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Topic: Hello - Shelley P Started 8 years, 6 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Hi, I am Shelley. I wanted to introduce myself.

I read Seat of the soul about 15 years ago. I thought it was a wonderful book, and it jives with things I had grown up hearing. I Referred to ithe book from time to time. And read Soul Stories. But somehow, did not know/explore his other books or website. Maybe I had to grow before I was ready for these expanded learnings.

I recently realized that over the 15 years I had allowed my frightened parts to rule my life to such an extent that I am really really alone. I live in a foreign country away from my family. And I have estranged myself from my friends, mainly by letting my frightened (unloving) judgmental frightened part be over active. So, no racists, misogynists, religious fundamentalists…. for me. So slowly, one by one, almost everyone has been weeded out of my life, and here I am all alone.

So, over the past couple of months, I looked for Gary’s books, stumbled upon this website. I have now read Heart of the Soul and Creating Authentic Partnership, and believe I am developing a more better understanding of the concepts. But still struggling with how to implement them.

For example, I recently had a friend judge me (as you sow, so shall you reap!). My natural instinct would be to tear him apart. But I have stayed silent for 24 hours. I am trying to feel my feelings, and experience some feeling in the pit of my stomach, and a tightness in my chest.

I am asking myself, do you want to try something different, S? Do you want to use this experience to learn something about yourself, to change yourself, to create a new way to react. The answer is yes. But then, I am stuck. What next? Help?



Posted 9 years ago


Thank you for sharing the experiences so vividly.

You said: “I am asking myself, do you want to try something different, S? Do you want to use this experience to learn something about yourself, to change yourself, to create a new way to react. The answer is yes.”

That is definitely the right starting point.

“What next?”

According to Gary, the spiritual growth is defined as: Identifying, challenging and changing each frightened part (fp), and identifying and cultivating each loving part (lp) that your soul decided to bring with you in this lifetime.

As per your narration, you have identified an fp as one that judges. And, you have decided to challenge it also (by answering your questions with yes).

Now, the Universe (more specifically, your soul and certain other relevant souls in your ‘soul group’) is going to keep offering you opportunities one after another (similar to the one you describe in your narration). What is expected of you is to attempt to respond to each such opportunity in love and trust by using an appropriate lp instead of reacting in fear and doubt by using the fp that has become active. In other words, you feel the fp, but not allow it to do what it wants to; instead, you look for an appropriate lp in you and make it become active in the given situation. Instead of “tearing [your friend] apart”, you “stayed silent for 24 hrs”. That is a step in the right direction. Next time when a similar opportunity arises, you might want to go a step further and attempt to exercise an lp in the given situation.

It could be (rather would be) very hard initially to respond in love and trust, and could even be a total failure. But, the important thing is that it does not matter. The idea is to keep trying. After every opportunity given to you by the Universe to challenge your fp, you evaluate what you did during that opportunity and tell yourself repeatedly what you should do before the next opportunity arises -‘repeatedly’ because it is so hard to remember it at the time the fp becomes active. The goal is to get better and better during each opportunity, keeping in mind that it is okay if the level stays the same or even gets worse. You just have to keep challenging the given fp that you have decided to work on (with your ‘yes’ answer to your questions) and keep replacing it more and more with a corresponding lp. As a result, the fp gradually loses more and more power. After enough amount of effort is taken, it is supposed to completely lose its power eventually. Exercising the lp becomes automatic. That is the name of the game!

Hope this helps a little. I am sure other spiritual partners will shed more light.

If I am not clear enough anywhere, please let me know. I will try to offer more clarification.

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Sunder, for that very clear answer. I got up this morning, and this was the first thing I read. Nice way to start a Saturday!

Not sure I like the truths– more and more opportunities being provided, not being cured in 30 seconds…but I know this is how it will be, I am sure with all your (the community and and Gary and Linda’s) help and support, I will make progress as much as I am willing to exercise and strengthen the LP.

Even having experienced how the FP have failed me, I still think in a part of my brain, LP is ineffective, I need to shut them down with the FP. LP Muscles need strengthening.

Thank you,

Posted 9 years ago


With joy. No problem.

