Landing Forums Introduce Yourself Hello from Atlanta GA

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Topic: Hello from Atlanta GA - Lev M Started 10 years, 3 months ago

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Posted 10 years ago

Hi my name is Lev. I am new to the community. I am looking forward to learning and sharing with all of you. Also looking to become friends with any members in GA.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Lev and welcome to this community! Was there something significant you learned on the call about how you perceive and react to stress in your life? What was significant to me is when Gary said that stress is
an indication that I am resisting my life….I am resisting what is….I am blaming either the person or
the circumstance (or both) for why I am (or rather a frightened part of my personality is) feeling whatever
I am feeling. What a great reminder. Would enjoy hearing your thoughts. Blessings, Gail

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Gail,

Thank you for sharing that! It is a priceless reminder for me too.
When I got on the conference I was feeling “stressed out” from the events of the week that had just passed where a position in my department was abolished and I was given indirect messages from my boss to distribute the duties to the other employees.
This call woke me up again to see that my fps were creating judgements about my boss and this situation, and the almost irresistible need to fix things so that I (fps) can feel safer. I noticed almost right away that my breathing was deeper, my shoulders more relaxed.
I also noticed a tightness and sharp like pain in the back part of my heart and a burning feeling running through the right side of my body from my hip area into my solar plexus and up my rib cage area. This is the first time I have felt this, I was so grateful.
My intuition told me that these fps are keeping me from the connection I desire with my soul and others. I challenged them the rest of the day by cultivating my loving presence with my husband and children. The gift from the universe later that day was that I felt a beautiful warmth in that same right side area of my body.

Thank you,
Love Soula.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi Gail,

Thank you for welcoming me to the community. I really enjoyed the conference call. It was significant for me to hear that stress is needed for our Spiritual growth. Positive stress is actually good for us. Excessive negative stress is destructive. When we brush off the frightened parts of our personality as just being “stressed out,” we miss what our true intentions are, and healing those parts.

Resisting what is, comes from expectation, which is based in fear. Trying to change things outside of ourselves or expecting things to go the way we want them to is stressful. Blame is the next step, when we are not responsible for our emotions which leads us to more anger and isolation.

I keep the Authentic Power Guidelines in my wallet, and I look at them often, as a reminder of my emotional awareness. I’m learning how to use conscious communication to choose words and actions from loving parts of my personality. It is a process that I am enjoying when interacting in my relationships with family and friends. My girlfriend is calling me Gary Zukav Jr. hahahha!!

I am enjoying the video topics that resonate with my current experience and I am looking forward to growing and building my authentic power. Let’s share thoughts and ideas and grow together. Have a great week!


Posted 10 years ago

Hey Lev! I’m also new and in the Atlanta area. I want to create a wallet size “Authentic Power Guideline”. I’m amazed how I’ve been walking through the world acting out of fear. I’m excited about the opportunity to choose differently.

Posted 10 years ago

Hello Everyone! I’m new to the group and excited to be here. My interest has grown immensely after having the opportunity to read Spiritual Partnerships, which was given to me by my boyfriend, Lev. Feels good to really challenge the frightened parts of my personality. I am excited, invigorated and ready to continuing this spiritual journey with growth and change!

Posted 10 years ago

Hey Kimberly! I’m excited to see you are a member of the Life School. You now have the chance to enjoy the huge library of videos on several topics of Spiritual Partnerships, instead of hearing it from me. (smile) I hope to be a part of some deep discussions in this forum.

Posted 10 years ago

Thank you, Lev. Great to be part of this community with you and so many others. I’m in gratitude for your support on this journey and excited about all of the great tools, teaching and discussions.

Posted 10 years ago

Hi All,

I enjoyed the call today about the Winter Solstice. I feel many things have been “germinating” inside of me…I’ve noticed that I have more clarity around family relationships….and more specifically, my part in them. It’s wonderful to see because now I can take responsiblity for the many fear based emotions that I had been blaming on others…it’s funny how I can see that in myself when I am triggered by relationships that are not as close as family…so waking up to myself and my part is exciting.


Posted 10 years ago

Hello Gail,

Yes the call around the Winter Solstice was awesome. I got to see how my frightened part of my personality responds to someone I don’t know giving me their perception and being able through the fear communicate the best I could from love. I am so aware of all of my interactions with other beings and the role I’m playing in each encounter.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone!



Posted 10 years ago

Hello Aunya,

I love what you have to say about being aware of your interactions with other beings and the role that you are playing. Sometimes when I am interacting with others, (or when I am with myself and my thoughts), and I am working to create authentic power in those moments, I am aware of different energies moving through my energy centers. In those moments, I am not always able to identify any pain, just an awareness that there is something going on within myself and that the various thoughts seem to bring different energies within me. I am interested in doing more work with this and to do my best to move into the creation of Love in those moments and I was wondering if you might be able to describe more specifically what is happening within you when you say that you are “aware”.

Reading everyone’s messages and insights on this post has been beneficial and a joy, and I hope for a blessed Holiday season for each of you!

Love, Cindy

Posted 10 years ago

Happy New Year, everyone. Cindy like yourself, as I continue to do work on creating authentic power I am aware of different energies moving throughout my energy centers. This seems to be prominent when I am attempting to expressing myself . I believe that in those moments, I’m afraid that I’m not understood. Anyone experience anything similar?


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