Landing Forums Introduce Yourself I am honored

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Topic: I am honored - Catherine S Started 8 years, 3 months ago

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Posted 8 years ago

Although I know that this is the beginning of a new, exciting journey, I still somehow feel like taking a deep breath as an athlete would at the end of a long distance run! I am home. That place, that quiet place, that house of serenity. I have been on a spiritual journey for the past year which has somehow been fast forwarded by my huge desire and commitment to absorb and catch up on what my soul has told me is years of misguided living and un-purposed actions. I stumbled upon The Seat of the Soul after crying out to the Universe to show me the way and help me on this journey. I am satisfied that this association will help me to manifest my hearts desire of making a difference in human lives positively…….this time around. Thank you Gary and Linda!!!

Posted 8 years ago

Welcome Catherine!

I came to read the Seat of the Soul several years ago. I had been going to bookstores and searching answers outside of my traditional religious background. I had not felt for sometime that I was really finding answers within my traditional beliefs and was gravitating towards something more expanded. When I first read the Seat of the Soul, I knew that all of what I read rang true for myself. I am very grateful for Gary and Linda and the work that they do and for this wonderful website that they have provided where I can learn more, experiment in my life, and return for more learning. I am learning to appreciate the Seat of the Soul programs more and more as time goes on. It is wonderful to be connected with others in this way and to be able to share and be supported, and to give support to others in the best way that I can. I encourage you to participate in the monthly Life School calls that are offered. This provides a wonderful real time connection with Gary and Linda and with other spiritual partners who are working to cultivate spiritual growth in their lives. Have you listened to the video of the Serenity Prayer? I feel that what Gary offers in that video is very grounding and can lead me back to where I need to apply my focus at times when I feel overwhelmed with choices/decisions that I must make with my life’s direction.

Blessings this Thanksgiving day and always,

Posted 8 years ago

Thank you Cindy! I am going to look at the video right now. Again, thank you!

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