You are right. I assume many of us don’t like it the way it is. However, one technique that is often considered helpful in understanding why something is the way it is is to imagine the consequences of its being some other way or, even better, the opposite way. For example, what would it be like if Nature did not obey the first law and/or the second law of thermo?

So, how would the world be, how would our lives be if the fp’s did not exist at all in the Grand Design of Divine Intelligence or when they do exist, if it was pretty easy for us to identify, challenge and change them and to identify and cultivate the lp’s?

A corresponding answer happens to have the immense power of motivating each of us into smartly deciding something like: As expected by Divine Intelligence, let me rather identify, challenge and change the fp’s and identify and cultivate the lp’s as QUICKLY as I can with a complete trust in the wise and loving Universe.

Incidentally, according to Gary, the three Universal spiritual laws that govern everything regarding spiritual growth are:
1. The law of creation: I create my life experiences through my own intentions – intentions of love or fear.
2. The law of karma or cause and effect: There are only causes and effects (there are no right and wrong or good and bad). If the cause is an intention of love, the effect is joy. If the cause is an intention of fear, the effect is pain.
3. The law of attraction: Like intentions attract, no matter what the out-tentions might be.

What would it be like if those laws did not exist?

With love and trust,
Sundar Naga

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Sundar,

I was wondering if you might have familiar frightened parts that like to teach and others that might feel superior or inferior when you do. You might want to explore what sensations come up in your body if you allow yourself to feel this deeply.

With Love,

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Steve,

I am not surprised. Here it goes again. I believe you know that the soul’s intentions are: harmony, cooperation, sharing and reverence for Life. My intention in answering Shelley’s critical question of what next was one of these which I assume you will be able to figure when your lp’s are active.

With the experience of space in between the trapeze bars, what would your response be to Shelley’s important question? Please share.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Sundar,

Did you have any sensations anywhere in your body when you wrote “I am not surprised. Here it goes again.” Is it possible that you sometime speak from your head (intellect) and not from your heart? Maybe experiment when you want to respond promptly to my email and see if you can detect any sensations in any of your energy centres.

This morning, I had a very interesting dream and I thought why not share it with you and the others now as it was quite powerful for me. I was on a long bicycle trek across the land. As I stopped for a moment along my journey, I misdialed on my phone the number of someone named Stephanie. She remembered who I was but I didn’t remember who she was. She said, you know, I am the armless model. I decided to go see her although I was very uncomfortable. When I was with her, I remember feeling very close to her on a Soul to Soul level and asked if she’d like to experiment with using my arms as her own. I remember her telling me exactly what to do with my hands such as brushing her hair, touching her and my skin, we’d have our eyes closes. I remember in my dream becoming one with her where there were no FP judging, no personalities, just two energies becoming wholesome. When I woke up, I thought about my intention to offer this to Stephanie and I thought it could have come from a FP that could have seen her as a weaker Soul but it didn’t, it was simple love. I thought would I do the same if this would have been a man instead of a women and I thought absolutely. That’s when it really hit me that it’s all about my intention. Later in the morning, I thought of these extending arms and the picture that came to me was that I can choose to have those arms extend anytime energetically to anyone at any time. Actually, the real image that popped in my mind was those of an angel with white wings made of light that can embrace another at any time. Today, I experimented with an older lady that was working as a cashier and even though she had no idea, I felt very close to her. Made me smile… πŸ™‚ I also experimented with one of my employee where I had FP active that felt frustrated and I changed my perspective to try to co-create with him and the energies totally shifted and we were able to openly share and develop a constructive way of working together in the next several months..that also made me smile!…

With Love,

Posted 9 years ago

Now I am totally confused.

Steve, it seems that you are a long time student of Gary and Linda. So, I know you are trying to guide me, other beginners reading this post on how to envcourage our LPs to express themselves with people who annoy us, frustrate us, bring out our FPs.
I understand your dream and desire to help Stephanie, but I am missing something here. How does your dream help me with the People who frustrate me? Can you be more explicit? How are you bringing your loving parts to this situation? What is the process for moving from the frustration of frightened parts and the ensuing judgment and superiority etc. to feeling love for one self and the person that frustrates me?

