Landing Forums General Discussion Here's the Question….

General Discussion

Topic: Here's the Question…. - Pam Meyer Started 11 years, 2 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

Hello Everyone, I’m proposing a question and would love to hear your response. What Authentic Power Guideline is most difficult for me to challenge?

For me the Guideline of Courage has been the most difficult. I always thought that I was courageous in that I didn’t back down from someone else’s aggression, especially my father’s. I was the “protector” of my siblings against his verbal abuse. As I grew into adulthood, I took that with me into my professional life. But what I have been able to see more clearly is that my own anger used to defend myself from feeling unloved and not valued, armored my heart but did not help me grow spiritually. It kept me stuck in hiding from the pain that I now see as in need of healing, not avoiding. But feeling the pain when a fp is triggered, has opened for me a pathway to spiritual growth that I have not experienced before. “No gain without the pain” has taken on new meaning, and I am so grateful for it! Blessings, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Pam,

Thank you for the question. I think the most difficult one for me is Practicing Integrity at *all* times. This is particularly difficult if I have strong frightened parts that are active that are anxious or feeling depressed. I have a real-time example. I recently returned from a business trip where I worked quite a few hours. So many in fact, that I did not have to work for most of this week. So what I have been doing with my time? Nothing really. I was exhausted when I returned from the trip Sunday evening, but I still felt exhausted on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday. This morning, I wanted to spend another day just sitting on the couch flipping thru channels on internet TV. The idea of actually getting up and doing something (like packing for a trip I am taking tomorrow) was painful to me. Although I knew that I was in pain, I felt powerless to get up and move. I decided to challenge that by getting up, walking over to the computer and going to this message board. As I started to write this, I was wondering if I was just masking that pain now by ‘doing’ something? I don’t think so. I feel that by doing something different (by moving) I now have little more awareness of the pain in my body. I can feel the tightness in my solar plexus and chest more fully. My head feels clearer and it seems like I am starting to ‘wake up’. My intention is to now feel more as I go throughout the day and not withdraw.


Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Pam for posting this question. I have found the first Authentic Power Guideline of Commitment… focusing on what I can learn about myself to be the most difficult. It was so familiar for my frightened parts to say… but, but, but… when I had a reaction to something I did not like, or maybe something I really liked. Most familiar was to try to change others to my way of thinking or doing, defend myself, rationalize, judge. Initially and for a long time I felt pain in most of my energy centers… especially heart, throat, solar plexus, top of head and 2nd center as I focused on what I was feeling in my body, the thoughts of my fearful parts and what I could learn about myself from that. It was what I could learn about myself that my frightend parts didn’t want to go to. But with commitment to learning about myself and healing my frightened parts, I am now sensing the opportunity to heal and grow as I look deeply into myself. I trust more the opportunity. I am willing be still and feel and then challenge from my loving parts. Thank you Pam for this opportunity to look inward and be with the process.
With love… Cheryl

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Pam,

Thank you for the question. For me it is Commitment – making my spiritual growth (creating authentic power) my highest priority and focusing on what I can learn about myself. I recently recognized that Powerlessness is a strong frightened part that wants others to be responsible for my safety and security. This pain recently appeared in my throat as feeling strangled and in my heart as feeling being stabbed. I know that when I trust the universe that I feel open and loving, safe and secure no matter what is going on in my life. I am able to observe my life and the lessons that the universe is offering me to heal without any attachment to the outcome.

Love, Carol Ann

Posted 11 years ago

Hello,Hello, i think that the most difficult part is under courage, “Say or do what is most difficult”.This is especially true for me when relating with my family. I became ever so aware of that this past week as I sat in a court room listening to family members on both side of the situation (child custody) being very careful to say just the right thing so the outcome would turn in their favor. And I also witnessed those that were in their integrity with every answer. My intention was to support everyone concerned and made the chose to be persent and to hold everyone in the space of the loving part of my personality even while i was aware of a frightened part of my personality that wanted me to be attached to an out come. What i saw and understand now from making the chose to be present is the contrast of the heavy, angry, judging, manipulating feelings in the frightened part of the personality to those of the lighter, calmer, honest, part of the personality when one is in their integrity the loving part. I am grateful. Regina

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