I think I did have that turned around.

I’m really working on being gentle with myself and will continue to do so. And this experience has deepened my commitment to acting from loving parts. What an amazing journey. I can see why in Shambhala meditation they bring in warrior imagery to this path. There is much strength and courage required to commit, but it is noble path worth working for. Many thanks Sundar. With love, Ame-Lia

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