Sorry, but I am confused. Thanks much for being in this discussion, and trying to guide us with your illustration and personal experience.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Steve,

It has been a few hours since I responded to you, and the time in between has not gone well for me. Or maybe one could say that the time has gone very well for me, because I have been unable to sit comfortably with what I said above. And that has brought me this beautiful lesson, and the opportunity to experiment and try again as Gary and Linda mentioned in the chat this morning.

I recognize that what I wrote above was disingenuous. Somehow, for some reason, I saw your comment to Sunder, and questioned to myself whether your comments came from loving parts.

It is true that I am scouring this site to get a better understanding of how to stop letting my fearful parts trigger my behavior, how to consult my spirit, intuition, the Universe in feeling love and compassion. And I still am searching.

But it is not true that I was confused by what you said. I was in fact judging you for what I perceived to be your judgment of Sunder.

Why is it my business? Maybe because I started this conversation? Maybe something else triggered me, I have yet to discover.

In any case, my fearful parts were out in full force (btw, I hate the acronym FPs, seems like I am running away from the fearful parts by giving them a benign acronym, FP!; but that’s just me).

To alleviate the pain of those fearful parts, I judged you and sent off my disingenuous missive. I hope you did not see my subterfuge, but fear that you probably did.

I acknowledge that in writing on the board, I did not make a responsible choice that reflected the intention of my soul to create harmony, to share my true self (in fact I shared a false self), or to recognize the beauty of your soul and revere it, revere life. I apologize for any pain I may have caused you, or other journeyers who visited this conversation.

So, here maybe is my first step on this journey– being honest about my intentions. My write up came not from an intention of healing myself, or clarifying for myself, or even growing love in the community. It came from the intention to manipulate you, to make you see something… I.e. It was the pursuit of exterior power. That is the old way of doing things that has gotten me here.

I will also share that in the meantime, I have been unable to get much work done. I have eaten poorly (medicating the pain of the frightened parts with high carb foods). I mention this not to get sympathy, but to acknowledge to myself how I deal with the pain, emptiness, powerlessness- filling the hole in my soul. I do need to learn a better way to deal with the emptiness than food medication, because this medicine is sickening me literally! I am sure there will be more on that in the future.

Anyway, once again, I apologize if I caused any pain in the community, and to you Steve or Sunder, the other participants in this conversation in particular. As for myself, I am feeling a bit lighter now about my first baby steps here to get on the right path.

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Shelly,

Thank you so much for sharing and being courageous in going deeper on your spiritual journey. When I read the Seat of the Soul for the first time, I knew my life would never be the same. Its message was something I had been longing for so long. I then chose to be on this discovery journey and ultimately committed to my spiritual growth no matter what without knowing the depth of what this experience was going to be. It has literally transformed my life in every way. One of the most helpful tool for me was to read the Heart of the Soul. I was understanding what emotional awareness meant but it took me a full year to just be with it and start to feel the sensations in my body, I had no idea! Last summer at the Journey, I had my spiritual partners identify a very familiar FP that was addicted to sex which meant taking advantage of weaker Souls to me. A spiritual partner suggested that I read and re-read the section on addiction in the Seat of the Soul which I did and found it very helpful. It might also be supportive to you in regards to your addiction to food. I am so grateful for these spiritual partners as they see things that I sometimes don’t see myself. It might be supportive for you to read again the Seat of the Soul and benefit from the new exercises in the new version as well as re-reading the Heart of the Soul and be with that for a while. Gary often mentions to be gentle with yourself as this is not easy work!!! πŸ™‚

With Love,

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Steve,

You wrote the following:
Hello Sundar,
Did you have any sensations anywhere in your body when you wrote β€œI am not surprised. Here it goes again.” Is it possible that you sometime speak from your head (intellect) and not from your heart? Maybe experiment when you want to respond promptly to my email and see if you can detect any sensations in any of your energy centres.

With regard to responding to your above question and comment I considered a lot using both my head and heart. Finally I decided on the following.

