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Topic: Hi from Tampa - Becky F Started 5 years, 9 months ago

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Posted 6 years ago

I’m excited to be part of the Life School. I read The Seat of the Soul many years ago and have studied it off and on since. I was listening to some YouTube videos with Gary recently, during a time when I have been in bed a lot recovering from treatment for breast cancer. I knew that my diagnosis and illness was a healing crisis, and suddenly it all made a lot more sense. I need to go deeper with these teachings. And this is my chance. So excited to be here with all of you. Becky

Posted 6 years ago

I am looking forward to getting to share thoughts and experiences with you. I am grateful to be here, feeling connection with others who feel this is important work.

Posted 6 years ago

Hi Becky, so lovely to hear, like me you are excited to be part of life school. I joined a couple of weeks ago and I’m enjoying the interaction I’m having with other new members. Other new members, it seems are excited as we feel. It will be nice if we can continue to support one another on this new chapter of our lives we are embarking on.

Also like you, I’ve had a period of sickness where I have been in bed a lot. This time I feel I’ve used as wisely as I can……”firstly to be still” allowing me to think more about myself. Secondly to act on my thoughts (and findings) as I have by joining life school. The third I feel may be the more challenging (for me) which will be to commit to what Gary and Linda have made available; to take their wisdom seriously and make the changes necessary for me to become more spiritually aware. I know myself well enough to know I don’t always stay committed to a specific task at hand. I get excited at first and then for some reason my excitement wanes. If I look at this consciously- as I write this – in the past I haven’t used my time as wisely as I could have. I’ve used my time not consciously thinking how precious time is. I’ve spent a lot of hours in my life being a people pleaser; not associating with like minded people and as a consequence I end up not feeling as fulfilled as I possibly could be. One thing I’m finding and thought of recently is that I need to prioritise what I spend my precious time on and who with.

I’m about half way through reading Seat of the Soul for the first time. Presently as I read parts that resonate with me I’m jotting down small notes to go back on after I finish the entire book. I liken my newest experience of reading the Seat of the Soul book and Gary’s and Linda’s website to looking at a food menu. There are so many choices “on this menu” and I certainly won’t be able to “eat all the meals” available to me in one sitting. Little by little I’m hoping to choose what my mind needs the most to be nourished at any given time. Not sure what I’ve said makes sense to you. What I’m attempting to get across, is this menu (of opportunity) is exciting to me right now.

Becky in closing, I look forward to more interaction with you in the future and wish you all the best for a speedy recovery.

Love Roslyn

Posted 6 years ago

Roslyn, Shelley, Sungar, Abigail, Lori – am I missing anyone who has been writing to any or all of us?

Like Roslyn I love this connection with each of you, and want to keep it going. At the same time, writing individually to each seems very time consuming. Does anyone have ideas for streamlining this? Or do you even want to?


Posted 6 years ago

Becky and Barbara L – please forgive me, I forgot to add your names on the previous message!


Posted 6 years ago

Dear Karel, actually as I was typing my messages to a few people last night, I was thinking the same as you- I’m loving this connection I’ve made with you and others, however yes it’s a fact it’s time consuming and I’m starting to find who have I said what to.

Maybe we could open our conversations up with something of a generic nature eg. “Hi to all my spiritual friends” and then open up our conversation from there. A thought I have right this very minute is “are we using this site in a way it is intended to be used? I see. I believe Sundar has been a member for quite a few years so Sundar if you are reading this post do you have any suggestions for us newcomers? Karel I noticed when Sundar replied to you and me, she addressed both of us in the one conversation, so I’m thinking yes let’s go for it and write as we would if we were meeting physically as a group of friends.

In closing, as this particular avenue we are using to communicate is called “Community” I feel its a communal site for us all to communicate within it. In fact there is possibly guidelines about using this site that I have yet to discover and read up on. When I write anything on here, I’m mindful that what I write to an individual, others may read too. I’m fine with this.

I’m interested about what others think on this subject too Karel. ☺️

Posted 5 years ago


It is probably going to be difficult to keep it all in one thread. For example, Becky started this thread and we are jumping in. I think the way it is going seems to be fine. But, definitely we can try your thought. You can start the thread “Hi to all my spiritual friends”. We can see how it goes.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 5 years ago


Thank you for your thoughts and support on this. I’ll see if others have some suggestion/thoughts on what I wrote otherwise yes I’ll start a new thread in a week or so.

Love Ros

Posted 5 years ago

Roslyn, Karel, Lori, Becky, and of course old timer Sundar, so nice to see the community getting active and engaged, and talking, motivating, supporting one another. Keep it up. We all get so much from these sharings.

Each time I was ready to learn something, the teacher has always appeared. These teachers are crafty though! Some times they come in the form of enemy bosses, or partners who leave us, or tiffs with friends. But they serve the purpose of bringing us back to this path.
And when the so-called enemy teachers bring us here, the good teachers come in the form of a sharing on the message board, not relevant to anyone else, but so right for me at that moment in time. Sometimes the sharing could even be 5-6 years old, but oh so right for me in that moment..

I especially connected with your practice of writing notes in the book, Roslyn. Our sub conscious knows what messages we need to go back to, and I have gone back to my notes, and found the guidance I needed again and again.

Keep posting, all y’all, I so enjoy this community!

Posted 5 years ago

Shelley, Roslyn, Sungar, Lori, abigail, Barbara L, Becky, Alina, Kami !

Hello, everyone. I’ve been out of town for a couple weeks, and glad to be back in touch with each of you.

Thanks for your new post, Shelley. I like your comments on how teachers and teachings appear. I find that, too, and have experienced the difference in cooperating or unwittingly fighting the gifts offered. Someone – Sungar – mentioned awhile back that you were the first caller on the July call, so I went back and listened to it. I appreciated your genuine listening, and obvious sincerity in putting the teachings into practice. Brava!

Like you and Roslyn I keep notes in my books. I read on Kindle, and date the note. Very helpful to me.

I’m appreciating the openness of each of you. It’s very meaningful to realize so many of us are connecting in this journey. I’m grateful for your frankness. I’m finding it challenging to see the consequences of my past unconsciousness all piled up ready to be faced, and nothing getting easier except as I do face it all. There is sustenance, though, in becoming more honest, finding out how many “excuses” I’ve unwittingly clung to, and realizing there ain’t nobody around to sail my little boat around but me. My food addiction, up until now, has seemed to come from a yearning for genuine contact and love, but I realize it’s not that love is “unavailable,” but that I’ve refused unconsciously to think of myself as a real, responsible individual, who can make and stick to choices. This may sound weird, as I never saw myself as in any way as a people-pleasing, dependent victim, but in the deepest sense, that’s what I have been. I’m so grateful for beginning to understand that my personality fights against ITSELF, not circumstances, and that I don’t have to fall down and worship whatever I happen to feel at the moment. What a gift.


P.S. The first gift has been NOTICING the feelings at all!

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by karel.
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