As your spiritual partner of the kind Gary and Linda discussed last Saturday and in a previous live call, I do not mind sharing my thoughts with the loving intention of possibly helping you, but only if there is a genuine interest in you toward the same. With the necessary courage suggested in the Guidelines for Creating Authentic Power, I can indeed explain to you in detail why I used the word “again” and why I was “not surprised”. When I do so, I keep in mind the possibility that I can be easily wrong in my logical analysis and hence in my conclusions. As I remarked to Gary and Linda during the live call on June 6 on spiritual partnership, I strongly believe that one should be really careful with respect to suggesting to another person the possibility of an fp being active, etc. because it always goes with a big responsibility of explaining why one considers so instead of just saying so and leaving it at that. In case you were on that live call, you know that they agreed.

At the same time, it so happens that I am just not sure about your interest, given what occurred in another thread sometime ago, and what I see as having occurred in this thread started by a person who clearly appears to be dying to continue on a spiritual journey by understanding Gary’s teachings. One might wonder whether I am judging you here; no, I am only trying to discern, keeping in mind the subtle difference between judgement (having to do with fp) and discernment (having to do with lp), and at the same time being open to the very possibility that I could be easily wrong in the way I discerned and came to conclusions. Since I realize I am not judging, but only discerning, I am able to not let it affect my work or make me eat poorly (unlike the spiritual partner Shelley of this thread).

Thus, I totally leave it to you whether you like me to respond or not.

In case I receive a response from you asking me to check for painful physical sensations as I typed the above missive, I will definitely NOT be responding to that.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Just noticed a typo in my above post. The live call on spiritual partnership was on June 11, not June 6.

Also, I notice that I didn’t paraphrase clearly enough what I remarked to Gary and Linda during that live call. One should be really careful with respect to suggesting to a spiritual partner the possibility of an fp being active, etc. in the latter. Instead of just saying so and leaving it at that, the former should be able to explain clearly enough why he or she thinks so. In that sense there appears to be a big responsibility involved, and it is not a joke and should not be taken lightly. During her response Linda pointed out that when one suggests so to a spiritual partner, it could as well be due to an fp being active in the former, not necessarily in the latter. So, the solution is for the former to explain clearly enough why he or she thinks so. If there seems to be any flaw in the logic involved in the explanation, then both can analyze it further. Otherwise, there is no such opportunity. It can happen that the latter is simply misled into thinking there was an fp active, while it might not indeed be the case. It is a scary situation.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Shelly,
I have found it helpful to not think about frightened parts as bad or wrong or something to shut down, but rather to be grateful for them because they are helping me have the awareness to choose love. Once I have the awareness that I am experiencing a frightened part I can say, ok thanks for that .. now I know I can feel this pain and where it is coming from and choose to challenge it. What I have learned is that each time I challenge the pain the more it seems to subside. So glad you are here!

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Stephanie!
Yes, it will take some effort not to be judgmental with myself either! As you say, gratitude for the opportunity to feel my feelings, and challenge and change it. But wait, not so fast! When you say “and where it is coming from.”
I struggle with that a bit. Am I literally asking myself where did I feel this before, what is causing it? I know it is all about the pain of powerlessness. But does one need to examine why one feels powerless…
Thanks for the pointer. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Posted 9 years ago

Oh sorry Shelley, I am still new at this as well so bare with me :-), but what I meant by “where it is coming from” was where I am feeling it in my physical body. I’ve learned for instance that when I feel like I want to say something but feel inferior so I stay quiet, I actually feel like there is a tight band across my chest and i feel like I am having trouble breathing. This physical experience helps me have the awareness that I am acting from a frightened part of my personality. So once I notice that I try to choose to feel through it with the intention of healing it eventually (instead of not feeling/pushing away). So the next step I try to take is choosing not to stay quiet (which is what my frightened part wants) and instead, speak up! It is not easy at all, and it is also hard to feel through the pain my physical body is experiencing and it takes a lot of courage for me to speak up. In the end though, I’m tired of living in fear and the reason I am here is to live in love. I’ve learned all this from Gary & Linda and the spiritual partners here. I’m really excited you are here on this journey as well. I find having spiritual partners is so powerfully healing, I hope you will to. Sending you much love!

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